first night (unfold the truth)

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"Now you may kiss"

And now teahyung is feeling like die. He can't, he can't kiss anyone he doesn't love. He was sweating at the moment.

These type of things means alot to him. He can't even bare the marriage and now there they are telling him to kiss jungkook? Like seriously. He for the 100th time looked at yoongi who was nowhere to seen now.

He always thought of this momment to happen with him but he didn't thaught if jungkook but yoongi.

And on the other hand jungkook who was going crazy thinking about the kiss which is going to happen in the next momment. Teahyung hus first love would be his first kiss also. He really think himself as the luckiest person alive.

So he slowly hold taehyung hands and come closer. Slowly they come more and more closer. there face was inches apart and there heartbeat was on the maximum speed. Jungkook can easily hears teahyung's heartbeat. But he ignores it because his heartbeat was also abnormal. But when he look into teahyung's face he sees taehyung is shutting his eyes very tight. And his face was horrifying. Like he was very scared.

Jungkook narrowed but then understand that taehyung is also shy as him and maybe it is his first kiss that's why.....

So he smiles and kiss his forehead instead. ( cute. Husband material)

He  lips linger in his forehead for some seconds and retreat back. While taehyung was so shocked that jungkook kiss him on his forehead and that also just for few seconds, it's not like he is complaining but as he know that jungkook likes him and cherry on the top they are officially fucking married now.

He looked at jungkook who was smiling fondly at taehyung. With no regret. that point....he wanted to kill himself  for hiding something from such a pure soul.

And jungkook thought that taehyung was offensive because he didn't kiss him on the lips.

" look nervous so I thought to take things slow." He said and a speechless taehyung only could node.

In there little momment they didn't notice that everyone clapped. And jeons and Kim's were coming towards them to congratulate.

"Congratulations to both of you" they congratulate them and jungkook smile and said thank you. But taehyung didn't even looked at anyone.

After getting congratulate by almost everyone jungkook asked his mom that where is yoongi. Honestly taehyung was also waiting for someone to call yoongi.

"I don't know son. I also didn't see him after your wedding." Jungkook narrowed and notice that....

"Jimin and lisa are also not here. Where they all go"

"I'll call him son don't worry"

And when Mr jeon call yoongi. The number was switched off.
They call jimin but his number was also switched off.
They all got tense and started looking for yoongi his Julie check his room. And she got letter and after reading the letter she sighs.

In the letter

Sorry hyung but I have to go Paris as soon as possible. Jimin's brother health got worsen now. And I can't let jimin go alone your wedding has been done so I thought to go with him. Hope you understand hyung, please forgive your yoong. And lastly Congratulations hyung. I love you.

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