47. If I Could Wake Up

Start from the beginning

"Evie?" I called out, then flicked the light switch on looking around the room and walking into the bathroom quickly.

"Evie?" I hollered again, walking out into the hall way, starting to panic more with each step that I took with no response from her.

"EVE?" I yelled throwing open all the doors as I hurriedly wandered throughout the house looking every where. As I felt the anxiety taking over when I realized she was nowhere to be found, I instantly called Folio, feeling like I was going crazy. As soon as he answered I didn't even give him a chance to speak.

"FOLIO!" I breathed. "EVE IS GONE!" I shrieked, blatantly in a state of dismay.

"What? What do you mean gone?"

"She's not fucking here Folio! She's missing and her phones off but her car is still HERE! SOMETHINGS FUCKING HAPPENED DUDE I KNOW IT! " I wailed hysterically.

"Fuck....fuck, okay calm down Noah. Do you think she went to the hospital?" Folio was speaking to me calmly but knew this couldn't be a good sign. If she went to the hospital she would have called me first.

"No...our room is a fucking mess." My heart began to shatter, feeling more guilty than I ever have in my entire life.

"I knew shouldn't have gone out with you guys tonight and I should have listened to my gut and stayed home with her. What the fuck have I done?" I couldn't hold back anymore and tears started burning my eyes. I just wanted her to be okay and I needed for the baby to be okay too. I couldn't make it in this life without them.

"No, no, no, don't do that Noah. Come on man we're going to find her. I'm on my way. Hang in there. Just stay on the phone with me." Folio rushed over  just trying to get there as fast as he could. I just kept hoping this was a misunderstanding of some sort and Eve would come strolling through the front door at any moment. But that moment didn't come.

Folio, Jolly and Nick all showed up to the house to support me. Eve is not only my wife, but she is like a sister to them and I could tell by all of their faces that they were truly concerned for her. It made me feel a little less alone, but all I wanted was my wife and son. While we were all taking turns calling the local hospitals, going down the list,  that was when my phone rang from an unknown number.  I noticed the area code was local and my stomach fluttered with nerves as I answered it on speaker.


"Hello. I'm calling from UVA Health Medical and I'm looking for a Mr. Noah Davis?" Time stopped, and I could have sworn my heart did too.

"....this is him." I looked up noticing the guys all looking back at me with empathetic eyes...the tension in the air was lingering. I wasn't a mind reader, but I just had an inkling that the news I was about to receive wasn't going to be good.

"Hi Mr.Davis. I'm calling because your wife, Eve was admitted earlier tonight." Time stopped...Nick, Folio and Jolly were surrounding me and I felt as if the walls around me were closing in. It was hard to breathe.

"Is she okay?" There was a small pause and my heart began to break for her that she's alone. My thoughts ran wild wondering if she was in labor.

"Mr.Davis...unfortunately, your wife was brutally assaulted tonight and we had to rush her into emergency surgery.  We thought it would be helpful to have you come in and talk to the police to answer some questions." As my brain began to comprehend her words, my body became weak and my phone slipped from my hand as my knees gave out.

Jolly was able to help me before I fell over from the impact of the news. Nick picked up my phone, trying his best to keep it together for me.

"Hello...yes we will be there as soon as possible."

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