46. Blood Signed

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*Warning: this chapter contains extreme violence that may be disturbing to some readers. Continue at your own discretion*

When I saw this emaciated , haggard looking stranger in our bed next to me, I almost thought I was dreaming. I wanted to wake up from this terrible nightmare now. I immediately grasped the fact that this was indeed reality when I felt the scary man's hand wrapping around my throat, and he started to squeeze. I gasped a bit and he sneered at me evilly.

"Don't you dare fucking think about screaming. No one will hear you." He growled. I bit my lip to try and stay quiet, my eyes watering as I instantly started to worry for my baby. I wasn't naturally a religious girl, but I found myself praying to God that if I listened to everything this monster said, I would get me and the baby out of this unscathed.

He gripped my hair by the root and I felt something cold against my neck. I didn't have to see it to know it was a knife or at least something that could really hurt me if I tried to move.

"Please..." I was speaking calmly but I could feel my fearful tears running down my cheeks. "What do you want? Money? I can get you whatever you want." I was assuming maybe he was a crazed fan or someone in need.

He ignored my questions and pulled my hair harder.

"Get up." He demanded and he started to pull me in the direction he wanted me to go, keeping the cold metal against my throat as I moved carefully.

I gasped, noticing a second man at the foot of the bed. My mind was going haywire.

"R...Ryan?" I managed to whisper. I blinked, needing my watery eyes to adjust in the dark to make sure it was really him. I was truly locking eyes with my former best friend. He looked pale and not like himself. He had bags under his eyes that made him appear to be unwell and his eyes were bugging out like he hadn't slept for days. He was wearing all black and a black baseball cap.

"Hey Evie. Long time no see." He teased melodically.

I wondered to myself how it was possible that they broke in. Most of all, I was wondering what he wanted. It had been forever since we last spoke and I thought I had heard from the last of him after he tried to ruin my life with the photos that revealed my former cocaine habit.

"W-what are you doing here?" My voice trembled with fear seeing he was also wielding a weapon. It was dark but the faint glow from the moonlight helped me to see he was holding what looked like a cleaver. Whatever it was, it could do a lot of damage if I didn't comply.

"I wanted to see my girl." He smirked and walked over, putting his gloved hand on my face and squeezing my cheeks extra hard causing me to wince. "We're going on a little trip."

He turned and went to grab my phone wanting to make sure I couldn't get to it.
The man next to me gently pressed the tip of his knife into my lower back to remind me not to do anything stupid.

"Ryan...please don't do this..." I shook nervously as I started to cry all over again. "My baby is due any day now...please..."

He wrinkled his nose and frowned with disgust. I saw a darkness in his brown eyes that I hadn't seen before.

"Shut the fuck up and start walking." He nodded once toward the bedroom door. I tried to pull myself together walking out and toward the stairs. The anonymous sidekick of his was behind me, forcing me out of the room bedroom. As I took my time trying to get down the stairs, putting my hand on my belly for comfort, I don't know what came over me. I had a slight ray of hope that once I saw the front door that maybe I could at least get outside to try and escape them. I knew since I was nine months along, that they would surely be quicker than me, but I thought maybe if I could scream loud enough, one of the neighbors would hear me.

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