2. Break Break Break My Heart

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"Are you almost ready babe? We're gonna be late!" I heard Noah shout up at me from the bottom of the stairs.

"Stop rushing me! Just give me two more minutes!" I hollered more frustrated every time he asked. I finished up the wings on my eyeliner and took a step back to give myself a glance over in the mirror. We were heading to a party tonight to celebrate the new tour Bad Omens was starting in two days. Although I felt empty quite often on the inside, I still was able to pull myself together and look happy and presentable on Noah's arm. I was wearing a black, leather skirt, with fishnet leggings that complimented my shiny black Docs with red ribbon laces. I also wore a cut off Bad Omens babydoll shirt and tied my black locks up into a messy bun.

I grabbed my little black purse and came down the stairs not wanting to go to this party tonight but knew I had to show support for them. I just knew there was going to be a ton of alcohol that Noah couldn't wait to get his hands on.

"You look so hot, Eve." Noah smirked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. The goosebumps came over my skin. He still sent shivers through me just with a touch.

"Thank you, sir. Maybe next time you'll stop nagging me to hurry up when I'm trying to look good for you." I joked and I gently pecked him on the lips. Noah was very much taller than me, but the Docs gave me a couple inches and made him easier to access.

"It doesn't take any effort for you to look good Evie." Noah smiled at me and kissed me back giving me butterflies at his compliment. I missed these little moments and was trying to just hold onto it for as long as possible, knowing in a few hours, it was quite possible that  other side of him was going to make an appearance.

"Come on. We better go before I just carry you upstairs instead." Noah grinned suggestively and went to open the door for me. I honestly wish we would just stay in like old times and just enjoy each other. But I knew he loved drinking and getting messed up more.


We got to the party at Folio's place and were instantly greeted with shots. I had no idea what the clear liquid was, but I knew it would do the job. I threw back one on my own, then Noah wanted me to take another with him. Not before long, Folio brought us some mixed drinks he made for us, and I was feeling lightheaded but warm. The party was packed and one of my favorite songs came on. Folio grabbed me to dance as Noah disappeared into the crowd.

"You guys seem like you're doing okay!" He shouted over the music just enough for me to hear him. I just shrugged a little not sure what to say. Folio just gave me a familiar look in his eye that was bordering both empathy and pity.

"I know he's difficult, Eve...he's a fucking handful. But, I mean...you know...he loves you...more than he loves anyone. He knows you do so much for him, we all know you do....He's just a fucking idiot who can't control himself."

"It's just so fucking hard, Folio. Some days I think if I were to just leave that he would be better off. Maybe I don't help the situation...maybe I'm just adding fuel to the fire..."

Folio shook his head blatantly disagreeing with me.

"Eve, I know he's a shit head, but he's worse without  you around. You remember the binge he went on the last time we toured and you stayed here...."

I sighed remembering that he ended up in a hospital and they had to cancel tour dates for a week.

"He's just fucking reckless...but you know you're the best thing in his life. It's fucked up and it's not your responsibility to fix him or baby sit him, but having you here does help, Eve."

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