11. The Way You Bend, The Way You Break

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I was trying not to count the days, but it had been almost two months since the last time I saw Noah. I kept my word and decided to keep in touch with the guys, even though most of the time it made me feel sad afterward.

The guys were throwing Jolly a low-key birthday party and invited me to come along and join their close friends. I thought it was nice they still considered me to be apart of the "circle". Life after Noah was rather lonely and I was glad I could get out of the house.

I knew that Noah was home from rehab and I would see him there, but I figured that I was able to be cordial. I rang the doorbell when I arrived and was greeted by a grinning Folio.

"Hey Evie!" He pulled me into a tight hug just happy I actually came.

"Hey." I smiled and hugged him back.
I noticed the room full of familiar faces of the band and their friends and crew. I waved and greeted people, hugging some of the people I genuinely missed.

I made my way around the room and finally came across Noah standing nearby. I didn't exactly know how to react, but felt some small relief when we smiled warmly at me.

"Hey Evie..." he said quietly.

"Hi." I answered weakly.

We stood in silence for a few moments as I looked over his flawless features. He looked healthier. He was clean shaven.  I noticed his hair was shorter as the dark locks were swept neatly across his forehead. I wanted to reach out and touch it. I loved it. He held me gently above my waist and leaned down kissing my cheek softly, giving me goosebumps.

I missed his touch along with so many other things.

"How are you?" I asked him genuinely looking into his eyes.

"I'm...better...it's still going to take me some work but I've come along way." He nibbled his nip nervously and I nodded glad to hear the news.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm okay..." I couldn't help but to cross my arms. "I'm hanging in there."

He nodded looking back at me searching my face for something. Who was I kidding? He knew me better than anybody and was aware it was a bullshit answer, but he accepted it for now wanting to tread lightly.

"You look beautiful, Eve."

His eyes never left me as he complimented me, and I felt my cheeks get hot as my heart started thumping quickly.

"Thank you..." Was all I could manage to get out. He made me shy like it was our first time meeting all over again.

I was so thankful when Melissa, an old friend of the band's and I came up to me and squeezed me tightly to say hi. It was a convenient interruption as I squeezed her back and she squealed in excitement as it had been months since we've spoken.

She naturally started talking away and Noah kind of lingered off for now, knowing she was a complete chatterbox.

I spent a few hours at the party, actually feeling relieved. I missed everyone more than I allowed myself to realize, and it almost felt like back how things were before Bad Omens hit it big...simpler times...before Noah and I started falling apart.
People eventually started to filter out, and it was only a handful of us left. I noticed Noah stand and grab his jacket...he was leaving. I felt a slight sadness come over me, knowing it would probably be a long while before I saw him again. I hated that I still felt anything at all.  I was hopeless.

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