Chapter 4 : Be my moon.

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Life is indeed a mysterious and unpredictable journey, comparable to a vast sea where we, as sailors, may have a destination in mind but are uncertain of the exact path. Along the way, we often encounter situations where things don't go as planned, and even the people we trust may sometimes disappoint us. As gautama buddha said, 'the root of suffering is attachment.'
So is it wrong to get attached to somebody ?
Aarav and Dhanashree had a rough night. After a night of heavy drinking, Dhanashree became unconscious due to her heartbreak and alcohol consumption. Aarav, who managed to keep himself together, quickly took charge of the situation. He carried Dhanashree to his bedroom and gently laid her on the bed. With a tender touch, he covered her with a warm blanket.
As he looked at her sleeping face, Aarav felt a deep sense of devotion towards Dhanashree. He whispered a soft "good night" into her ear before leaving the room.
Aarav's parents had noticed his actions and were curious about what happened. When they confronted him, Aarav explained that he and Dhanashree had been on the roof and she had felt unwell, so he brought her back to his house to rest.
His mother nodded in understanding and suggested that he should inform Dhanashree's parents about the situation. Aarav agreed. He then bid his parents goodnight and laid down on the sofa, his thoughts consumed by Riya. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, with the soft sound of his parents' snores in the background.
The next morning,
As Aarav fluttered his eyes open, he found his uncle Anand sitting in a chair across from him. But, to his surprise, Neha was also sitting beside him. Aarav, still a bit groggy, sat up and rubbed his eyes.
Anand playfully tapped Aarav's cheeks and greeted him with a warm "Good morning, kid."
Aarav smiled and replied, "Good morning! How come both of you are together today?"
Anand held Aarav's hand and with a heartfelt smile, said, "Kid, that night you opened my eyes. I realized I needed to talk to Neha and make things right. I rushed to Mumbai the next day, determined to convince her to give our relationship another chance." He gently took hold of Neha's hand and continued, "Before I could return to Bangalore, your mom called me and revealed that you were here. That's when I understood the reason behind your visit." Anand winked playfully. "And now, here I am, in front of you."
A wave of relief and joy washed over Aarav as he realized that his uncle and aunt had reconciled their differences. Overwhelmed with happiness, he embraced both of them tightly.
Just then, Aarav's mom entered the room with a tray of tea cups. She looked at Aarav and exclaimed, "Son, you're awake! Hurry and wake Dhanashree up. I've been receiving numerous calls from her family."
With a renewed sense of optimism, Aarav quickly got up, excited to share the good news with Dhanashree. The room filled with the aroma of tea and the promise of brighter days ahead.
Aarav quietly stepped into his room and saw Dhanashree still sleeping. He couldn't stop himself from admiring her beauty. A gentle breeze of admiration surrounded him as he gazed at Dhanashree's peaceful features. Her eyes, her smile - everything about her felt perfect in that moment.
~Admiring is like a gentle breeze,
Soft whispers put heart at ease.
Find beauty in a flower's grace,
Or a smile that lights up the face.~
Aarav gently tapped her cheeks, and Dhanashree slowly opened her eyes. Aarav greeted her with a warm smile and a cheerful "Good morning!"
Dhanashree, still rubbing her eyes, responded with a sweet "Good morning." She looked at the clock and gasped in astonishment, "Oh my god, it’s 11. My parents are going to kill me!" Just then, she tried to stand up but fell back on the bed due to a slight headache.
Aarav quickly held her in his arms, and Dhanashree looked into his bright eyes, lost in a world of memories as she reminisced about the days before Aarav left for Bangalore. For a few blissful seconds, the world around them faded, and they were the only two people in existence.
However, Dhanashree quickly came to her senses and stood up, moving away from Aarav. Aarav sensed the shift in her mood and took a step back. He said, "Hey, look, I informed your parents that you were a bit sick last night and that you're going to stay here today. Come on, go have a bath, and let's catch up at the dining table."
Dhanashree nodded, and as Aarav exited the room, she couldn't help but feel that no matter what the future held, the memories and moments spent with him would always remain etched in her heart.
As Aarav sat eagerly at the dining table with his uncle and aunt, Dhanashree made a grand entrance into the room, stunning everyone with her beauty. Aarav was completely lost in her as she glided towards him, wearing a stunning white designer kurti. Anand couldn't help but smile as he noticed Aarav's expression of awe.
Dhanashree approached Aarav with a twinkle in her eye, and asked teasingly, "How do I look?"
Aarav was still in a daze, but quickly recovered and responded, "You look amazing! When did you get that kurti?"
But just then, Aarav's mother came in from the kitchen and explained that it was her own kurti from her younger days, which she had given to Dhanashree to wear. She then added humbly, "But let me tell you, she looks more beautiful in that kurti than I ever did."
Dhanashree blushed at the compliment and joined Aarav for breakfast. As they ate, Aarav introduced Dhanashree to his uncle and aunt, who smiled in response. Anand, however, couldn't resist asking Aarav about the other girl whom he had come to Mumbai to meet.
"Kid, what happened to the other girl you came here to see?" Anand asked curiously.
Aarav paused for a moment, savoring the delicious breakfast, before answering with a broad smile, "She's not the one I'm meant to continue my journey with. I've found the right person."
Anand understood perfectly and wisely decided not to press the matter further. Dhanashree, on the other hand, was a bit perplexed but decided to focus on her food instead. 
Anand took out his phone and couldn't help but smile as he looked at the screen. He turned to Aarav and exclaimed, "Kid, pack your bags! We're going back to Bangalore."
Aarav's jaw dropped and he protested, "Bangalore? Why don't we stay a bit longer and explore some of the amazing places here?"
But Anand shook his head, explaining, "No, kid. I've been receiving calls from my office, and you have your exams coming up. I've already booked our tickets, and we'll be leaving tomorrow."
The news saddened both Aarav and Dhanashree. They exchanged a glance full of disappointment and unease. Aarav got up from the table and walked toward the wash basin, and Dhanashree followed him a few seconds later. They stood there, looking at each other, the unspoken words lingering in the air. Both wanted to express their desire to stay together, but the fear of uncertainty held them back.
Dhanashree decided to bid Aarav's mother goodbye and thanked her for the lovely breakfast. Aarav, seizing the opportunity, said to Dhanashree, "Come, I'll drop you home." Dhanashree nodded, her heart heavy with the impending separation.
During the walk to Dhanashree's house, she broke the silence and said, "It was wonderful being with you these past two days."
Aarav, feeling a mix of happiness and sorrow, simply nodded in agreement. After a while, he mustered the courage to ask, "I had planned to go shopping today. Would you like to join me?"
Dhanashree understood the true intent behind Aarav's question — he just wanted to spend more time with her. Despite knowing this, she smiled and replied, "Sure, maybe around 5 in the evening."
Aarav's face lit up with joy, and as they reached Dhanashree's apartment, she waved at Aarav and said, "Alright then, let's meet at 5."
Aarav couldn't contain his excitement and exclaimed, "Yes! I'll come to pick you up."
Dhanashree chuckled softly and teasingly remarked, "Wow, you've even mastered the art of boyfriend gestures now. Impressive."
Aarav giggled along, enjoying the lighthearted moment, as they said their goodbyes and parted ways for the time being.
As the clock struck 2 in the afternoon, Aarav became increasingly restless, unable to keep himself occupied. He wandered aimlessly throughout the house, a clear sign of anticipation building within him. Anand, observing Aarav's restless behavior, couldn't help but inquire, "Aarav, are you waiting for someone?"
Aarav hesitated for a moment before replying, "Well, actually I have plans to go out with Dhanashree at 5, so I'm just waiting for that."
Anand probed further, "What do you need to buy? You already have everything. Maybe you can skip the shopping."
Aarav's voice grew more determined as he asserted, "No, uncle, I need to buy a pair of socks and a few other things."
Anand, catching onto Aarav's true intentions, chuckled and said, "Ah, so you'll miss her, won't you?"
Aarav, taking a deep breath to calm himself, settled beside his uncle on the sofa and confessed, "I don't know, uncle. I just want to spend as much time as possible with her before we leave for Bangalore. When I first left for Bangalore, I didn't feel much, but today, I have this strong urge to pause time and just be with her. She's become the most comforting person in my life."
His uncle sighed and responded, "I see. So, you want her?"
Aarav didn't hesitate, replying without a second thought, "I need her."
Anand placed a reassuring hand on Aarav's shoulder and said, "I understand. Spend these last 24 hours with her, and then we'll have to leave. I'm sorry I can't do more, but I understand what she means to you." With that, he stood up and left the room.
Aarav nodded, his mind filled with a mix of joy and sadness. He stretched out on the sofa, his thoughts consumed by the precious moments he would share with Dhanashree in the remaining hours they had together.
As the hour hand struck 5, Aarav hastily grabbed his jacket and hurried towards Dhanashree's apartment. With anticipation in his eyes, he glanced at his wristwatch, and there she was, Dhanashree, approaching him with a smile that instantly lit up his face.
Dhanashree playfully remarked, "Wow, you're not late today like the previous times. Good for a change!"
Aarav responded, his voice filled with sincerity, "I want to cherish every moment with you before leaving for Bangalore."
Dhanashree's face radiated with warmth, and she expressed, "Oh, that's so sweet. I will miss you too."
Aarav couldn't resist teasing Dhanashree about the gold ring adorning her finger, noticing its intricate design. He playfully jested, "Nice ring, where did you steal it from?"
Dhanashree slapped Aarav's hand lightly and retorted, "You're still an asshole! My mom gifted it to me."
Aarav chuckled, enjoying their friendly banter, and they began walking towards a nearby mall. As they entered the mall, they leisurely strolled around, exploring various stores and browsing through different items, even though Aarav had no specific need for anything. He simply relished the opportunity to spend quality time with Dhanashree.
Trying on shirts that Dhanashree selected for him, Aarav couldn't help but admire her choices. Eventually, he decided to purchase a few of them, appreciating the unique bond they were building.
After their shopping expedition, they decided to head towards the food section of the mall, their appetites whetted for a delicious treat.
As they walked, Aarav inquired, "Dhanashree, don't you want to buy anything?"
Dhanashree replied nonchalantly, "Nope, I already got some of your mom's old clothes. I am good."
Both burst into laughter, emboldened by the beautiful moment they were sharing, enjoying each other's company. However, their moment of bliss was cut short.
Dhanashree looked towards the food court table where Ishan and Riya were seated, laughing and enjoying their food. Her smile vanished in an instant, replaced by a look of indignation and rage.
Aarav sensed something was wrong, and asked, "What happened? Did you see a ghost?"
Dhanashree gestured towards the table where Ishan and Riya were seated, and Aarav felt a pang of disappointment and sadness. She grabbed Aarav's hand, dragging him along, "Let's leave and have something outside the mall."
Aarav intently observed Dhanashree's face, realizing the flood of emotions that swirled within her - anger at seeing Ishan, and hurtful sadness at seeing him with another girl. Aarav too was crestfallen, but he composed himself and refused to let his thoughts ruin the beautiful moment they were sharing.
He stopped Dhanashree, "Wait, why are we leaving? We should not let such things bother us. You are Dhanashree girl, you don't fear anyone."
Dhanashree's eyes widened in surprise, "I don't fear any person, but it does disturb me when the past comes haunting back."
Aarav tried to lighten the mood, "Remember when you were 6 years old and a guy from your apartment stole your toy? What did you do?"
Dhanashree rolled her eyes, "We fought with him and took the toy back, but what's the connection?"
Aarav exclaimed, "That's it! Don't you think we should take revenge, what do you say?"
Dhanashree, unable to comprehend Aarav's intentions, retorted, "How on earth do you plan to take revenge? This isn't a movie, dude. Let's just go."
Aarav gently held Dhanashree's right hand and reassured her, "Don't worry, I have a plan. Can you lend me your ring for a while?"
Dhanashree, a bit skeptical, removed her ring and asked, "What are you planning? I don't want us to get in trouble with security."
Taking the ring from her hand, Aarav replied confidently, "Just trust me and watch. I'll be back soon."
Cracking his knuckles and taking a deep breath, Aarav walked towards the table where Riya was seated. Riya was surprised to see him there and immediately pleaded, "Aarav? Why are you here? Please don't create a scene."
Aarav's tone softened as he pleaded, "Riya, I just need a moment to talk to you. Please, it'll only take a minute." Reluctantly, Riya agreed, urging him to continue.
Meanwhile, Ishan kept a watchful eye on Aarav's actions.
As Aarav approached Riya, his initial plan took a different turn. Instead of expressing his anger, he surprised everyone with unexpected words. Aarav's voice trembled with genuine remorse as he spoke, "Riya, I know I didn't love you the way I should have. Tomorrow, I'm leaving for Bangalore, and the thought of not having you in my life terrifies me. Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me?"
A heavy silence enveloped the surroundings, and Riya paused for a moment. Ishan, growing increasingly irritated, stood up and snapped, "Dude, get the hell out of here. I don't want to see you. Leave, or I'll call security."
Ignoring Ishan's threats, Aarav lowered himself onto one knee, taking out the gold ring he had obtained from Dhanashree. With sincerity in his eyes, he presented the ring to Riya, uttering, "I want to apologize from the depths of my heart. As a gesture of my commitment to make things right, I bought you this gold ring. I hope you can forgive me and allow us to start afresh, for a happier future together."
Riya's eyes gleamed as she laid her gaze on the glimmering gold ring. Her lips quivered with the anticipation of saying "yes," when suddenly Ishan grabbed Aarav by the neck, asserting, "She loves me, don't even think she would ever come back to you. Never."
Riya paused, her eyes fixated on Aarav, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She mustered the courage to speak, "Aarav, I acknowledge your remorse, and I accept you again." She started walking towards Aarav, ready to embrace him, but he took a step back, leaving Riya bewildered.
Dhanashree, observing the unfolding drama at the table, was filled with confusion, her eyes darting between the characters involved. Ishan, shocked by Riya's words, raised his voice, demanding, "Riya? What are you saying?"
Aarav, a mix of defiance and determination in his voice, addressed Ishan, "Can't you see? She still loves me, and she's coming back to me, right, Riya?"
Riya remained silent, only nodding to avoid exacerbating the tension between Ishan and herself. Ishan's eyes grew red with rage as he erupted, "How could you do this? You said you loved me!"
Riya remained speechless, her gaze fixated on the ring in Aarav's hands. Aarav, his voice now filled with conviction, sternly remarked, "Ishan, you profess your love for her, and so did I. She left me for you, and now she's leaving you for me."
Riya, perplexed by Aarav's words, looked up at him, her expression filled with questioning bewilderment. Aarav shifted his gaze towards Ishan, his eyes conveying a deeper meaning. "Brother," Aarav spoke firmly, "as I mentioned before, I'll be leaving for Bangalore tomorrow. I wanted to open your eyes before I departed, and I trust you know what you should do now."
With those words, Aarav discreetly returned the ring to his pocket and gracefully stepped back, moving towards Riya. "I believe Ishan and you need to have a private conversation. I should take my leave now. Excuse me."
Aarav slowly retreated, leaving Riya submerged in the consequences of her choices, her mind grappling with the path ahead.
Aarav approached Dhanashree again and returned her ring. As she took it, she questioned him, "What did you do to them? Why are they fighting like dogs now?" Just then, they noticed a guard approaching them.
Reacting quickly, Aarav grabbed Dhanashree's hand and urged, "Let's leave this place first. The bombs will go off soon."
They swiftly ran out of the mall and made their way to a nearby open ground. Breathing heavily, they looked at each other and burst into a fit of laughter. To lighten the mood, they purchased two roasted corn cobs from a nearby stall and entered the open ground. The ground resembled a small stadium, complete with bleachers for seating. They settled into their seats, indulging in conversation while relishing the corn.
Aarav took the opportunity to explain to Dhanashree what he had orchestrated at the mall, prompting another wave of laughter from her. "Aarav, you are still as mischievous as ever," she exclaimed, her laughter echoing in the air. Aarav smiled and took a bite of his corn, briefly moving closer to Dhanashree, who welcomed his proximity without hesitation.
In that serene moment, the air felt fresh, carrying with it the essence of two friends moving forward from their past, finding solace and comfort in each other's presence.
While engaged in conversation, Aarav subtly moved his hands and gently placed them over Dhanashree's hands. Sensing this gesture, Dhanashree felt a wave of hesitation and pulled away, creating a distance. Aarav, realizing the implications of his actions, withdrew his hands, his mind in turmoil. "I am leaving tomorrow, I can't afford to make any mistakes now," he thought to himself. However, the bittersweet reality of leaving and the longing he felt for Dhanashree made him contemplate making a bold move. He silently questioned himself, "Should I be the one to take the first step? God, help me!"
A hushed silence enveloped the ground, heightening the tension. Aarav gathered his courage and broke the silence by speaking softly, "Dhanashree, since I will be leaving tomorrow, there's something I want to share with you."
Dhanashree, having a sense of what Aarav was about to reveal, experienced a mix of anticipation and familiarity. It was reminiscent of the night when he had informed her about his departure for Bangalore, so she did not anticipate anything extraordinary. However, her heart began to beat faster, her mind curious about what Aarav was about to say. She responded, "Sure, go ahead. I'm listening."
Aarav's breath quickened as he began to open up, his words flowing with a combination of nervousness and sincerity. "Dhanashree, I've always been on the lookout for a guiding star in my life. Some stars have fallen, while others have failed to twinkle. My life has been a roller coaster since I arrived in Bangalore, and whenever I found myself in any trouble, your name was the only one that crossed my mind. It was only yesterday night when I had a realization. You are the one I never had to search for, as the best has always been right beside me. It may sound awkward, but I think I am in love with you."
As Aarav professed his feelings, the world around them seemed to fade into the background. The weight of his words hung in the air, waiting for Dhanashree's response, as their destinies teetered on the precipice of potential new beginnings.
Dhanashree closed her eyes for a moment, relieved that her first love had not ended in vain. However, her mind was full of conflicting thoughts. "Do you just want me to be another star in the constellation of your life?" she asked Aarav.
"No, Dhanashree," he replied emphatically. "There are many stars, but there is only one moon that is more beautiful and clear than any of them. I want you to be my moon, will you be my moon forever?"
Dhanashree stood up, feeling uneasy. "But Aarav, you're leaving for Bangalore tomorrow, this isn't practical," she argued.
"So what?" Aarav was quick to respond. "I'm moving to Bangalore, but our friendship didn't end, so why should it when we take the next step?"
Dhanashree hesitated before responding, "It's too late Aarav."
Aarav was persistent, "It's never too late. Just three more years and we will be back together again."
Dhanashree burst out, "It's not about timing, Aarav. Can't you see? The day before you left for Bangalore, I was going to confess my feelings for you, but I didn't get the chance. Who knows what the future holds for us?"
Aarav was taken aback. "What do you mean?" he asked.
Dhanashree looked at Aarav, a tear rolling down her cheek as she said, "I was already in love with you before you left for Bangalore, but it hurt me deeply when you left without any word."
Aarav held Dhanashree's shoulders tightly and whispered in her ear, "The paths we walk on are beautiful, we should not worry too much about the destination."
Dhanashree hesitated for a moment before responding, "I understand, but after Ishan, I can't love so easily like before."
Aarav didn't explain anything and just said, "I love you, no matter what."
Dhanashree looked at him, tears welling up in her eyes, "But what if you're lying to me?"
Aarav replied, his voice just above a whisper, "Then I will lie forever."
He took her in his arms, and Dhanashree began to cry. She had a lot of complaints, but the warmth of his embrace made her forget them all. Suddenly, it started to rain. Aarav whispered in her ear, "Be my moon."
Dhanashree took a step back and uttered, "Aarav, I'm sorry. We can't do this. I've stopped falling for people."
Before Aarav could respond, Dhanashree gently placed her fingers on his lips and continued, "Let's forget about this. I don't want our connection to be severed again. Let's smile and go home."
Aarav remained silent as they walked towards a nearby auto-rickshaw stand. In the pouring rain, two souls who longed for each other sat side by side, longing for completion, but apprehensive about the possibility of being separated once more.
Finally, they arrived home. Aarav changed his clothes and closed the door to his room. He began packing his bags, determined to not dwell on their recent conversation. However, his phone rang, indicating a call from Dhanashree. Aarav considered ignoring it and tossed his phone onto the bed, but his yearning to hear her voice prevailed. He quickly grabbed the phone and answered, "Hello?"
Dhanashree's voice carried a hint of anguish as she spoke, "Hi, actually, while climbing the stairs, I slipped and injured my leg. I can't walk properly now, so I'm sorry, but I won't be able to drop you at the station tomorrow."
Aarav concealed his sadness and replied, "That's alright. Don't worry about it. Goodbye, take care."
Dhanashree responded, her voice filled with concern, "Goodbye, have a safe journey." She ended the call and proceeded to carefully bandage her injured leg with a figure-8 wrap. Dhanashree felt a wave of sadness wash over her as she realized that she wouldn't be able to see Aarav for the last time. In her anxiety, she kicked the bed with her other leg. As night fell, she gazed at the moon, her tears glistening in its light. She walked over to her cupboard and retrieved an old box that had been gathering dust on the top shelf. Within the box were the toys that she had played with during her childhood, including the toy elephant that Aarav had bought for her after a young boy had stolen it from her. Amidst the collection, she found an old diary and began leafing through its pages.
As she read through the diary's cherished contents, which chronicled all of Dhanashree's childhood memories with Aarav, from their first school picnic to their first fight and to their first birthdays, she couldn't help but smile. Memories were such a valuable thing to cherish, since they could bring back so many different moments and periods of time. Although people may move on from one another, it is the memories that tie them together forever.
It was nearly midnight, and Dhanashree had fallen asleep with the diary resting on her face. Meanwhile, Aarav lay awake, flicking through all of the 103 photos of Dhanashree he had saved on his phone, a small pang of regret burrowing into his heart, wishing he had accepted her before. The heavy rain outside couldn't disturb the peace that prevailed in Aarav's room as he silently prayed to see Dhanashree one last time the following day.
28th October 2019,
Aarav prepared himself once again, checking his phone repeatedly in the hopes of receiving a message or call from Dhanashree. Disappointed once more, he picked up his bag and left for the station with his uncle and aunt. This time, Aarav's parents joined them to see him off. They called for a cab, loaded all the luggage, and took their seats as they embarked on the journey to the station. Aarav leaned his head against the window, as memories of moments spent with Dhanashree flashed before his eyes. His eyes started welling up with tears as the cab came to a stop. They had reached the station. Aarav, filled with disappointment, opened the door, grabbed his bag, and walked towards the platform with his family. The train was delayed by half an hour, and Aarav's family patiently waited, engaging in conversations, while Aarav sat with his head resting on a suitcase. Suddenly, the sound of the train's horn caught his attention, and his heartbeat quickened. He didn't want to board the train, but felt he had no other choice. Aarav bid farewell to his parents and, consumed by grief, boarded the train with his uncle and aunt. He found their assigned seats, arranged their luggage, and took his own seat. As he waved goodbye to his parents through the window, his eyes welled up with tears. The train blew its horn, signaling its departure from the platform. Aarav's heart ached. Suddenly, he caught a familiar scent, a perfume he recognized. As he glanced out of the window, he saw Dhanashree limping towards the train, calling out his name with her parents by her side, assisting her. A single tear rolled down Aarav's cheek. Without thinking, he ran towards the door of the slowly moving train and leaped off. His eyes filled with tears as he saw Dhanashree. He wiped away his tears and approached her, saying, "Hi, how are your legs?" Dhanashree replied, "They are not well enough to walk back home again."
Aarav smiled and noticed the diary that Dhanashree had been holding tightly in her hands. Dhanashree could sense his curiosity and gently offered him the diary, saying, "This is what brought me here. As you leave, I wanted you to keep this."
Aarav took the diary gratefully and replied, "Thank you, I'll read it on the train." Dhanashree simply nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. Suddenly, the train blew its horn again, signaling its departure. Aarav began walking away, waving goodbye and promising to stay in touch. While looking back one last time, something caught his eye - the diary's cover had something written on it: "BE MY MOON". Aarav couldn't help but smile and lifted the diary as an acknowledgement, as Dhanashree nodded with a gentle smile.
Overcome with emotion, Aarav had a sudden impulse and decided to run back towards Dhanashree. He dropped his bags and hugged her tightly, and Dhanashree couldn't help but smile at his affection. Aarav whispered in her ear, "I won't let you just fall in love with me. I'll make you fly." Dhanashree's eyes beamed with happiness, and she kissed Aarav on his cheeks and forehead. They were both so caught up in the moment that they didn't even realize that the train had already left the platform.
Finally coming back to reality, Aarav and Dhanashree realized they were in their own world, holding hands and walking together. However, as they continued to admire each other, Aarav suddenly realized something and muttered quietly to Dhanashree, "I think we forgot that we are just teenagers and our parents are standing just behind you."
Dhanashree and Aarav couldn't help but giggle as they stood before their confused and slightly annoyed parents. They knew they would have to face their parents' questioning looks, but they were overjoyed to have found each other again, in a better and stronger form.
Attachment and trust are indeed crucial elements in human relationships. They bring immense happiness, love, and support into our lives. It is natural to form deep connections with others and place our trust in them. However, it is equally important to maintain a sense of balance and perspective.
Rather than completely avoiding attachment, it is beneficial to strive for a healthy level of detachment. This allows us to appreciate and cherish the beauty of our connections while understanding that nothing in life is permanent. This mindset enables us to embrace the unpredictability and challenges that life presents us with, fostering resilience and acceptance in the face of adversity.

Written by,
Shubham Patro

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