Chapter 3: Lost or found ?

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How difficult is communication
when you say one thing
I think you mean another.
Why bother? -
rather touch me
write the words upon my skin.
With mutual understanding
our bodies may sing...
-Gillian Commerford.

Understanding and communication are the keys to a happy relationship, and Aarav and Dhanashree excelled in both aspects. Despite being content in their respective relationships, they always made time to talk to each other and shared everything, just like in the good old days.
23rd of October 2019,
Aarav was lying in his bed, engaged in a video call with Dhanashree. "Hey, that dress would look great on you. Nope, I didn't like the yellow one. Maybe the white one would suit you," Aarav suggested.
Dhanashree exclaimed, "Aarav, make a decision! I need to look absolutely stunning on my birthday."
Aarav nodded with a smile and replied, "Sure, go for the white one."
Dhanashree waved playfully and said, "Alright, thank you, sir. I'll call you back later."
Aarav ended the call and moments later, there was a knock on his door. He opened it to find Riya standing there. With a smile, she asked, "What were you up to, dear? Aren't you getting late for college?"
Aarav showed his phone and explained, "Actually, I was just helping Dhanashree choose dresses for her birthday. It's on the 26th of October, and I won't be able to be there, so..."
Riya remained expressionless and replied, "Okay, I understand. Grab your bag, and let's leave. It's getting late."
Both of them walked out and reached the bus stop. While waiting for the bus, Riya turned to Aarav and said, "Aarav, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about."
With his wide eyes, Aarav responded, "Yes, go ahead. I'm always here to listen to you."
Riya proceeded, "I'm going to Mumbai for a month for a wedding. I hope you understand."
Aarav smiled and reassured her, "Of course, Riya. Take care and don't forget to call me. When are you leaving, by the way?"
Riya grew a bit suspicious, wondering why Aarav wasn't showing any signs of being upset. "Ugh, tomorrow," she replied.
Aarav responded with a twinkle in his eye, "Alright, never mind. It just means I'll have an extra day to spend with you."
Deep down, Aarav was truly upset by this news, but he chose not to react negatively. He didn't want Riya to think he was immature or to risk losing her. As they both immersed themselves in their own thoughts, they noticed the bus approaching and boarded it.
In the bus, they didn't talk much, but they maintained a facade of everything being fine between them.
In the bustling afternoon, Riya was engrossed in her lectures, while Aarav and Mohandas decided to embrace their rebellious side and skip class, finding solace in the campus canteen. As Aarav's face bore a hint of sadness, he expected Mohandas, his close friend, to notice and inquire about his well-being. However, Mohandas seemed too engrossed in savoring his meal to notice Aarav's emotional turmoil.
Feeling disregarded, Aarav, overwhelmed with frustration, impulsively kicked Mohandas's chair in an attempt to grab his attention. Sensing the interruption, Mohandas paused his puff and questioned Aarav with a mix of surprise and annoyance, "Hey, what's the deal, man? Why did your leg decide to assault my chair out of nowhere?"
Aarav, in a slightly exasperated tone, responded, "Dude, I'm really worried about Riya. She's going to Mumbai soon. I don't know what to do."
Mohandas, now realizing the gravity of Aarav's emotions, set aside his lighthearted demeanor. He put down his puff and spoke softly, "Do you want me to arrange a ticket for you as well? My uncle works in the railway, and he can help us out."
The somber atmosphere shifted as Mohandas continued in a reassuring tone, "Hey, don't be upset. I was just joking about the ticket. Let's talk. Tell me what's really bothering you."
Aarav, appreciating the sincerity in Mohandas's voice, settled back in his seat. He opened up about his true worries, and together, they engaged in a heartfelt conversation, finding solace in their friendship.
Aarav clenched his fingers against his forehead, feeling a profound sense of loss as he uttered, "Riya is leaving, and I'll miss her terribly. What am I supposed to do now?"
Mohandas, his eyes widening with excitement, suddenly had a brilliant idea. He exclaimed, "Write her a heartfelt poem! Something like, 'In the window across the street, you are my ethereal view, Riya Shetty, my love for you is true.'"
Aarav promptly showed his disapproval, giving Mohandas a thumbs-down gesture, and rested his head wearily on the table.
After a while, Mohandas slammed his hand on the table and burst out, "Aarav, my buddy, I've got an amazing plan!"
In a quiet, almost defeated voice, Aarav responded, "Please, just be quiet, my friend."
Undeterred, Mohandas began shaking Aarav's hand vigorously to rouse him from his melancholy state. Aarav reluctantly lifted his head, sounding slightly annoyed, and grumbled, "Fine, dude, I'm listening."
Mohandas drew closer to Aarav and whispered, "Riya is leaving tomorrow, and you also wanted to be present for Dhanashree's birthday. So, why don't you go to Mumbai and meet both of them?"
A ray of hope flickered across Aarav's face, and a wide smile crept onto his lips. Overcome with gratitude, he pulled Mohandas into a tight hug, exclaiming, "Dude, you're incredible! I'll call Riya right away and share this plan with her."
Mohandas playfully nudged Aarav and remarked, "Buddy, be a little more romantic. Surprise her! She'll be even happier."
Aarav was impressed by this additional suggestion, and his smile became peaceful, knowing that he had found a way to overcome his predicament.
As the day drew to a close, Aarav waited patiently outside the college for his beloved Riya. He spotted her walking towards him from a distance and couldn't help but wave excitedly.
Riya's face lit up with a shy smile as she sauntered towards Aarav and whispered, "Hey, we've got some extra time to spend together tonight."
Aarav, a little bit puzzled, reciprocated her smile and asked, "How come?"
Riya replied, her smile never faltering, "Well, my parents are going to be late tonight and your uncle is out of town. So, we have the house all to ourselves."
Aarav's expression turned from confusion to delight as he exclaimed, "Oh wow, that's great! Let's go home then and make the most of our evening."
Riya, gently placing her hand on his face, chuckled before they boarded the bus to their apartment.
Upon arriving, Aarav swiftly unlocked the door to his house and turned to Riya expectantly, "Tea?"
Riya, blushing slightly, replied, "Yes, please."
Excited to prepare tea, Aarav set down their bags on the sofa and with a wide smile, said to Riya, "You wait here for a minute and I'll be right back with the cups."
However, Riya, tugging at his arm playfully, giggled, "I'll get bored if I sit here alone, I'll join you instead."
Together, they entered the kitchen with enthusiasm. Aarav reached into the fridge to take out the milk, while Riya turned on the gas stove. As Aarav added the tea leaves, Riya brought up a sensitive topic, "Aarav, I'll be leaving for Mumbai soon. Aren't you going to give me a gift?"
Aarav hesitated for a moment before responding, "You'll be back soon, and I'll give you a gift when you return."
Riya's expression turned a bit sad, and she softly replied, "But I want something to remember you by in Mumbai, maybe a pair of earrings or bangles. It's okay if you can't, I'm not forcing you."
Aarav turned to face Riya, gently holding her hands, and explained, "Riya, my pocket money for this month is already spent. You understand, right?"
Riya's frustration started to show, her annoyance evident as she retorted, "Yes, I understand. Your girlfriend is leaving for a month, and you can't even buy her a little something? What if Dhanashree asked you for this?"
Confusion clouded Aarav's face as he questioned, "What does Dhanashree have to do with our conversation? Why are you bringing her into this?"
As the tension began to rise, it paralleled the brewing tea on the stove. Riya's voice escalated into a yell, "Nevermind, forget it! I don't want to argue with you and ruin my trip."
As Riya began to walk away from the kitchen, Aarav instinctively reached out and held her hand, urging her not to leave until their conversation had come to a resolution. "Please, don't go. It wouldn't be good for either of us. If there's something on your mind about Dhanashree, you can tell me. Let's not jump to misunderstandings," he pleaded.
In a subdued voice, Riya whispered, "Aarav, just let me go."
Aarav looked at her for a moment, his eyes filled with a mix of sadness and confusion. Reluctantly, he released her hand. Riya swiftly grabbed her bag from the sofa and left, slamming the door behind her. The teacup, forgotten in the midst of the argument, toppled over, spilling its contents onto the counter.
Aarav, feeling a heavy ache in his heart, walked over to the stove and turned off the gas. He made his way to his room and retrieved his phone, his fingers tempted to dial Riya's number. However, his mind was still consumed with the fact that their fight had erupted simply because he couldn't afford to buy her a gift.
A solitary tear rolled down his cheek, blurring his vision. Despite his pain, Aarav managed to push aside his thoughts and tried to distract himself by playing games and keeping busy with other activities. But deep inside, his heart longed to mend the rift between them and find a way to make things right.
As evening descended, Aarav was sitting on the sofa when he heard a knock at the door. He got up and opened it to find his uncle, Anand, standing there. Aarav greeted him with a smile, "Hi, uncle," and walked back to his room. Anand couldn't help but feel a sense of suspicion. Usually, Aarav would be happy to see him and greet him with a warm hug, but this time he simply opened the door and retreated to his room. Nonetheless, Anand decided not to dwell on it too much and made his way inside, taking a seat on the sofa.
Anand began to talk, raising his voice slightly so that Aarav could hear him from his room, "Aarav, could you please get me a glass of water? I'm feeling tired."
After a short while, Aarav emerged from his room with a glass of water and handed it to his uncle. Anand couldn't help but notice the pale and oily complexion on Aarav's face. Concerned, he asked, "Are you feeling alright, Aarav?"
Aarav replied in a soft voice, "No, uncle, I'm fine." Anand nodded, understanding that something might be bothering his nephew. Aarav retreated back to his room, seeking solace within its walls. Meanwhile, Anand freshened up and made his way to the kitchen in search of some snacks. There, he noticed a teacup half-filled with tea left unattended. Anand decided to turn on the gas, bringing the tea to a gentle boil.
Anand poured out two cups of tea and called out to Aarav, "Aarav, come here!"
From inside his room, Aarav's voice was faint as he replied, "Uncle, I'm not feeling good today. Can we talk later?"
Anand laughed warmly and replied, "Aarav, being alone when you're not feeling good is one option, but being with someone who understands is even better. Come, let's sit on the balcony and enjoy a cup of tea together."
Aarav then remembered that he had left the tea in the kitchen. He emerged from his room, and the two of them took a seat on a bench on the balcony, sipping on their tea. Anand looked at Aarav and said, "What happened, Aarav? You can share with me. I know you're not the type to get upset easily."
Aarav hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's just a personal matter, Uncle. I don't want to drag you into my problems."
Anand placed his hand on Aarav's lap and said, "Kid, you made tea for more than one person, which means that you had some friends over. But I didn't see any additional cups or any that had been used, which suggests that you didn't even have a cup of tea for yourself. What's going on, hmm? I may not be able to solve your problems, but at the very least, I can share the burden."
Aarav exhaled deeply and began to speak, "Why didn't you join the C.I.D, Uncle? Actually, I had a good friend, Riya. We had a small argument today after she came over from college. I'm sorry I didn't ask for your permission before inviting her over."
Anand nodded understandingly and replied, "It's alright. So, is Riya just a friend or is there something more going on?"
Aarav replied, "She's just a friend, but it's complicated."
Anand smiled and put his arm around Aarav, "Come on, let's play some games and take your mind off things for a while."
Anand stood up, ready to walk away, when Aarav called him back, "Wait, actually, we are in a relationship."
Anand smiled, turned back, and sat back on the bench. "Ah, I see. So, did you guys break up?" he asked.
Aarav exclaimed, "No! Actually, she is leaving for Mumbai tomorrow and won't be back for a month. I think I just overreacted and didn't do what a boyfriend should do."
Aarav started to feel regret for rejecting the idea of gifting Riya something special.
Anand replied calmly, "Fights are quite normal in relationships, as long as they don't escalate into something worse."
Aarav nodded slowly, "I know, Uncle, but I'm feeling really disturbed, and this disturbance is making me question my decision to love her."
Anand placed his hands on Aarav's shoulders and said reassuringly, "You should talk to her, Aarav. Communication is crucial in relationships. If you don't communicate with each other, then you don't deserve to be with that person. If I had better communication skills, maybe Neha wouldn't have left me today."
Aarav turned to his uncle and asked in a soft voice, "Was it Neha Aunty's fault? I'm sorry if that question made you feel bad."
Anand withdrew his hands from Aarav's shoulders and started rubbing them together. He spoke with a reflective tone, "When two people drift apart, it's not fair to place blame on just one person. The bond weakens when mistakes are made by both. Neha did leave me, but I realize now that I didn't communicate with her as much as a husband should. Sometimes, things simply go wrong, and people end up drifting apart."
Aarav asked, "Did you try to reconcile with her? Give it another chance?"
Anand hesitated and replied, "I never gathered the courage to apologize to her."
Aarav placed his cup aside and said, "Uncle, your boat hasn't sunk yet. You both just boarded different boats. Why don't you go to her and show her that you still believe in making things right?"
Anand sighed, "It's not possible, kid. Sometimes it's better to go our separate ways, even if it's not the destination we originally wanted."
Aarav stood up, his tone more determined, "But it's not the destination you desired, right? Why not give it one more try?"
Anand looked up at the stars and muttered, "You stubborn young generation. If you know that taking a step can save a relationship, why don't you take that step to save your own?"
Aarav nodded, deep in thought. Anand stood up and said, "Okay then, I'm tired. You should get some sleep now."
Aarav agreed, "Yes, I'll be in bed in a few minutes."
Anand walked back to his room, but before getting into bed, he picked up a photograph of him and Neha. His eyes welled up with tears as he held the photograph close to his heart.
Meanwhile, Aarav remained on the balcony, gazing at a photo of him and Riya on his phone. He couldn't help but get lost in Riya's beautiful eyes, knowing that he might not see them for a long time.
With a renewed determination, Aarav decided to go ahead with his plan to surprise Riya in Mumbai with a special gift, as she had always wanted.
Feeling a sense of relief, Aarav finally went to bed, hopeful for the future.
The next morning, Anand left for his office early as usual, while Aarav anxiously waited for Riya as she was scheduled to leave for Mumbai. Aarav stood by the door eagerly, but to his dismay, nobody came down. He decided to go upstairs and check on Riya. As he approached her door, he noticed that it was locked. Aarav's heart sank with disappointment, and he tried calling Riya, but no one answered.
Filled with frustration, Aarav kicked the door in a burst of envy before retreating to his own room. He continued to call Riya, hoping for a response, but his sadness only deepened with each unanswered call.
Desperate to reach Mumbai and find Riya, Aarav started searching for train tickets. However, to his dismay, all the trains were fully booked. A wave of despair washed over him, and he entertained troubling thoughts. He went to his closet and began packing his bags, stuffing them with unfolded clothes and whatever money he had.
October 25, 2019,
around midnight.
Aarav finished preparing his bag and sat on the bed to catch his breath, overwhelmed by tears. He didn't know where his impulsive actions would lead him, but he was simply following the whispers of his heart. It's not uncommon for a 19-year-old to be swayed towards wrong paths, but oftentimes, they lack the ability to retrace their steps.
Aarav wrote a note for his uncle, informing him that he was leaving for Mumbai and assured him that he would return soon. After locking his door, he made his way downstairs to embark on his journey.
Before leaving, Aarav stopped by a nearby shop and purchased a pair of earrings with green pearls, carefully keeping them in his bag with the hope of bringing a smile to Riya's face. He then hailed a taxi and headed to the train station, ready to set his plans in motion.
Averting the ticket collector's gaze, Aarav managed to secure a train ticket after waiting for an hour. He hurriedly boarded the train and started walking through the coaches in search of a seat. As he glanced ahead, he noticed a ticket collector in the distance. Worried that he might get caught, Aarav quickly turned back and sought refuge in the train's washroom. His palms were sweaty, and he decided to stay inside until he reached his destination. Despite the fear of being caught, his love for Riya kept his heart warm.
Aarav continuously switched between different washrooms and coaches, hoping to avoid any suspicion. After a few hours, he finally spotted an empty seat and took a moment to rest, but his eyes remained fixed on the ticket collector.
People on the train stared at Aarav, their minds conjuring up various stories about him. Aarav closed his eyes for a moment, only to be shaken awake by an elderly man wearing a white hat. The man asked, "Hey kid, where are you from? Did you run away from home?"
Aarav, hoping the old man could help him, replied, "No, uncle. I'm actually searching for a girl around my age."
Curiosity piqued, the old man inquired further, "Is she lost? And you're trying to find her?"
Aarav responded softly, "No, actually she's my friend. She came here for an event, and I wanted to speak to her. So, I came as well, but I'm not sure where I can find her."
The old man pondered for a moment and remarked, "Ah, you teenagers... Your story doesn't match your age at all. No worries, do you have a picture or something of her?"
Aarav quickly took out his phone and showed the photo of Riya to the old man, hoping he might recognize her. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side, and the old man didn't recognize Riya.
Disappointed, Aarav put his phone back in his pocket and said, "I don't know how to find her. She's attending a wedding of her cousin Vivek, and Mumbai is such a large city. I have no idea where to begin looking."
After a brief moment, the old man suddenly remembered something and asked, "Are you talking about Vivek Shetty?"
Aarav's face lit up with joy, and he quickly replied, "Yes! Do you know him?"
The old man smiled warmly and responded, "He is getting married to my granddaughter tomorrow. I believe Riya will be there too. Why don't you come with me?"
Aarav's smile grew bigger as he exclaimed, "Yes, I will come with you, Uncle! Thank goodness we met. Finally, I can meet Riya."
The old man was pleased to see Aarav's spirits lifted. Throughout the rest of the journey, Aarav shared the story of his connection with Riya with the old man. As the train approached Mumbai, they anticipated arriving around 6 o'clock the next morning.
Aarav took the opportunity to rest, knowing that soon he would have a chance to reunite with Riya. Excitement filled his heart as he envisioned the joyous moment when they would finally be together again.
On the early morning of October 26th, 2019, the train chugged along, carrying a young boy named Aarav who clung to his dreams. Despite receiving multiple missed calls from his uncle, Anand, Aarav decided to keep his meeting with Riya a secret until they met in person.
As the train arrived in Mumbai, Aarav and the old man quickly hailed a taxi and headed straight to the wedding venue. With eager anticipation, Aarav jumped out of the taxi and began searching for Riya. However, his path was blocked by the guards at the entrance. Observing the determination in the young boy's eyes, the old man signaled to the guards to allow Aarav through, marveling at the extraordinary lengths he had gone to find his love.
Aarav, exhausted, hungry, and dehydrated, relied solely on the flickering flame of hope as he explored the rooms on the first floor. Guests observed him with curiosity, until the old man appeared and explained the situation, garnering understanding and sympathy from everyone present.
Undeterred, Aarav ascended to the second floor, where he found an empty area without guests. He could hear a faint voice of a girl conversing with someone inside one of the rooms. Aarav's heart leapt with anticipation, and he opened the door to reveal Riya inside. However, his joy was short-lived as his gaze shifted to a guy standing beside her, holding her hand.
Without overthinking, Aarav rushed into the room, startling Riya. His eyes filled with tears, he said with a trembling voice, "Riya, I am sorry for everything I said. I'm here to apologize and to tell you that I don't want our love to falter." He took out a pair of earrings he had purchased and placed them in Riya's hand, adding, "I also bought this gift for you. I hope you accept it and accept me too."
Riya glanced at the guy beside her, then back at Aarav, and responded, "Aarav, we'll talk later. For now, you should leave."
Aarav adamantly refused, raising his voice, "No, I'm not leaving until I get an answer. We can't keep avoiding our problems; we need to face them and find a solution."
Riya returned the earrings to Aarav, saying softly, "Aarav, it's too late."
The room filled with tension and unspoken emotions as Aarav and Riya stood at a crossroads, uncertain of what the future held for their relationship.
Aarav's heart shattered into countless fragments as those piercing words escaped Riya's lips. A moment of silence hung in the air as he struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what he had just heard. It felt as though time had suddenly slowed down, each passing second weighing heavily on his chest.
Riya, her voice filled with hesitation, continued to speak, revealing the painful truth. The person standing beside her was someone she had been in a relationship with four years ago, before their paths diverged due to her relocation to Bangalore. Now, he had seemingly reappeared, offering her more than just a pair of earrings, awakening dormant emotions within her.
Aarav's mind raced, desperately grasping for a lifeline amidst the overwhelming flood of emotions. As he looked at Riya with reddened and teary eyes, his voice trembled, and he uttered the words that struck at the core of his anguish, "Do you even have a heart?" Riya remained impassive, and the guy beside her abruptly shoved Aarav out of the room, hastily summoning the guards.
In a fit of hurt and frustration, Aarav impulsively hurled the earrings at Riya, and then he fiercely confronted the other man, his anger boiling over. With clenched fists, he landed a heavy blow on the guy's face, a release of pent-up emotions that momentarily satisfied his wounded soul. However, their chaotic encounter was cut short as the guards swiftly intervened, overpowering Aarav.
Thrown out of the house, Aarav found himself on the ground, bruised and broken, his spirit mirrored in the elderly man's tear-filled gaze through the window. Gathering what little strength he had left, he slowly picked himself up, wiping away the physical and emotional debris that clung to him.
Sobs wracked his body as Aarav grappled with the overwhelming sense of loss and uncertainty that engulfed him. In the midst of his despair, a flicker of hope emerged-a faint ember that resided within his heart. Today was Dhanashree's birthday, and within an hour's distance, her presence beckoned him.
Summoning a taxi, Aarav embarked on the journey to Dhanashree's house, his mind trapped in a vortex of contemplation. He berated himself for placing his love in the hands of someone undeserving, for failing to see the truth hidden beneath deceptive facades.
Arriving at Dhanashree's residence, Aarav clutched a massive teddy bear he had purchased as a gift. Uncertain of how she would receive him, he took a deep breath and approached the door, where a lively gathering was taking place. Amidst the revelry, Dhanashree stood, a vision of grace, preparing to blow out her birthday candles.
In this moment, Aarav yearned for a second chance, a glimmer of redemption. As he navigated the sea of guests, his heart pounding in his chest, he wondered if the gift he held in his trembling hands would be enough. The evening sun cast warm hues across the scene, painting a backdrop for the possibility of renewal and forgiveness.
As Dhanashree's eyes landed upon Aarav standing at the door with a massive teddy bear in his hands, gasps of surprise and excitement echoed from the guests gathered around. Pushing aside the cake and abandoning the festivities, Dhanashree ran towards Aarav and wrapped him in a warm embrace.
However, as she felt the tenseness of his body beneath her arms, Dhanashree's smile faltered. She placed a concerned hand on his shoulder, searching his face for any sign of distress. "Is everything alright, Aarav?" she asked, the worry beneath her words apparent.
Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Aarav broke down and clung to Dhanashree, tears streaming down his face. Completely unaware of what had happened to him, Dhanashree whispered soothing words of comfort, trying to ease his pain.
Despite the effervescent energy of the party, Dhanashree knew what needed to be done. She took Aarav to the rooftop to provide both of them with more privacy for his troubled heart.
As Aarav remained silent in the face of Dhanashree's concern, she spoke up in an attempt to lighten the mood, "Come on dude, don't be so silent! Tell me what happened? Your face is telling me that you didn't have a good journey. Were you robbed on the train?"
Aarav's tears continued to flow, but as he gazed into Dhanashree's kind eyes, he knew that he could open up to her about everything. Through hiccupping sobs and muffled words, he recounted the emotional turmoil he had faced when he confronted Riya and the man she was with. And yet, even amidst the turmoil, Dhanashree's presence had given him a glimmer of light in the darkness.
Dhanashree sat beside him, listening patiently, her company comforting and supportive. As Aarav finished his tale, he looked up at Dhanashree, grateful to have her in his life. An aura of warmth radiated from their interlocked hands, and for a fleeting moment, he felt like he could begin to heal from his pain.
In that moment, Aarav understood that despite all the ups and downs of life, he would always find solace in the love and support of those who cared for him the most.
Dhanashree's annoyance bubbled forth, her frustration finding expression in raised voice, "Are you dumb? What's your age, huh? This isn't some movie where the boy embarks on a long journey and magically finds his way to the girl, confesses his feelings, and lives happily ever after. You should have at least asked me!" Aarav remained silent, his poisoned visage bearing the weight of his inner turmoil.
Dhanashree, her tone softened by compassion, observed Aarav's pained expression. Realizing the need to shift gears, she continued, "Forget it for now. Don't dwell on her. You have me, always by your side. Let's go; we'll talk after the guests leave." Taking hold of his hand gently, she led him back into the house, navigating through the remnants of the celebration.
Aarav's gaze fixated on Dhanashree, marveling at her kindness and understanding. Although they had been good friends, she held no expectations of him, and yet here she was, offering unwavering support. A glimmer of a smile emerged on Aarav's face as he realized that amidst the turmoil, someone remained steadfastly beside him.
Together, they returned to the ongoing birthday party, where Aarav presented Dhanashree with the teddy bear he had bought. It may not have been an extravagant gift, but the pure joy that radiated from Dhanashree's face illuminated the entire room. As the guests indulged in snacks and merriment, Aarav leaned closer to Dhanashree and whispered in her ear, "Dhanashree, I should leave now. I need some time alone."
Understanding his need for solitude, Dhanashree nodded sympathetically, assuring him, "Sure, take your time. I'll come to your place later tonight. Bye." With that, Aarav bid farewell to the gathering, his mind craving solace and introspection.
He walked back home, reaching the apartment where his parents resided, right next to Dhanashree's. Aarav knocked on the door, and his arrival took everyone by surprise. Joyful exclamations filled the air as the family welcomed him with open arms, their happiness palpable. However, Aarav's heart remained heavy, and despite the warm embraces, he kept his interactions with the family minimal.
Attempting to shake off his troubled thoughts, Aarav made his way to the bathroom, carrying a towel. The sound of running water provided a respite from the external chaos, temporarily drowning out the noise within his mind.
After finding some physical relief, Aarav decided to take a moment of rest. As he sank into his bed, his phone began to ring. The caller ID revealed it was Dhanashree. Aarav picked up the call and greeted her, "Hi, where are you?"
Dhanashree's voice came in hushed whispers, "I'm on the roof of your apartment."
Curiosity piqued, Aarav asked, "Why didn't you come to my house first?"
Dhanashree replied excitedly, "Because I have beers in my hand! Don't question too much, just sneak up to the roof."
Aarav stepped out of his house and made his way to the rooftop, where he found Dhanashree waiting for him, holding two bottles of beer. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "You've started drinking now?"
Dhanashree giggled mischievously, "No, it's my birthday today, and also your breakup. We should celebrate!"
Aarav accepted one of the bottles with a grateful smile and said, "Thank you. So, how's life treating you?"
Dhanashree replied with a smile, "I'm good. My studies, my relationship, and my family, everything is going well."
Aarav couldn't help but inquire, "Oh, where's your boyfriend? Ishan, right? He didn't come for the birthday celebration?"
Dhanashree's expression softened, "No, he's busy with a wedding somewhere."
A hint of bitterness tainted Aarav's voice as he chuckled, "From today onwards, I despise weddings. I won't ever attend another one, not even my own."
Dhanashree burst into laughter, exclaiming, "I can't believe you went through so much for a girl who was just toying with you. I am so lucky I don't have a partner like that."
Aarav's frustration grew, and he retorted, "Is it so? Then why don't you show me a picture of him?"
Dhanashree nodded, reaching for her phone. She displayed an image of Ishan to Aarav, awaiting his reaction.
Aarav gazed at the image of Ishan, his eyes fixed on the familiar face. Ishan was none other than the guy who had been with Riya at the wedding. Aarav sought clarification from Dhanashree, his voice laced with uncertainty, "Is he your boyfriend?"
Dhanashree glanced at the picture and confirmed, "Yes, he is. Do you know him?"
Aarav struggled to find the right words to convey the truth. He hesitated before asking, "Where is he now?"
Dhanashree hesitated for a moment and replied, "He's at a wedding in another city." As her own words sank in, she realized that Riya was also at a wedding. Looking at the expression on Aarav's face, she asked, her voice trembling, "Is he the one? Are you sure?"
Aarav firmly held onto Dhanashree's arms and replied, "I'm sorry, but I am sure he is the one."
Doubt clouded Dhanashree's mind, prompting her to make a video call to Ishan. Ishan answered the call, only to dismissively state, "Dear, I'm at a wedding. I'll call you back later." Aarav's anger surged upon seeing Ishan's face, and he swiftly grabbed the phone from Dhanashree's hand. Ishan was taken aback to see Aarav's face on Dhanashree's phone screen. In a state of shock, Ishan immediately ended the call and proceeded to block Dhanashree. The truth hit Dhanashree hard, and her heart shattered alongside Aarav's.
Dhanashree sank to her knees, overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions. Aarav knelt down beside her, offering solace, "Don't worry, Dhanashree, I'm here for you. Stand up and find the strength within you."
Emotions swirling within her inebriated state, Dhanashree responded, "I am so unlucky in love. It's always one-sided; fate alone decides if it becomes mutual. I never receive the love I give. First, you left me, and when I moved on, Ishan entered my life, and now..."
Aarav was taken aback by Dhanashree's confession of love, but he chose not to react, understanding that her words were fueled by alcohol. He gently said, "Dhanashree, leave it all behind. Let's go now; it's getting late."
Dhanashree surprised Aarav by making a request, "Can you hug me?"
Aarav questioned, taken aback by her unexpected request.
Dhanashree emphasized her words, her voice growing louder. Aarav hesitated for a moment before agreeing and enveloping her in a warm and comforting embrace.
Dhanashree's sobs grew louder as Aarav wrapped his arms around her trembling body, rubbing her back to offer comfort. As the weight of the truth and her emotions hit her, Dhanashree closed her eyes and sought solace in Aarav's arms.
Aarav held her close, his heart heavy with the weight of their broken souls. Despite their shattered pieces, they felt complete when they were together. In that moment, nothing else mattered.
As he lifted her from the rooftop, Aarav left their broken pieces behind but took solace in the knowledge that they could heal together. With every step they took, they transcended their pain and loneliness, finding love in each other's arms.
Even if one could lift mountains or bring stars down to earth, it will never be enough for the wrong person. But for the right person, they don't expect the stars from you; instead, they make you their own star. And in that moment, Aarav knew that he had found his own star in Dhanashree, and that nothing could dim its brilliant light...

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