One: Impulsive

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I've always been a bit of a troublemaker. From a young age, I couldn't resist the temptation to take things that didn't belong to me. Whether it was toys from my siblings or snacks from the pantry, I had a knack for getting what I wanted, no matter the consequences.

My mom used to joke that I was born with a silver tongue and a knack for mischief. And she wasn't wrong. From the moment I could walk, I was getting into trouble. It's like it's ingrained in my DNA, a natural born talent to say the least.

Growing up, I was always the troublemaker, the black sheep of the family. My parents tried everything to straighten me out, boarding schools, therapy, even tough love, but nothing seemed to work. I was born with a knack for mischief, a rebel without a cause. Yeah, I was a "bad" kid, and age hasn't mellowed me out one bit.

And at 21, I'm at the peak of my defiance. No one can or will tell me what to do. Whether it's stealing, drinking, fighting, or drugs, I've done it all. And I'll do it again without a second thought.

Sure, there have been close calls with the authorities, but I've always managed to wriggle my way out of trouble. A smooth lie here, a quick escape there, and I'm free to continue living life care freely.

But for all the thrills and excitement, there's a loneliness that creeps in when the rush wears off. People avoid me like the plague, and those who do stick around often just end up intentionally or unintentionally a pawn in my shenanigans. Can I blame them? Not really. I wouldn't want to be around me either...

But amidst the isolation and the self-destructive tendencies, there's a thrill, a rush, that keeps me going. The adrenaline surges through my veins no matter how small or large. It's intoxicating, addictive, and utterly irresistible.

So here I am, walking home from the store, munching on some chips I swiped without a second thought. As I turn the corner onto my street, I can't help but chuckle to myself. Another day, another successful escapade. Life may be lonely, but at least it's never boring.

As the piercing voice cuts through my thoughts, I snap back to reality, only to find myself confronted by a tiny figure on the ground standing defiantly in front of my shoe. A human, barely a few inches tall compared to me. The voice, though raspy, is noticeably feminine, and she's clearly upset about something.

She's yelling at me, her tiny fists clenched in anger. But her words are lost on me. I can't understand what she's saying, and frankly, I don't care to.

At first, I'm taken aback by her audacity. Who does she think she is, yelling at me like that? But as she continues to rant, her words tumbling out in a frantic rush, my annoyance turns to irritation.

Without thinking, I knelt down, bringing myself closer to her level, and glared at her with narrowed eyes."What do you want?" I snapped, my voice a low. "And why are you yelling at me like that?"

She didn't back down, her gaze defiant. "Your big ass almost stepped on me!" she exclaimed, her voice still tinged with anger. "Watch where you're walking retard, you're in the way."

"You're the one who's in my way, not the other way around." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at her dramatics. "Please, I barely even noticed you down there," I retorted, my tone dripping with sarcasm. "And besides, what are you doing wandering around on

the giants side? You're just asking for trouble."

The tiny human's eyes blazed with anger as she shouted back at me, undeterred by my towering presence. "The humans don't want me on their side either!" she yelled, her voice echoing with frustration. "What am I supposed to do, fucking disappear?"

I narrowed my eyes, feeling my patience wearing thin. Without hesitation, I leaned down aggressively, bringing my face closer to hers until she could clearly see the intensity in my eyes. With a swift motion, I reached out and pinched her chin between two of my fingers, forcing her to meet my gaze.

"Look," I growled, "Get outta my way so we can be on our way. If you don't move, I'll move you myself."

She recoiled slightly at my sudden aggression, but her defiance remained unwavering. "I would never move for someone like you," she spat, her voice defiant not a speck of fear flickering in her eyes.

I could feel the tension crackling in the air as we locked eyes, neither of us willing to back down. Her defiance was like a challenge, daring me to assert my dominance. And in that moment, something inside me snapped.

"Are you really now, huh?" I muttered, my voice dripping with frustration. It was like a switch had been flipped, and before I could even register what I was doing, I reached out and shoved her into the open duffel bag slung over my shoulder.

She let out a startled yelp as she tumbled into the bag, disappearing from sight in an instant. For a moment, all was quiet just how I wanted it.

For a moment, there was silence. And then, from within the confines of the bag, came a muffled string of curses and indignation. I couldn't help but smirk to myself as I zipped up the bag, effectively silencing her protests.

"There," I said, my voice tinged with satisfaction. "That should keep you out of my way for a while."

With a satisfied nod, I hoisted the bag onto my shoulder and continued on my way, the tiny human's muffled protests fading into the background as I disappeared around the corner.

I trudged towards my shabby apartment, the weight of the duffel bag slung over my shoulder serving as a constant reminder of my impulsive actions. As I entered the dimly lit space, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was off.

Entering my apartment, I kicked the door shut behind me and roughly dropped the bag onto the counter. But as the thud echoed through the small space, reality came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks.

I took a step back, my mind racing with a million thoughts. What had I just done? I... just kidnapped someone? I just kidnapped someone! ...fuck! Damnit! How did I end up getting myself into this. Panic surged through me like a tidal wave, threatening to overwhelm my senses.

I paced back and forth, running my hands through my hair in a frenzy. This was bad. This was really, really bad. I knew my impulses were problematic, but I never thought they would lead me to something like this.

I cursed under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I struggled to come up with a plan. I glanced at the duffel bag on the counter, the muffled sounds of the tiny human's protests barely audible through the fabric.

My mind began racing with a thousand thoughts and fears. What if she escaped? What if she went to the police? What if...?

But then, amidst the chaos of my thoughts, a cold, hard realization settled over me. I couldn't just let her go. Not now, not after what I had done. She had seen my face, seen my apartment, she's heard my voice and everything.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I knew that I was in too deep. There was no turning back now.

But as the seconds ticked by, my mind raced with possibilities. I couldn't just keep her locked up forever, could I? No, I needed a plan, and fast.

As I paced back and forth, my mind in turmoil, a desperate idea began to form in the chaos of my thoughts. What if... what if I could convince her to stay "voluntarily"?

It sounded insane, even to me. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and I was running out of options. Maybe, just maybe, if I could be ready nice to her, show her that I wasn't all bad, she might decide to stay willingly.

Of course, I knew how crazy the idea sounded. After all, why would anyone want to stay with their kidnapper? But in the midst of my panic, it was the only plan I had.

With a determined nod, I began to formulate my strategy. I would be kind, attentive, do everything in my power to make her feel comfortable and safe with me. And maybe, just maybe, she would see that I wasn't as bad as I seemed.

But as I started to overthink every detail, doubts began to creep in. What if she saw through my facade? What if she still wanted to leave, even after everything I did? What if...

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