Parte 11

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To remember

Dr.Andrie : But....

You are pregnant!

The girl was traumatised

Her vision started getting darker and darker but the nurses saved her from falling and moved her to the bed

Dr.Andrie: I feel sorry for you little kitten

He told the nurses to take care of her , then he left the room

The next day

She woke up and looked around her trying to remember how did she got there , then she remembered the last thing she was told


This caused for her a trauma for a moment,  she looked at her stomach and started putting her hands on it

Knock knock

Erika with tired voice: Get in

Dr.Andrie appeared

Dr.Andrie: how are you feeling now

Erika: fine , thank you for let them take care of me

Dr.Andrie: it's okay , this is my job

Erika: but how did you know

Dr.Andrie confused: about what , oh about your

Erika: yes pregnancy

Dr.Andrie: I'm a doctor erika and this is my job to know what kind of disease you have , I also took a sample of your blood to make a test and it was positive and if want to be 100 percent sure then buy a pregnancy test from any pharmacy

Erika: I just can't believe the fact that I'm pregnant at very young age

Dr.Andrie : I know it's very hard but you are strong , you'll be a strong mother

Erika: I really hope that , so thanks again , goodbye I must leave

Dr.Andrie: goodbye..


Erika stopped at a pharmacy to get a pregnancy test , she took it

5 minutes passed

Two red Marks was on the test means Positive.

her eyes got teary

Erika: I'll take care of you sweetheart!

It was good for her that Ivan was having a business journey in Italy , that he won't ask her where she was

She remembers Hector she still loves him she was stopping herself from seeing Any new picture of him to not fall in love again with him , huh who she was lying on she deep down knew she was falling in love with him everyday , every hour , every minute

She looked at his picture,  he didn't seem to be happy he just had a cold reaction

She looked sadly at the picture

" I'll miss you forever , even though im having a baby 💔"



I was spending my days eating , sleeping , going to training . This was just my routine . Sofia was begging me to forgive her she was honest but I can't! she separated me from the girl I wanted to spend my whole life with

Marc and Anna was trying to get me out of my bad mood and my mother was helping them , but I was just as cold as I was , I had faith that one day I could find Erika even after 10 years

𝐌𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 - HÉCTOR FORTWhere stories live. Discover now