Parte 10

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" And now the CFDA award goes to ................

" IV " ,  Ivan Vladimir and The unknown creative director   "

Cheers and claps were only heared , Ivan was the one who was receiving the award because erika was very stubborn about the idea of being famous or known

Before the event

Ivan: erika you must come with me to the event

Erika: no Ivan I don't wanna go

Ivan: but why ! It's isn't that bad it's totally different you will beloved by people

Erika: ik the whole situation but I insist on not going I'll watch you from TV

Ivan : but it's your right before it is mine

Erika : No, because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here now

Ivan: no , you're the one who stayed up late to make the best thing you can imagine not me , I'm not the one who choosed coloures or designs , so now what do you think , who has the right

Erika :  although I'm not coming

Ivan: ugh you're too stubborn Erika

Erika: I know

Then she winked at him

They both laughed

Back to reality

" And now Mr.Ivan tell us about your journey to be here "

Ivan to himself " fuck you erika I will kill you when I get home , I can't find the reason for not coming , even being an known person isn't a reason at all "

" I didn't get to this place alone , no ! , everyone in my company worked hard from the top to the least , I'm thankful for everyone who stayed with me and supported me I appreciate your hard work etc..........At the end and most importantly I would like to thank my creative director who was the one who stayed up late to make those breathtaking designs , She has amazing talents , do you even know how old is she

Silence , everyone was listening carefully

She's just 17

Everyone's mouth was opened down to floor , everybody , Every single body here was shocked

Yes she's just 17 , ik that this can't be imagined but it's reality

Claps , claps , claps ! , proud claps were only heard in the place

By the end thank you Everybody

Erika was watching this event live on TV She had tears in her eyes , proud of her cousin and proud of what he had said

When he got home

A cute thing jumped on and hugged him

Yes it was Erika

Ivan: oh ! Slow down little one

Erika: thank you Ivan I love you !

Ivan: I love you too Erika , I need to change so get off me

Erika: oh OK

After he changed and came down , they watched movie together

After that day they became even closer than ever , they spent nights together,  going to cinemas , restaurants , game areas and etc..

Days were passing Hector was still searching for Erika He was cold almost the time and he was remote from everybody , he only was a little bit involved with his mother and marc , erika was also feeling bad but he was worse

One day

Hector had a training after it was done , he was leaving the court until he heard a familiar voice and when he turned around

His face got red from anger , He frowned at the appearance of the unwanted person


The person was very sad about his reaction

: I don't want anything,  I just wanna apologise

Hector sarcastically: apologise for what Sofia , for being the main reason of the departure of the only girl I loved with all my heart

Sofia shocked : did she really leave

Hector: yes she did and I can't find her , just because of your stupid love for me , now leave me alone because just one more min and I will punch you

Sofia: wait I'm really serious now I need to apologise , I thought she would be here and I could explain the situation , that I was jealous of her because she is better than me in everything her character , her appearance , her kindness , she is thousand times beautiful than me , I thought that you would love her so I was jealous,  do you know I never loved you I just like your appearance , it was so obvious that you both loved each other so I didn't like that fact I didn't want her to be with the famous footballer , I really regretted what I've did the next morning and I thought about apologising but I was hesitant but now here I'm and unfortunately she left

Hector: so leave me alone

Sofia: please I'll do anything but don't hate me , you also were one of my childhood friends , I don't want to be the villain in the story

Then she started crying , she was serious she's also a girl and know how does it felt

He left her alone crying

Erika wasn't feeling well last days so she decided to visit the doctor , she made an appointment to visit the doctor

Today was her doctor's visit

She went to the the clinic

Erika: hello Dr.andrie

Dr. Andrie: hello erika how are you

Erika: fine

Dr. Andrie: so What are you complaining about?

Erika: I feel dizzy and tired all of the time , I feel nauseous a lot , I'm Always in a bad mood at last and the most important,  my... I'm shy to say this but period is late 1 month

Dr.Andrie shocked : but you're 17 right! , you're very young

Erika feared : what is happening

Dr.andrie: idk if this is good for you or not but .....


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