The Project: Planning

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Note: This story may not have accurate depictions of web development, but I did do research. Hopefully, it's realistic enough.

It is now time to start the big project.

The guys and Judith came back to the club room on one of their scheduled days. This will be an after school thing. So when classes are over, the five comes straight here.

"Okay, first things first is we got to plan our website." Liam, as usual, took the lead. The five unsurprisingly sat by the computers. This time though, the seating arrangements are different than before.

The seating is like this: Xavier - Charles - Liam - Judith - Zayden.

Since they got closer, Judith can comfortably sit next to Zayden.

"Since this is your idea Judith, what do you have conceptualized regarding Metube?" Asked Liam.

Judith cleared her throat, "Well, due to the growing popularity of online videos, we need to make Metube a video-sharing platform that is easily accessible where anyone can upload, share, and view videos."

"Okay great! Now does the demand hold true? Let's ask our marketing expert. What have you got Charles?"

Charles, who is majoring in Marketing, had created a market research graph. He turned the computer over to show everyone the screen.

"As you can see here Liam, the demand does hold true. I have observed the increasing trend of uploading and sharing videos on the internet." The graphs shows the lines going up exponentially.

"Excellent work, Charles," Liam commended, nodding in approval. "So, we have a solid concept backed by data. Now, let's discuss the technical aspects. Xavier, what's the status on our platform development?"

Xavier, the the most technology adept of the group, pulled up his notes on the computer screen. "I've been researching different programming languages and frameworks suitable for building a video-sharing platform. I'm leaning towards using Sython for the backend and React.jx for the frontend."

Liam nodded thoughtfully. "Sounds like a solid plan. Let's start sketching out the user interface. Judith, Zayden, any thoughts on the design?"

Judith and Zayden, began brainstorming layout ideas and color schemes. "We want something clean and intuitive," Zayden suggested, gesturing towards the blank whiteboard.

Judith added, "Since access to Metube will be on desktop computers or laptops, we should ensure the website is easy to navigate and visually appealing on larger screens," Judith suggested, adjusting her proposal.

Note: Smartphones hadn't existed yet in their world. There is no specific year that matches Earth, but a good guess is pre-2007.

"Okay, then what more can we add to the platform?"

"Along with video uploading, I think things like playback mechanisms, commenting system, and user profiles are some of the essential functionalities to add, " said Judith.

"Agreed," Liam said, jotting down notes as they spoke. "Let's start incorporating those ideas into our wireframes. Now are there anything else to add?"

"Considering the importance of user engagement, we should also include features like likes, dislikes, and a recommendation system to personalize the user experience," Zayden suggested.

Judith look at him in awe.

Wow! You are already thinking ahead Zayden! She complimented him in her mind.

Liam nodded in agreement. "That's a great point, Zayden. Integrating these features will encourage user interaction and keep them coming back to Metube."

Xavier chimed in, "We should also prioritize security measures, like user authentication and data encryption, to protect user privacy and prevent unauthorized access to the platform."

"Absolutely," Liam affirmed. "Security is paramount, especially when dealing with user data. Let's make sure to include robust security protocols in our development plan. Okay, what else?"

"Monetization by ads," Judith piped up.

"Monetization by what?" Questioned Liam with confusion.

"Monetization by ads," Judith repeated, elaborating on her suggestion. "We can incorporate advertisements into the platform to generate revenue. This could include display ads, video ads, or sponsored content that appears alongside user-generated videos."

Liam's confusion cleared as he processed Judith's idea. "Ah, I see what you mean. By allowing advertisers to promote their products or services on our platform, we can earn money through ad revenue."

Charles this time chimed in, "It's a common monetization strategy used by many online platforms. We can explore different ad formats and placement options to maximize revenue without compromising the user experience."

Liam nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We'll need to strike a balance between monetization and user satisfaction. Let's add ad integration to our development plan and explore potential advertising partners."

"Additionally," Zayden interjected, "we should consider scalability in our development approach. As Metube gains popularity and user base grows, we need to ensure our infrastructure can handle increased traffic and content volume without experiencing performance issues."

"Good point, Zayden," Liam acknowledged. "We'll design our system with scalability in mind to accommodate future growth."

"We should also plan for internationalization," Judith added, "As we expand, we'll need to support multiple languages and cater to diverse cultural preferences to attract a global audience."

Liam nodded in agreement. "Yes, catering to international users will be crucial for Metube's expansion strategy. Let's research localization techniques and develop a roadmap for multilingual support."

With everyone contributing on brainstorming, they continue to delved into the planning of Metube's website, laying the foundation for what would be in the future become the most popular video-sharing platform in the entire world.

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