Annoyance (Edited 12/25/23)

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Gabriel POV

"Gabe! Gabe! Wait for me!" A girlish voice that sounds like scratched chalkboard calls out.

Hearing the familiar voice, Gabriel, who was walking abruptly stopped in his tracks. His eyebrows scrunched in annoyance.

"What now?" He mutters and turns to face the approaching figure.

His fiancee, Judith Wellester.

"Oh! I am finally able to reached you!" Judith cheerfully says as she near him.

The girl immediately glomps him, which irks Gabriel even more.

"Gabriel, let's walk to class together!" She screeched into his ear.

"Get off me! Can't you see you are ruining my uniform! And you need to separate yourself from me! We might not even have the same classes!" Gabriel said angrily and tried to shake her off.

"But Gabriel, of course we have the same classes together! My father made sure of it!" Judith said too sugary sweet that Gabriel wants to hurl. "We are both majoring in Business after all!"

At this point, the other students and teachers in the hallway whispered to each other on seeing the closeness of the two and how "loving" the IT couple of Rockeford are.

Gabriel so badly wants to push the infuriating female away, but everyone is looking at them.

Everyone in the school knows that he is engaged to Judith.

Him, who came from the wealthiest family in the world and Judith, whose familys' wealth is second to his.

He just sighs, accepting his fate since this is typical Judith behavior.

So he just tune Judith out as she blabber about things that are uninteresting to him like the most recent fashion trends and other girlish things.

He let's his mind wander off to something that had just caught his attention minutes ago.

The beautiful girl that sat on the far left in the auditorium.

Never had he ever seen a girl like her before. She must be new to the university.

When their eyes meet, his heart had began to beat wildly for an inexplicable reason.

He couldn't help but be drawn to her.
Judith POV

God, I can't stand this guy! Judith thought in irritation. At the same time, she is keeping her act as the original villainess; a lovesick and foolish girl.

This guy Gabriel is the typical first male lead; the unapproachable, cold, and aloof kind.

Definitely not her type at all.

But honestly, Judith doesn't have a type. She just wants someone that can cherish her. That is what her ex James failed to do.

Judith really doesn't want to keep spending every minute with Gabriel, but she has to in order for her to smoothely sail out of the whole plot of this world by the end of university.

Once Gabriel breaks the engagement with her due to falling completely in love with Verona by graduation, Judith will leave the country. Then, she can start her social media empire under a new name.

She will make millions. Maybe even billions.

Most importantly, she will be free.

Hopefully the next couple years flies by before she knows it.

Until then, she must be exactly like the original Judith Wellester, an annoying and spoiled rich girl.

Just be patient Judith and everything will be okay...

Billionaire Villainess (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now