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Judith walked out of the Wellester mansion, a mix of frustration and relief washing over her. As she stepped into the cool breeze outside, a sense of liberation settled within her.

"I'm free!!!" She screams out in happiness to the top of her lungs, uncaring if anyone heard.

She then smirked to herself, reveling in the freedom from an engagement she never desired. The unexpected turn of events with Verona and Gabriel's engagement amused her.

Those two are literally made for each other, she thought, finding the situation hilarious.

"With the engagement gone, the plot of this world is out of the way! I can do whatever the f*ck I want now!"

Judith couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph as she have finally distanced herself from the complicated mess left behind in that suffocating mansion.

Deciding to embrace her newfound freedom, Judith drove away, leaving behind the drama and expectations that had entangled her life. The road ahead was uncertain, but for the first time, she felt a glimmer of control over her destiny.

Meanwhile, back inside the mansion, the Wellesters realized Judith's absence. Expecting her to still be in the room, they were infuriated by her sudden departure.

"Where is Judith?" Damien questioned, his voice seething with anger.

Elana scanned the room, her eyes widening in realization. "She left! She left without apologizing to Verona!"

Damien's face turned red with fury. "I can't believe this! After causing this chaos, she just runs away?!"

Arthur sighed, trying to maintain composure. "We can't let her go. We need to resolve this."

The Vandersons, observing the escalating situation, exchanged uneasy glances. Mr. Vanderson spoke up, "Since the discussion is over, we will take our leave."

Arthur nodded," Yes, thank you Erik and your family for joining us today to discuss about the betrothal."

"We'll see you at the engagement party old friend," said Erik.

Gabriel gave Verona a longing look before joining his parents leaving the room.

As the Vandersons made their way towards the exit after saying their goodbyes, Damien, unable to contain his frustration, slammed his fist against the wall. "That girl is a nuisance! She's always been a troublemaker!"

Elana placed a hand on Damien's shoulder, attempting to calm him. "Damien, we need to address this with a clear head. She likely already left the mansion. Let's call Judith to come back and have her apologize to Verona directly."

Verona looked distressed, "Mother, brother, please don't disturb Judith. I'm sure she is upset and just need time for herself."

Damien, still visibly agitated, glanced at his belove sister and softened his expression upon seeing her distress. He took a deep breath, letting go of some of his anger.

"Verona," he said with a more gentle tone, "I understand you're concerned for Judith even though she doesn't deserve it. We need her back here to correct her behavior and sort things out with you."

Verona nodded, her expression of worry deepening. "I just don't want her to feel more cornered. Maybe if we give her some time, she'll come back and we can talk."

Damien sighed, realizing the validity in Verona's words. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, offering a comforting squeeze. "You're right, Verona, but that girl always escapes her problems. She needs to stop being such a coward and face us."

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