Chapter 6 A Complex Variety of Emotions

Start from the beginning

He did not find Brawn's incessant panting or watering of the mouth, disgusting.

Not one bit.

Because he was honest.

 Genuine about his glee, not trying to suck up, not a tag along. He had his own comfortable life in the suburbs where he masked his degeneracy. 

Well read, had many unique interests, besides this one, a beautiful wife and three well raised accomplished children.

Pillar of the community.

He did his part for society, as far as  he was concerned he could have this one flaw.

Unbothered and unapologetic.

If he ever felt any guilt, he would stop. 

He was not much for words unless discussing the weekend's itinerary .

When they met as teens in the early nineties, Brains was a an thin, but cute nerd, who dated cute nerd girls or pretty girl next door types.

As long as they liked something in  common it was easy to branch into other topics. He was polite, opened doors, engaging with parents , gentle,  and willing to fawn over his dates.

Perfect, on paper.

 Norm-core enough where someone would say,

"Oh yeah, Donovan, yeah, smart guy, he's cool."

No one would bother to extract anymore information about Donovan, nor would anyone consider contesting his descriptors.

He was cool and smart, what else was there to know?

Of course, there was lots to know about Donovan, even boring people could have interesting quirks if one observed them long enough.

But most people, whether in high school or on the PTA, tended to notice the "living their life out loud" types, even if they could barely stomach the individual they would still pay attention to them.

Mysterious people stood out. Emotional people too. Quirky people, weird people, annoying people, devastatingly attractive people, stylish people, tragically unattractive people, accomplished people.

All walked with flashing sirens on their heads.

Donovan could see some of the advantages of being someone of note, being a showstopping character like in WWF.

 Loved or hated.

But he never got a rush from any of that external stuff, if he was on the receiving end of praise he understood the good will behind it. The concept of support and praise of others, sure, he could intellectually understand why some people either thrived on accolades or shrunk from lack of praise.

Not him. He was not like "other people," but he suspected many people were not either.

Acting on 'ID', he would not recommend that for the emotionally or mentally dishonest.

Dreamers need not apply ever.


Even if they never least admit that it existed, the taboo desire.

Unassuming people possess an otherworldly key to life.

A potential lifestyle no one who is not vengeful, hired, street involved or murderous  can ever truly reach.

Brawn is napping as they return to their hotel an hour away from the site.

The do not check in together,  arriving in separate cars days earlier.

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