We Have to Talk

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Ivy took paw steps forward as she walked along a paved path outside her school. Next to her walked her best friend, Felix, who took each step in confidence as they walked home. Ivy smiled lightly at him as the two Pokemon made their way home in peaceful silence.

Felix paused, causing Ivy to stop walking, confused. He signaled for her to follow him, and headed straight towards a bench in the park they almost passed--Sprout Park.

Ivy gazed at the park, currently empty. The swings stood still in the air, untouched. The treehouse that she always wanted to go in, but never found the time to stood still and empty. She imagined, though, that it would be bustling with life in an hour or so as the younger Pokemon got out of school.

Felix touched her shoulder with a paw, grabbing her attention. Ivy sighed, following him to the bench.

"What's all this about? Is something the matter?" Ivy asked, curious. Her voice carried a tinge of worry in it, though, as she spoke. Felix shook his head and began looking at the sky before speaking.

"Not with me, no," Felix answered, turning to face Ivy. She tilted her head, starting to worry even more.

"Then..." Ivy said, trailing off. Felix gazed at her sadly.

"You still like Kenzie, don't you?" Felix asked though he sounded as if he already knew the answer. Ivy cringed inwardly, unsure of how to respond.

Ivy jolted in response, "No! I don't like her, we're past that--I just..." She said, unsure of what to say next. Unsure of what words she could use to defend herself.

"I'm not mad at you, Ivy, I'm just worried." Felix tried to explain calmly, not wanting to scare his best friend off. He shook his head, "We both know she's straight, and that her and--"

Ivy turned to face Felix, anger written all over her face, "That she and Maverick are all over each other, and how they're soooo in loveee!" She shouted, unable to control her actions. Immediately she stood up, ready to storm off and run away from this conversation. Before she could, though, Felix grabbed her paw in desperation.

"Ivy I'm trying to talk to you! I know you're upset, and I know you're hurting--" He called out to her anxiously, "--and that's why we need to talk. To figure this out." He finished quietly, looking around to see if anyone had heard. However, the area was empty, and only the passing pidgey would have seen them. Ivy still felt his paw on hers, and suddenly she couldn't hold it back anymore. The tears came falling down.

"I-I can't stand it, Felix!" She exclaimed, running into his arms for a hug. She sniffled against him, tears rolling down her face. Felix frowned, but he knew this was for the best. For her to confront her feelings rather than to keep running.

"I know, and it's not fair. Our emotions are complex, and sometimes we just have to..." Felix trailed off, considering his next words wisely, "Let them take over. Let them wash over us like the rain. And once the storm is over, the sun will shine again. The clouds will part, Ivy." Felix finished, now looking at him with a smile. Ivy just stared up to him, sitting on the bench again in his arms.

"I couldn't ask for a better friend, y'know?" Ivy told him, voice rough with sadness. She sniffled again, speaking up, "I just wish I didn't have to sit in the rain for it to pass. I wanna be comfortable inside. By a fireplace, or something." She said, and Felix chuckled.

"I never thought I'd reach the day where you went along with one of my metaphors instead of brushing them off." Felix said happily, joking to lighten the mood a little.

"Yeah, well most of your metaphors sound like tauros dung." Ivy replied with a snort, "That's why I never pay attention to them." She said finally, closing her eyes and sighing as she began to rest her head against the bench they sat on.

"Mhm." He replied, smiling. His face faded to a neutral frown, though, as he steered the conversation back to its roots. "You need to move on from her, Vy." Felix told her seriously, through not with anger--just the concern of friendship

"I know," Ivy responded, opening her eyes again. She looked up to Felix, meeting his serious expression, "It's just so hard--to move on." She explained, but she couldn't find much else to say. Only the truth.

They sat there for a moment, in quiet. Ivy traced circles with her claw on the wood of the bench, almost carving them with the amount of loops she had made. She still laid in his arms, embracing the comfort of her friend. Felix made circles on her back with his paw, knowing the motion comforted the glaceon. Too soon, it seemed, the moment was over.

"Have you ever tried..." Felix began, in a whisper quiet voice. As he continued to speak, his voice gradually reached his normal volume. "... pursuing some Pokémon else?" Felix asked, and right after he spoke those words, Ivy jumped in shock. She left his arms, now sitting an inch further away on the bench. Her eyes were wide.

"Pursuing? Someone else? Me?" She asked continuously, not seeming to even take a breath between words. Felix chuckled lightheartedly at her reaction, and he had a sheepish smile on his face.

"Well, yeah." Felix answered blankly, still looking smug. Ivy closed her eyes and shook her head.

"No way. Not me. You ever see me try and talk to anyone other than our friends? It's just not happening!" She reasoned, trying to convince him of otherwise. Felix smiles sillily at her desperation.

"I was just suggesting something, Vy, no need to get so worked up," Felix told her reassuringly, putting a paw on her shoulder. He looked away for a second, releasing his paw.  "It's possible someone could pursue you instead, too." Felix explained. His eyes traveled through the sky, gazing as the sunset that was occurring before them.

"Pft, yeah right." Ivy laughed, thinking impossible of what Felix implied. She looked out at the sky, too, unable not to. She admired its beauty, and wished she could gaze at it forever. To think about it instead of Kenzie.

"How about we head home?" Felix suggested, and Ivy just nodded in response.


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