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Ivy pushed her lunch tray away, resting her head on her paws, the cafeteria table beneath them. She groaned and moved her body away in disgust after she felt some mysterious sticky stain on the table touch her pale blue fur. She side-eyed the stain, now annoyed. Looking up, she noticed a vaporeon looking down at her.

The vaporeon had bright blue scales on most of his body, and an upside down v shape of dark blue scales on his forehead and up. His eyes were sea green, which faded to a deeper shade of blue. He's sort of short for a vaporeon, and his tail was larger than most.

"Eww, that's gross," The vaporeon said sweeping away a piece of broccoli left on the table. He held a lunch tray in one paw, and before Ivy knew it he was sitting before her. He had a smug smirk on his face, as always.

"Felix, be serious," Ivy stated blankly, looking at him directly, "You know this school is disgusting." She continued, mostly annoyed but also a little amused. He cackled a little, seemingly amused as well.

"Yeah, I just like being dramatic--you know that," Felix explained, smiling dumbly at her. She just rolled her eyes, turning her head away.

"Where's everyone else?" Ivy asked, bored. In her peripheral, she saw Felix stick his tongue out.

"Sick of me already?" Felix implied playfully, swishing his tail back and forth. Ivy turned back to face him again, a little shocked.

"That's not what I said, but whatever!" Ivy replied, batting at Felix mischievously with her paw. He pulled back a little too late, bashfully looking away embarrassed at his poor reaction time.

"Well, if you wanna know so bad..." he trailed off, presumably thinking, "Aria is home sick--I think anyway--and Kenzie and Mav are out getting real food," He finished, before looking up and squinting his eyes in thought, "Well, as real as fast food can get!" He said, looking back at Ivy and grinning sheepishly.

"Yup, Kenzie and Mav are probably out smooching," Ivy stated bluntly, and Felix just blinked, "And they think that we don't know they're into each other!" She exclaimed, laughing at her own words. Inside, though, she felt a twinge of pain pick at her heart. Felix groaned loudly, for dramatics, and his face plummeted to the table beneath him. He let out a displeased noise afterward.

"Ouch, I should not have done that..." Felix said annoyedly. He held a paw to his nose, still groaning. Ivy cackled and looked at him slyly.

"Yeah, you'll be fine--" Ivy said, pausing as she saw blood dripping from his nose. She stared in shock. Did he hit his nose that hard?

"Dude. Let's get you to the nurse's office." Ivy said seriously, grabbing his paw as she stood up and they headed out the cafeteria door.


Ivy tapped her paw impatiently on the wooden desk she sat at, the other paw holding a phone as it rang, waiting for an answer. She groaned, though she abruptly stopped as someone picked up.

"What's up?" Felix asked, a familiar voice answering the phone. She sighed and paused, breathing in.

"Well, I didn't get to check on you because that stupid nurse decided I had to go to class--or whatever," she explained, irritation evident in her voice. Her words softened as she spoke her next words, "So, I wanted to know: are you alright?" She asked with a curious tone. Felix chuckled.

"Yes, I'm fine, Ivy." Felix replied calmly, seemingly alright, "You're awfully prickly for someone who worries so much, y'know?" He said with a twinge of smugness in his voice. Ivy frowned.

"Yeah, your point?" She asks, now actually annoyed. Her tail swished back and forth, thumping as it hit the chair she sat in. Felix stutters over the phone.

"I-I mean like..." Felix pauses, and Ivy can tell he's about to say something stupid, "How's your future partner deal with that attitude of yours--" He tried to finish his sentence but was quickly interrupted by a beep from Ivy hanging up the phone.

Ivy aggressively tapped at her phone, typing up a storm. Her leg was bouncing against the floor, irritation and nervousness taking over her. What even ever! She didn't care what he had to say.

Ivy typed a quick "What the tail. Never again..." and turned off her phone, but a flash of light appeared from the device as several messages came in. The messages ranged from "I'm sorry, I just like messing with u" to "Sorry I'm right!". She stood up and walked over to her bed, parallel to it before plummeting to face plant into the soft cushions below her. She sighed loudly and felt a smile creep onto her face. Felix is Felix, and that is why he's her best friend.


"Kenzie, that's disgusting. You're disgusting." Felix said plainly, just smirking. Kenzie glared at him, likely serious-looking to anyone who wasn't in their friend group. Ivy found herself staring at the leafeon.

Kenzie has cream-colored medium-long fur, tufts adorning her cheeks, ears, chest, and so on. Her eyes are a gorgeous coconut shell brown, with highlights that could catch anyone's attention. Her leaves are autumn orange, but unlike most leafeon, hers stay orange all year. They're beautiful, or at least Ivy thinks so. Ivy sighed, still staring.

Gazing at the Pokémon behind Kenzie, Ivy spotted Maverick--or Mav. He had brownish-orange fur, with a burnt yellow tail, chest fur, and a spot of fur on his head. He had long and fluffy fur, like most flareons. His eyes were a stark blue, in contrast to the rest of him. He wore his usual smile.

"What's up, Ivy?" Kenzie asked, now looking back at her. Ivy startled, jumping slightly. She looked over to Felix, trying to play it cool. He looked right into Ivy's eyes with a concerned frown on his face. She sighed.

"Nothing, I just zoned out." Ivy lied, tail twitching irritably. Ivy still looked at Felix, his expression softening in sympathy. She felt her tail swish back and forth in annoyance at his change in demeanor.

"I don't need your sympathy..." She muttered under her breath, unable to hold back her angry words. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice. Kenzie turned away from her.

"Well, alright then. You can always talk to us, y'know?" Kenzie explained softly, and Mav just looked at her with sad eyes. She felt pathetic.

All this over a stupid crush.


Ivy rushed through the halls, paw steps messy and hurried. She didn't even care where she was going, at this point. She just wanted away. That feeling of anger paused when she came to an abrupt stop, colliding with something and immediately falling to the ground. Someone.

Ivy heard a groan, and not just from herself. She was now uncomfortably sitting on the ground, having fallen after running into someone.

"This is my fault, isn't it..." She thought annoyedly, gradually opening her eyes. Before her, sat an umbreon.

The umbreon had dark fur, primarily black. Highlights from the iridescent lights above them made his fur appear a chocolate shade of brown. His rings were dimmed, being in a well-lit area; however, they still carried their neon yellow color. His fur was a medium length, appearing fluffy as can be. His tail looked even softer, she noticed.

He slowly opened his eyes, revealing startlingly pink irises. She paused, unable to think. She just stared into them.


Hey all! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Temporal Hearts!!!

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