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Sophie runs in her dream (we see different light versus in reality), hears music, runs on dirt roads among grass and flowers. She is calm and enjoys the views.

SOPHIE - narration

Sometimes we just vegetate, not thinking much about what surrounds us. We don't notice the beauty that surrounds us every day. It's just, I don't time for this? We replace many things...

Jamie runs from the opposite direction, his eyes full of offense again, and he's also listening to music on headphones. Sophie looks at him neutrally, with some curiosity. They pass each other. She stops and turns, staring at the retreating figure.

SOPHIE - narration

We associate some places only with certain people and that is what makes them beautiful.

The weather changes, it starts to wind and rain heavily, Sophie runs as fast as she can, wakes up sweaty and out of breath. She lies back down.

SOPHIE - narration

Sometimes we don't allow ourselves to think certain thoughts because it is no longer appropriate. I think it's called repression... (gets up, moves around the room, it's the middle of the night) And it's these unfinished matters that bother us the most, they appear in dreams to remind us of themselves (takes out a piece of paper, pen, writes in the night light)

It's already morning, we see Sophie leaning her head on the windowsill with a letter under her. The alarm clock rings, Sophie groans, but she gets ready for school and looks at the letter before leaving.


Some things still have to wait

You can hear cheerful music in the background, Sophie gets into the car and is surprised to see Veronica, dad is taking them to school. Veronica is wearing a cheerleader uniform, and another similar one is lying on the seat next to her.

SOPHIE (with a grimace; surprise)

What's the meaning of this?

VERONICA (fascinated)

Oh, don't spoil this moment! You'll be cheering for Carl, and I'll be...(stops, blushes)


Wow, something is happening and I don't know about it?!

VERONICA (disappointed)

Well, nothing happens and that's the problem!

SOPHIE (curiosity, knock her friend)

So which one do you like? Mathew? Noah? Cole? (Names only the hot guys from school) We'd go on double dates! Just think!


Ughh, I won't tell you yet!

Sophie's dad smiles, looks at Sophie in the car mirror. He does not want to interfere. The girls commute to school. Their package is waiting. Sophie is amused, Veronica less so.

Class, the girls are sitting next to each other, Sophie is trying to get the truth out of Veronica, suddenly the classroom becomes silent when the teacher enters, but Sophie doesn't notice him.

SOPHIE (inappropriately loud because she had an idea)

Don't say that you like someone from our group!

Sophie covers her mouth with her hand, Veronica blushes, and David drops the pen from his hand. Carl smiles, Amy rolls her eyes with some girl, Tini looks neutral.

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