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Ansh pov

In the dark world of the underworld, where shadows danced and danger lurked, I stood as a formidable figure. As the leader of a vast mafia empire, my ruthlessness and cunning were legendary. But in the aftermath of a bloody conflict with the Talwar family, an unexpected truce had been forged.

As part of this uneasy alliance, my twin brother, Rudra, and I were to marry the princess of the Talwar clan, Naina. With a heavy heart, I agreed to this sacrifice, knowing that it would strengthen our position and secure peace between our warring factions.

The following day, I embarked on a solitary journey to Nainital, eager to catch a glimpse of my future bride. As I approached her apartment, a sense of curiosity washed over me. Contrary to my expectations, there were no armed guards patrolling the premises. Instead, the only sound that reached my ears was the laughter of children.

 Instead, the only sound that reached my ears was the laughter of children

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Intrigued, I cautiously approached a nearby window and peered inside. My eyes widened in surprise as I witnessed a sight that defied my preconceptions. There, in a brightly decorated room, Naina sat on the floor, surrounded by a group of young children. She was reading them a story, her voice soft and melodious.

As I watched, I noticed a faint glow in her eyes. There was a warmth and compassion in her expression that I had never seen in the cold and ruthless world I inhabited. For a moment, my hardened heart softened.

After the children had left, Naina emerged from the apartment and headed towards a nearby school. I followed at a discreet distance, my senses heightened. To my astonishment, she entered the school and began teaching a class of young students.

For hours, I observed her in awe. She possessed an extraordinary ability to connect with children. She made learning fun and engaging, drawing them into her world with imaginative stories and interactive games.

 She made learning fun and engaging, drawing them into her world with imaginative stories and interactive games

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As the school day ended, Naina walked to an old-age home. She spent the next few hours chatting with the elderly residents, bringing them joy and laughter. I watched in wonder as she lovingly fed them and listened intently to their stories.

 I watched in wonder as she lovingly fed them and listened intently to their stories

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