There's a Boy In the Girl's Bathroom

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Y/N, Annabeth, and Percy approached the hidden portal shimmering with ancient magic. It pulsed with an otherworldly energy, it was undoubtedly the portal they came looking for.

Percy's eyes met Y/N's, a spark of anticipation dancing in their depths. "This is it. Once we step through, we'll be in New York. Ready?"

Y/N nodded, her hand resting on the hilt of her knife. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's do this." Annabeth's voice held a note of resolve. "We've trained for this. Together Percy."

With a shared breath, they stepped through, a disorienting whirlwind of colors and sensations enveloped them. It was as if they were hurtling through space and time suspended in a kaleidoscope of shifting lights and shadowy forms.

Suddenly, with a jolt that sent them stumbling, they found themselves standing in a dimly lit room. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead flickered, casting an eerie glow over cracked tiles and worn linoleum. It took a moment for their senses to adjust, for reality to solidify around them.

To their bewildered surprise, they stood in the girls' bathroom of a McDonalds. The scent of grease and cleaning chemicals mingled in the air. Stalls lined one side, their doors creaking on rusty hinges. A flickering light above a mirror revealed their worn and travel-worn faces.

Percy let out a relieved laugh. "We made it."

Annabeth shook her head in disbelief. "In a McDonald's bathroom, of all places."

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle. "Well, at least it's not the worst place we could've ended up."

Just then a pretty teen girl with bright blue eyes and a mischievous smile walked out of her stall and approached Percy. "Hey there," she said, giving him a flirtatious grin. "You know you're in the girls' bathroom, right?"

Percy blinked in surprise, glancing around. "Oh, uh... Yeah, we, uh, sort of got here by accident."

The girl laughed, a melodious sound that echoed in the small space. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. It's our little secret," she said as she brushed her hand against Percy's bicep. The girl's touch lingered on Percy's arm a moment too long, and Y/N couldn't help but notice the glint in her eyes.

Annabeth's jaw tightened, her gaze fixed on the scene. She stepped forward, her tone sharp. "We should go order some food, Percy."

Percy quickly stepped back, diffusing the tension. "Right, Annabeth. Let's focus on the task at hand." They placed their orders and settled into a booth, the scent of fast food mingling with the lively chatter of the restaurant.

After ravenously consuming their burgers and fries, they left the restaurant, prepared to head to the Empire State Building, which Percy had said was the secret entrance to Olympus.

Annabeth hailed a taxi, and the three of them climbed into the back. Percy ended up in the middle, and Y/N couldn't help but enjoy the feel of Percy's strong body beside her. But with a glance at Annabeth, who was leaning against Percy's shoulder, she willed herself to stop. The last thing she needed was for Annabeth to have yet another reason to hate her

It was then that Y/N realized that the taxi driver was going in the wrong direction. Startled and alarmed, she glanced at the driver. The driver was staring right back, his eyes glinting in a way that no human ever would.

Percy Jackson x Reader (Y/N's adventure into Percy's Heart)Where stories live. Discover now