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The team had been urgently called this morning. There was no time to go to the office, we had to go straight to the plane for take off. Spencer and I had driven together since he had spent the night to help me with my nightmares again.

After we had kissed, he had asked if we could keep it a secret from everyone else. As much as I wanted to go gushing to my friends about it, I understood his reasoning. They are the people who we work with after all.

I followed behind JJ and Alex as we all climbed the steps up to the BAU's plane. It was already to go, and we hadn't even been debriefed, something must have been seriously wrong. Spencer was walking behind me, it was going to be a little difficult to stay professional after last night.

"All right, let's go, Garcia." Hotch said as soon as everyone had walked on. Spencer sat down and I sat opposite him.

"Trans Alliance flight 420 just crashed in a Colorado field, Northwest of Durango." Penelope said

"Any survivors?" Kate asked

"152 passengers, all presumed dead."
Hotch replied. The thought pierced at my heart. Those poor people.

"Where was it coming from?" Derek asked

"Pittsburgh. It was going to Phoenix."
Penelope said

"So it happened in mid flight? The plane just fell out of the sky?" JJ asked

"That's highly unusual. 80% of plane crashes happen within 3 minutes of take-off or 8 minutes of landing." Spencer turned his head to talk to the others as his back was to them.

"Well, an early call came into local law enforcement from a witness who said he saw a streak of light in the sky just before the crash." Penelope said

"Surface to air missile." Derek said

"We've been asked to determine if there was a crime. And if so, give the profile of the offender." Rossi said

"We'll be working with a joint Task Force. Everyone's on their way to the crash site now." Hotch said

"I know flyings safer. But I still wish you were driving. Safe travels. Call me when you get there." Penelope said before she hung up. The plane began to roll down the tarmac, and I felt myself grow slightly nervous. Flying to a plane crash didn't feel safe, or smart.

Spencer nudged my leg gently with his foot, bringing my attention to him and his soft brown eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay." I said. I know he could see right through me.

"We'll be okay." Spencer said with a knowing look in his eyes. I nodded and sent him a small smile.


Spencer, Kate and I had been sent to the crash sight. I've never seen such destruction in person before. There was rubble everywhere. The plane was in pieces, there were suitcases and chairs strone about in pieces. It was a heartbreaking sight to see.

Kate bent down to pick something up, and my eyes landed on a toy yellow dump truck. The sight of the child's toy made my heart shatter. Of course I had figures there would have been kids on the flight, but I didn't truly want to accept it.

"The plane broke up into five main sections. The two wings, the aft hull and tail, the forward hull and cockpit, which we have here." A man said. He was apart of the task force we would be working with. He began to lead the three of us through the crash sight.

"How large is the spread?" Spencer asked

"About half a mile." He replied

"That means the plane broke up before impact. Have you found the digital flight data recorder yet?" Spencer asked

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