Truth or dare

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I yawned heavily as I sat on my couch with a bowl of cereal in my hands. It was 6 am, and all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and go to sleep until it was the afternoon. Penelope had thought it would be a great idea to have a girls night last night at her place, which included face masks, wine and rom coms. While it had been fun, we shouldn't have done it on a work night.

The journey to work had felt like a blur. There is nothing more concerning than driving somewhere and zoning out because of how familiar the road is. The panic sets in once you get there and realize you were completely zoned out. There was something in particular playing on my mind over and over again from last night.

"Okay! Okay, let's play...truth or dare." Penelope exclaimed excitedly

"I haven't played truth or dare since I was in high school." I said with a laugh as I sipped on my wine

"Which means it's about time you played it again." Penelope said cheerfully

"Okay, I'll go first." JJ said with a smirk as she lent forward. "Penelope, truth or dare?"

"Dare!" She called out cheerfully

"Okay...I dare you to...prank call Rossi." JJ said with a laugh.

"Oh, my god." Penelope said with a laugh. The prospect itself had me in hysterics. Penelope pulled out her phone and called the older man, trying her best to pretend to be a scary stalker. Fortunately, Rossi saw right through her and didn't call the team thinking he was in danger.

"Well, that means it's your turn now, Pen." I said

"Okay, Nat, truth or dare?" Penelope said

"Truth." I answered

"Do you think Spencer is attractive?" She asked with a coy smirk that very quickly turned into a wide smile

"Um..." I all but became flustered. I do, I just don't want to admit that I do to my coworkers and friends.

"You so do." JJ said with a wide smile. Penelope made a cooing sound, before she wiggled her brows.

"If you don't answer, you have to choose dare." Penelope said

"Fine, dare." I said

"I dare you to tell me if you have a crush on Doctor Spencer Reid." Penelope said with a wide smile, thinking that she had me hoodwinked.

I very quickly denied the question, but it had been sitting heavily in my chest. I know deep down that I hadn't been truthful in my response. As much as I want to deny it, Spencer Reid had a hold on my heart that I just couldn't shake.

I walked into the round table room where most of the team was. I took a seat beside Spencer and tried to not think about my racing thoughts. He was doodling on his notebook absentmindedly.

I yawned again as I lent back into my chair. "Tired?" Spencer asked, looking up from his doodling.

"Very." I said with a small smile. Having his attention has suddenly made me feel flustered. I sometimes feel a stirring in my chest when I look at him, but it suddenly became stronger, like I've had my eyes opened. My feelings have been pointed out to me, and now they are more obvious than ever.

Penelope, Hotch and Rossi then came into the round table room. Derek held out her remote for her as she quickly walked around the table and over to the screen.

"Wayne Campbell, 38 years old, found dead yesterday morning in his holding cell in Long Beach, California. He claimed someone was trying to kill him, so he purposefully got himself arrested to be protected. A strategy that didn't work out so great." Penelope said

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