Lobotomy's and live streams

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The streets of Baltimore rolled past the windows of the black SUV. There was a mixture of nerves and anticipation as we drove closer and closer to our destination. The unknown of doing a case with this team was equally terrifying and intriguing. I sat in the back of the car beside Spencer Reid while Hotch and Cruz were in the front.

"A lobotomy is supposed to alter a patient's personality. But it's hard to know if that's what he was trying to do since the victim's a John Doe." I said, adding to the conversation about the case.

"When used for torture, it's about complete power and control over the victim. When Jeffery Dahmer fantasized about men, he poured battery acid in their brains so they couldn't escape." Spencer said

"All because he was lonely, right?" Cruz asked as he turned in his seat to look at Spencer.

"Yeah, with extremely deranged sexual urges, irrational fantasies and psychopathic tendencies." Spencer added

"So far no one matching the victims description has been reported missing in the tri-state area." I said as I glanced down at the IPad that showed the case file on my lap.

"Well, if he's been arrested before, his prints will be in the database." Cruz said

"The locals are running them now." Hotch said

"And if he hasn't, then that makes it more difficult. It can't be an accident that the UnSub chose a victim who won't be missed." I said

"But if he's so meticulous in his hunting, how did he let his victim escape?" Hotch asked

"Maybe it was on purpose." I said. There could have been a reason that he was let go, what that reason was though? I have no idea.


Hotch, Cruz, Spencer and I had made it to the police precinct and made ourselves at home in the office space that they lent us. We had a large wooden desk and several boards that held all the known information about the case.

"The victim was found just after dawn. It could mean the UnSub has a job that requires him to leave early." Spencer said to me as we sat at the desk together.

"I think that his social skills might be lacking, and that'll be reflected in his type of work." I replied

S.A.C is in the field but called to say whatever you need, you got it." Cruz said

"The recovery sites surrounded by abandoned warehouses. He needs the desolation to enforce his power and control." Spencer said

"There's a team looking through the buildings now." Cruz said as he lent on the table.

"This UnSub doesn't leave anything to luck. There was a garbage truck that sticks to a schedule." Hotch said. He then pulled out his phone and dialed a number. He held it up and put it on speaker phone.

"Hey Hotch." JJ answered

"Did you talk to the driver?" Hotch asked

"Yeah, according to him, the victim looked and sounded like a zombie." JJ said

"There's no way he made it far. Most of the buildings down here are boarded up. We're starting with the closest one." Rossi said

"The victim was in such bad shape, he probably didn't walk the stairs by himself." Hotch said

"He was either held on the first floor and luckily made it out..." Rosie trailed off

"Or he didn't escape at all. The UnSub let him go." Hotch said


Alex Blake had shown up at the precinct as well, deciding to join us here as JJ and Rossi did more investigating outside in the streets of Baltimore. Derek Morgan was still at the hospital, trying to get through to the victim who could only communicate through blinks. It broke my heart to think of how terrified the poor man must be right now.

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