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The team had just gotten back from a pretty long case that involved one of Rossi's old friends from the Vietnam war. All of us were exhausted as we collected our stuff from the BAU office. I couldn't wait to get home and go to sleep. I picked up my bag and began to walk across the office.

"Hey, you have any plans tonight?" Spencer asked as he suddenly appeared on my left. He pulled his brown book bag over his shoulder as he walked beside me to the elevators.

"Um, sleep, probably." I said with a laugh

"I'm going to a Korean film festival in Georgetown. You can come with me if you want. A lot of the entries probably aren't subtitled yet but I can do a simultaneous whisper translation while we watch." Spencer said as we waited for the elevator.

I paused for a moment, considering his offer. On the one hand, I really just wanted to go home and sleep, but on the other hand, I could not look into his hopeful brown eyes and say no. It would be like kicking a puppy. Besides, I suppose a night of Spencer whispering in my ear wouldn't be all bad.

"Yeah, okay." I agreed with a shrug

"Really?" Spencer looked surprised before his face lit up excitedly. "That's great."

JJ then walked up to the two of us, joining us in waiting for the lift. She covered her mouth as she yawned heavily.

"Tired?" I asked her rhetorically

"Very." JJ said with a nod

The lift then pinged as the door opened and the three of us stepped inside, taking the lift down to the parking garage. We stepped out of the lift and said goodbye to JJ. Seeing as Spencer took the subway to work this morning, we were taking my car to Georgetown.

"Thank you for coming with me. Usually when I ask the team they say no." Spencer said gratefully

"Of course. It's no problem, it sounds like fun anyway." I said with a smile. I felt a pang of sadness and empathy at his words and his expression. It was clear that a lot of people usually dismiss him.


Spencer and I were about two films in now. I have almost fallen asleep once or twice due to how tired I was, but Spencer promised me that he didn't mind. It was kind of hard to properly fall asleep however, because of the way Spencer was whispering into my ear.

The sound of him whispering the words from the film and the closeness that came with it was making a strange feeling stir within me. His side was pressed up against mine so I could hear him, and I felt weirdly flustered because of it. I hadn't expected to have this reaction, and I'm not sure how long I can keep the heat off of my face.

My eyes closed and my head drifted to the side, landing gently on his shoulder before I shook myself awake again. Spencer chuckled softly as he looked down at me.

"Tired?" He questioned softly

"Just a little." I said with a sigh, shifting in my seat to try and wake myself up a little.

"We can go if you want?" Spencer offered

"No, it's okay. You wanted to be here." I said

"Are you sure?" Spencer asked. I could see a conflicted look in his eyes. He wanted me to go home and get sleep, but he was also flattered that I wanted to stay up because he wanted to be here.

"I'm sure. As long as you don't take offense if I fall asleep on you again." I said with a small laugh

"I won't. I promise." Spencer said with a smile.

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