Chapter 14 - Not-Not

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With another smug grin, the plaintiff attorney picked up her tablet-viewer and sat down. Fleming's eyes sparkled in mockery, and a I've-got-you type of grin appeared on his lips, directed right at little 'ol me.

With a low growl, I stiffened and rose slightly from my chair. But from both sides, Walt grabbed one arm and Jyn the other, easing me back down on my seat. Probably a good thing they did.

"So entered," the Arbitrator said in an even voice, then shifted eyes to Jyn. "Defense counsel, you're up. It would drastically shorten this hearing if you would produce a valid dated marriage license."

Jyn's forlorn sigh shadowed my heart as she stepped to the lectern. "Unfortunately, your honor, I cannot." Standing tall, her expression firmed. "However, the defense alleges these lawsuits were retaliatory and punitive in nature. As such, we submit a countersuit against the Mars Land Bank and Mr. Fleming Barnes, in particular." Jyn touched her viewer. "I have transferred the document--"

As Fleming scowled, providing a little spark to my spirit, his attorney jumped up and interrupted, "We object, your honor. This is outrageous and irrelevant."

"Sit down, counselor," the Arbitrator replied with narrowed eyes. "I will decide what is relevant. You will have your chance to challenge later."

"Thank you, your honor," Jyn said, nodding. "As I was saying..."

Over the next hour, Jyn presented our case with the fire of a revival preacher — the ethical grayness of the arranged marriages; the lax matchmaking as demonstrated by Riya's abuse and Damion's conviction; the wildfire set by someone in a Land Bank flyer; the Broker's assault; Fleming's secretive financial ties; and the suspicious low-ball land buyout offers that came soon after foreclosure notices. Fleming's face reddened and his fists clenched tighter with each accusation Jyn made, while his attorney never changed her sour scowl. The Martian bride gallery might have whooped and hollered, but a pre-emptive warning from the Arbitrator at the first peep squelched that. Had to admit, Jyn made me a believer, but my belief wasn't what counted.

After Jyn retreated from the lectern, the enemy lawyer claimed it with a smirk, shaking her head. "Well, I must say, that was a spirited defense, but entirely irrelevant and potentially slanderous. All the evidence presented was circumstantial at best and inflammatory at worst. None of it conclusively proved Mr. Fleming Barnes or the Mars Land Bank of any wrongdoing or retaliation. The plaintiff moves to dismiss the defense countersuit."

The Arbitrator put a hand to his chin and shifted his gaze to the defense table. My throat tightened as a moment passed. But when his expression softened to sympathy, a chill crawled down my spine. "The defense countersuit is dismissed without prejudice and shall not be considered in judgement. However, it may be refiled at a later time outside of these cases."

My heart dropped like a rock in the ocean, settling into the murky depths. Walt and I sat in stunned silence, hardly breathing. He reached across under the table and held my hand. This was our one shot, our only hope, now discarded like a rejected manuscript. Icy dread chilled my gut as losing our farm, everything we worked for, became the likely outcome.

With a deep breath, Jyn rose. "I request some time for discussion with my clients."

The Arbitrator nodded. "Let's break early for lunch. Arbitration will reconvene in two hours."

Hushed murmurs swirled as Walt and I walked out like zombies.

Just outside the door, Fleming pushed past us, then turned back with a mocking grin. "What was it you told me earlier? That I wouldn't get away with this? It's a hard lesson, but I always get what I want."

Seething rage boiled up from my core, and I stepped forward with clenched fists, gritting teeth. But Walt held me back, and wisely so. Whupping Fleming's arse right now would have felt real good, though.

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