Chapter 9

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    "They're so cool, right" Ace said with an almost plastic smile while his eyes had a more sadistic look in them. Akaza furrowed her brow, she could tell he was going to switch up as she'd seen it before with Douma. Now she felt justified in her hatred for him. "...Unlike a certain raccoon."

"Funa!?" Grimm exclaimed in surprise. Yuuken's eyes widened in shock at the sudden switch up, he looked over at Akaza to see her expression. It was a mixture of annoyance and mild disappointment.

"Pu... ahahahaha! I can't hold it in anymore! Ahahahaha!" Ace made no effort to suppress his laughter at the three, though it was mainly directed at Grimm and Yuuken. "Hey, you guys are the ones who caused a riot during the opening ceremony, right? A guy who got called in front of the mirror but actually couldn't use magic, a violent monster who was summoned by the mirror by mistake, and the monster barging in even though he didn't get invited! Man~ it was so hard to stop myself from laughing during the opening ceremony."

"What!? W-what a rude guy!" Grimm exclaimed, the shock making him stutter.

Akaza scowled, sure she likes fighting but this punny weakling had no room to speak about her. Yuuken was frowning though he wasn't getting angry. Instead he was watching both Akaza and Grimm to make sure the both of them didn't attack Ace.

"And, in the end the three of you couldn't get into the school so you became handymen? Haha, lame." Ace smirked with a condescending laugh at the end of his statement. This statement caused a vein to pop on Akaza's forehead, her fists were squeezed tightly as she just barely held herself back from tearing out Ace's throat.


"Plus, to not know who the "Great Seven" are... how ignorant are you?" Ace taunted, his main focus the being the cat monster. Though his eyes occasionally drifted over to Akaza, feeling somewhat nervous about her angered state but ultimately deciding to go further. "I recommend you to start over from kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College. Pukuku..."

"Gunununu..." Grimm was now growling, having gotten so angry that he had completely forgone human speech.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down." Yuuken raised his hands as he tried to diffuse the cat and reign in Ace's taunts. His hand rested on Akaza's shoulder as a way to try to calm her.

"I called you out to tease you a bit, but you guys exceeded my expectations." Ace teased before he turned around and began walking away. He looked over his shoulder and lackadaisically waved at the three. "Well, I have classes unlike you guys, so, bye! Work hard cleaning, you three♪"

"This guy~~! Let him talk and he crosses the line! I'm angry now!" Grimm said before stepping forwards and spitting flames at Ace. "Funa~~~!"

"Uwah!" Ace exclaimed as he turned around at the sound of Yuuken's gasp. He barely dodged the flames, narrowly avoiding singeing his uniform. Ace looked over at Grimm, his expression indignant. "Oops, that's dangerous! What the hell are you doing!?"

"It's because you make fun of me!" Grimm poorly defended himself. Akaza just frowned, wondering why Grimm decided to waste time trying to explain himself instead of finishing the fight that he initiated. "I'll make your explosion-head[1] even more exploded!"

"Explosion-head~? Heeh. You got guts to pick a fight with me." Ace replied though the laugh was forced, he was trying to appear unbothered but was failing at it. His smile twitched so slightly that it escaped notice of everyone but Akaza's enhanced vision. "You too, I'll turn you into a frizzy toy poodle!"

"Funa~~~~!!!" Grimm let out more flames. These were stronger than the last, the power increasing as Ace continued to rile him up.

"Oops, that's dangerous." Ace said as he narrowly dodged Grimm's flames. He waved his pen, firing off a spell. "Take this!"

Fight me, Become a DemonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora