Chapter 2 part 1

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    "Come, we're going to the opening ceremony now!" Crowley exclaimed as his hand made contact with the door.

"Then, I guess this is the end of the dormitory division?" A short man with red hair spoke. He had large silver eyes and a stern expression that was unbefitting of his good looks. His skin was pale which paired nicely with his ceremonial robe, his fron deeper as he stated his next words. "Listen to me, new students. In the Heartslabyul Dorm, I am the rule. I will behead anyone who disobey, so remember that."

"...Fuaa~ah. Finally, the tiresome ceremony ended." A tanned man with brown hair and lion ears yawned. His posture was a bit slouched as he tried not to fall asleep from the boredom of the ceremony. Florescent green eyes were half lidded, a prominent scar on the right side of his face that ran over his eyelid and down his cheek making him memorable. His hair was a bit messy, as though he had just awoken from a nap, the only thing neat about his hair was the small braids on each side of his head. "We're going back to our dorm, immediately. Savanaclaw Dorm, follow me."

"All new students." A man with short silver hair spoke, one strand on the right side of his face was longer and slightly curled at the end. His skin was pale and smooth, the beauty mark on his chin adding a sense of elegance. His glasses were more oval in shape than square, the silver frames matching nicely with his hair. His lips were curved in a smile and eyes were closed to hide the near obvious deceit swimming in lakes of silver."Congratulations on your enrollment! So you can experience a fulfilling school life, I, as Octavinelle Dorm's dorm leader, shall support you with all my might."

"Even so, I wonder where the headmaster went? He suddenly ran out in the middle of the ceremony..." A stunning man trailed off. His amethyst eyes scanned the room checking again for the crow-masked headmaster. The man shook his head, the loose strands of blonde ombré to purple hair that wasn't tucked into the small ponytail on the back of his head swaying with his movements. The light gold eyeshadow caught some of the torchlight in the chamber, darker gold laid on the creases and edges of his eyes. His lip parted in a small sigh, the ceremony was dragging on unnecessarily long.

"Abandonment of professional duty..." Came from the shiny black tablet floating alongside the men on the dais. While the voice was distorted from the speakers, it was apparent that the speaker was male and also just as done with the ceremony as the others.

"Maybe he got stomach-ache or something?" A tan man questioned with short white hair, automatically giving the headmaster the benefit of doubt. His lips were pulled in a joyful smile, garnet eyes lined with burgundy squinted slightly due to the size of his grin. He radiated perpetual joy as naturally as the sun shone.

"Wrong!" The doors crashed open as Crowley said this, causing a good number of the robed students to jump in fright. The woman and the tall student trailed slightly behind him, the soft clicking of her bracelets and anklets being the only sound she emitted. The cat creature wrapped in the whip was pouting as Crowley dragged him inside. A few students with advanced hearing noticed her presence but the rest of the students only noticed her when she stepped into their line of sight. The man with loin ears on the dais tensed, his eyes narrowed at the woman. He and the rest of the beast men students could tell there was something dangerous about her. Their primal instincts were screaming that they were in danger.

"Ah, he's here." The redhead sighed, a bit peeved that the two extra students were clearly not following the rules on the first day.

"Good grief. There's two new students missing, so I went to look for them." Crowley sighed, shaking his head. He turned to the woman and the student beside him. "Now, you're the only ones who haven't gotten your dorm yet. I'll take care of Raccoon-kun, so quickly go in front of the mirror."

"Speak thy name." The expressionless face in the mirror stated. Now that the student was on the dais the woman could see some of his face. He had pretty cat like eyes, the color being dark brown. His jawline and cheekbones were sharp, making his appearance more striking. A few short strands of black hair was visible on his forehead but the robe covered the rest of his hair.

"I'm Yuuken." He said, nothing more and nothing less.

"Yuuken... The shape of thy soul is..." the mirror paused. "......I do not know."

"What did you just say?" Crowley paused, unsure he heard the mirror correctly.

"I could not feel any magic wavelength from this one...Neither colors, nor shape, there are none of it. Therefore, this one is unworthy for any dorm!" The mirror spoke with finality.

"Impossible! This is impossible, you!" Crowley pointed at the woman. "Go infront of the mirror!"

"Mgggghhー!!!" The cat's eyes widened, taking offense to being called a raccoon. The woman rolled her eyes as she walked towards the mirror. None of the men in the room looked like demon slayers nor did they look like worthy opponents. She was okay with listening to Crowley for the time being as she needed to figure out what was happening, this place was vastly different from her own and the only similarity was the language.

"Speak thy name." The face in the mirror spoke, a white face floated in the mist behind the glass.

"Akaza." She simply spoke, she only had a first name to give it.

"Akaza... The shape of thy soul is..." The mirror hesitated. She raised a brow at this, she knew she was damned if she even had a soul. "... ...... ... I do not know."

"AGAIN!?!?" Crowley said in shock, the mirror has never said something like this.

"I could not feel any magic wavelength from this one... Neither colors, nor shape, there are none of it.... However.... This one carries a deep darkness, innate evil taints this soul.... Though there is purity deep within. Therefore, she is unworthy for any dorm!" The mirror announced to the room.

Those in the room said nothing in shock silence, the mirror only waited a second before its face turned to Akaza to speak to her directly. "The name given is not her own... though I do not know her true have forgotten it, haven't you?"

Dear reader,
The lead character, aka you, will have the name Akaza like the character she is based off of. However, her real name is Y/N (your/name) as she is the representation of you in this book. In Demon Slayer cannon, Akaza's true name is Hakuji, Akaza was the name he was given as a demon because he could not remember his true name, this situation also applies to the reader's character. Reader does have the appearance of Akaza but female, she still has her muscles but weight and appearance prior to transforming into a demon is yours to decide. The only thing that the human form will have that is decided by me is the pink eyelashes Hakuji has prior to becoming a demon.
Author out, see you in the next chapter!

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