Chapter 4

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"...I've never heard such a place before. I have a grasp of the birthplaces of students from all over the world, but I've never heard of that place before. Let's investigate it in the library." Crowley turned to the door, walking out with Akaza and Yuuken trailing behind him.

At the Library...

    "As expected, it's not here." Crowley sighed as he closed the book he was looking through. He leaned back in his chair in defeat, the fact that 'Japan' was nowhere to be found in a singular nonfiction book or map in the library was demoralizing. "I cannot find your birthplace's name anywhere in the world map, since the dawn of history. You really came from that place, did you? You're not lying, aren't you? If it's come to this, then there's possibility that perhaps, due to some trouble you were called here from a different planet... or another world."

"Another world!?" Yuuken exclaimed. He couldn't believe it, though the presence of magic, the floating books in the library, and the clearly non-human characteristics of some of the people he has seen made it easier for him to process.

"What does he mean by another world?" Akaza thought with furrowed brows.

"Did you bring anything with you when you came here? Something that could become your identification, like your magic vehicle driving license, or the other part of your shoes..." Crowley listed off on his fingers watching the reactions of the two siting across from him. Yuuken had a stack of books next to him as he leafed through them. Akaza had given up searching through the books as she couldn't read. She tearted back and forth in her chair as she watched the flying books soar through the room. "from what I see, you seem to be empty-handed, though."

"Come to think of it, I don't have my wallet nor my smartphone... I only have my clothes, my kendo bag, and my training sword." Yuuken said after taking a quick search of his pockets and bag. He only had the things he just listed.

"I do not need any of your human shit." Akaza said, rolling her eyes, finding it offensive that she would even poses items humans deemed important.

    "Language! This is a problem. I cannot let someone who cannot use magic to stay in this academy, much less a demon. However, to throw away penniless youth without any way to contact their guardian extremely hurts my heart as an educator. I'm kind, after all." Crowley mumbled to himself. Yuuken had gone back to leafing through the books and checking on Akaza occasionally to make sure she wouldn't fall if she leaned too far back.

    "Hmm~.... that's right!" Crowley snapped his fingers as an idea occurred to him, his brilliance never ceased amaze him. "In this academy, there's a building that's unused now. In the past, it was used as a dorm, so if you clean it you should be able to at least lodge there. If it's there, I shall lend it to you as temporary lodging for a while. In that time, you should look for the way to return to where you came from. Aah, how kind am I! I'm such an exemplary educator. Well then, let's strike when the iron is hot. Let's go to the dorm. It's a bit old, but it's a tasteful building."

Crowley excitedly got up, humming a small tune as he mentally celebrated his brilliant idea. Yuuken and Akaza exchanged looks, the former being confused and hopeful while the latter was doubtful if the Headmaster even had a brain between his ears. They both got up, Akaza put her cloak back on and flipped the hood over her head. She adjusted her sleeves over her hands and sighed. She didn't expect much from the crow. Yuuken came to her side as both left the library, he stayed on the side with the most sun while Akaza stuck to the safety of his shadow.

Dear Reader,
Well... that was short. I try to shoot for a thousand words per chapter (not too long, not too short) but this is just an extremely short part in Twisted Wonderland. The next chapter will be longer.
Anyways... how is everyone? I know that we're still in the Prologue chapters of Twist but I really don't want to cut anything out as I feel like it would feel disjointed. But I cannot wait to get to the Book of Octiville (I fucked the spelling there, didn't I), I have some ideas for it!
Author out!

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