Chapter 8

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"Let's study in the library after we finish cleaning." Yuuken said in hopes of reaching a compromise so the three could leave sooner.

"Let's go." Akaza said, not having the patience to wait any longer. She picked up Grimm, holding him under her arm like an expensive purse.

"Grumble, grumble..." Grimm unintelligibly said, scowling as the three exited the dorm to start the day.

The three had arrived on the Main Street. The day was warm and sunny, preferable for Yuuken and Grimm but not Akaza. She had stationed herself under a tree by the statues, being shooed away from helping by Yuuken as the statues were all in the sun. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

    "Whoa~ Amazing! So this is the Main Street." Grimm said in awe as he eyed the statues on the pathway. "I didn't get a good look yesterday, but what's with these statues? There are seven, and all of them look scary. This auntie, here, looks especially self-important, see?"

    "You don't know the Queen of Hearts?" A male voice behind the trio said, causing them to turn to the sound. He had slightly messy auburn hair that was cut short and pretty eyes of the same color. He had pale skin and stood tall and confident, almost cocky. The boy had a red heart painted on his face to decorate his cheek. He was wearing a uniform, supposedly the school uniform the trio assumed.

    "Queen of Hearts? Is she an important person?" Grimm questioned as he wasn't aware of history.

    "In the olden days, she was the queen who lived inside the Rose Labyrinth. She's a strict person who respects discipline, and she wont forgive any disorder among the Trump Soldiers' advance, or in the roses' color." The auburn haired male explained. His voice was full of admiration for this queen. Akaza narrowed her eyes, there was something off about him though she could tell what it was at the moment. "Even though it's a country full of insane guys, they're all in complete obedience to her. Why, you ask? It's because disobedience to law will get you instantly beheaded!"

    "T-thats scary!" Grimm stuttered, both he and Yuuken had a shocked look on their faces. Akaza raised a brow, this Queen of Hearts sounded like that man, though that man was more reasonable. She would have to look into this lady further but she could tell that she might hate her.

    "Isn't it cool!? I like it." The auburn haired boy smiled as he spoke, his face full of admiration. Yuuken looked at him in mild concern while Akaza silently judged the auburn haired male. "'Cause, like, nobody will obey a queen that's only kindhearted, right?"

    "That's true. It's better to have a strong leader." Grimm nodded in agreement, Akaza's judgmental gaze switched from the auburn male to the cat monster. Both she and Yuuken had felt minor disappointment in Grimm at this moment. "By the way, who are you?"

    "I'm Ace Trappola. A fresh first year student starting from today. Take care of me well~ ♪" the auburn haired male, now known as Ace, said. He wore a large smile and sent a wink to Akaza, Yuuken's smile twitched at this. Akaza's expression changed to a mildly disgusted frown.

    "I am the great Grimm! I'm a genius who'll become a great magician!" Grimm proudly boasted before pointing a paw towards Yuuken. "And this dull one is Yuu. My henchman."

    "His name is Yuuken and he's not your henchman." Akaza said with her arms crossed, looking down at Grimm. The grey furball flinched, sweating as he avoided her gaze.

    "Yuu?" Ace had tried to say his name before, but had butchered it so he settled on the nickname. It wasn't a name he had ever heard before so it was difficult to pronounce. "That's an unusual name."

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