Chapter 3 part 1

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    "Azul, stand back!" Riddle yelled, lunging forward.

    "Funaaaa~~~~~~~~!!!" Grimm dropped his jaw as flames spewed from his maw.

    Akaza's eyes snapped open from their previously closed position, enough was enough. She was going to end this now. She balled her hand into a fist as she shot forwards towards the flaming curtains, leaving a large crack in the stone flooring from where she previously stood. She was nothing but a pink, white, and blue blur. Her speed created a large amount of wind, causing those hit by the gusts to raise their arms and close their eyes. Their hair whipped into their face wildly as the hoods of the robes blew back. She rapidly approached the flames drawing her fist back and punched. She avoided hitting the curtains as her fist stopped inches before the fabric. The strong wind created by her punch put out the flames on the curtains, leaving the charred fabric behind. She turned back towards the cat creature, racing towards it and once again a blur. Grimm's eyes widened in fear as he prepared to spewed fire at the woman, however he was too late. The fist landed beside him, stunning the cat. Akaza's hand had pierced through the floor, imbedded to her elbow in the stone. Riddle, seeing Grimm's moment of stunned surprise, unleashed his spell.

"—Off With Your Head!!" Riddle yelled. A brilliant red light burst forth from his pen and raced towards Grimm.

"Fugya!!" Grim exclaimed, frozen in shock at the feeling of something coiling around his neck. The light died down and in its place was a black and red collar. It resembled a stockade but instead it was in the shape of a heart and had an intricate gold frame around it. "What the hell is this!?"

Akaza pulled her fist out of the floor. This day was far too strange for her liking and Grimm had been exasperating it further.

"The Law of the Queen of Hearts, No. 23; 'Do not bring cats into festival venues'. You, a cat, trespassing is a heavy violation of the rule. I shall have you leave this place immediately!" Riddle sternly stated, scowling at the offending cat.

"I'm also not a cat!!" Grim exclaimed before opening his mouth and preparing to set the collar ablaze. "I'll burn this collar easy..." The cat shut his eyes tightly as he tensed himself, ready for the flames to touch his fur. However, he felt nothing. One eye opened as he looked down, the collar was still there and fully intact. There was no fire, not even a small scorch mark.

    "H-huh? My flames aren't coming out!"

    "Hmph! Until I release you from that collar, you can't use magic. You're no different to a cat." Riddle huffed and folded his arms.

"M-meowhat–!?" Grimm said as he rolled on the floor, tugging at the collar with his front paws and kicking at it with his hind legs. "I'm not a pet!"

"Don't worry, I don't want a pet like you, either." The redhead's face was painted in disgust, his lip curled down in displeasure. Having a cat would lead to so many rule violations. "Well, I'm going to remove it when you get thrown out of the school."

"Man~ wonderful, as usual. Riddle-san's unique magic that could seal any magic." Azul said, a small smirk forming from the faux smile he wore before. "I absolutely want it... I mean..." he trailed off catching his mistake. He fixed his expression and tacked on extra sentence to try to hide his true desires. "I definitely do not want it casted on me."

Watching from the sidelines Akaza couldn't help but think Azul acted kind of like Douma. That thought irked her, she could see the differences, sure, but they were so similarly fake and she despised that. When she wanted something familiar in this new environment, she never meant THAT.

    "Do something! It's your familiar, right!? Discipline it properly...... " Crowley franticly turned to the woman, his voice almost in a high pitched whine. Akaza blankly stared back at him, waiting for the fact that this... creature wasn't hers to finally sink in. Crowley flinched, his pitch black lips dropping into a grimace as the information finally registered in whatever remained of his brain. "Huh? It's not yours?"

    "I have been telling you that every. Time. You. Asked." She said through gritted teeth. While she wore a scowl, she kept the astonishment from her face. This was yet another man who shared parts of Douma's personality. And she DESPISED IT.

    "How. How. HOW! HOW IS THERE NOTHING THAT IS SIMILAR TO JAPAN ASIDE FROM THE TWO HUMANS THAT SHARE THE MOST ANNOYING TRAITS OF DOUMA'S PERSONALITY?!?!?" She screamed in her head. A large vein popped on her forehead as she tried to ignore the chaos around her. It would be a waste of time to indulge in the weaklings and even a hindrance to finding out where she was. However, quieting everyone down would quicken the gathering of information.

    "......D-did you?" Crowley stuttered as he watched her face, she was looking more peeved by the second. The veins on her forehead were prominent and her beautiful blue and yellow eyes were narrowed. Her eyebrow twitched at every ridiculous statement from the masked man, she clenched her fist as she held herself back from delivering a punch strait through his gut to shut him up. Noticing all of the warning signs and choosing to live, Crowley decided to move on. "Cough! Well then, let's throw him out of the academy. I will not turn him into stew. I'm nice, after all. Someone, please."

    "GINYA–! Let me go!" Grimm yelled as a robed man picked him up. His hood was still on but small strands of black and white hair could be seen under the hood. The man walked out of the doors with Grimm. Grimm's protests faded as they carried on down the hall and the doors closed. "I... I absolutely, absolutely will! Become a great magician...!"

    "Why is it so desperate? Weak." Akaza thought, frowning.

    "There was a little trouble, but with this, the opening ceremony is closed. Each dorm leader, please bring the new students with you and go back to your dorm." Crowley stated. He looked around the room to survey the damage. No students were injured but he noticed the absence of a certain house warden. "...Nn? Come to think of it, I haven't seen Diasomnia Dorm's dorm leader, Draconia-kun at all..."

Dear Reader,
The translation used for this chapter (Prologue 3: Cruel Answer) is from the-starless-sky on Tumblr. All further Twisted Wonderland translations used will be from this account unless stated.
What do you think of our MC thus far? Who do you think she will get along with best?
Also, I do think Crowley is full or even part fae because of his pointed ears and the fact his eyes glow.
Author out!

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