Chapter 1 part 1

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Now in front of the mirror, she takes the hand. It pulls her to the mirror as her vision fades to black.

Do not let go of that hand, at all costs.

The woman opened her eyes slowly, she shuffled around finding that she couldn't move much to her annoyance. She could tell she was in a box of some sort, her eyes making it easy to see in the pure darkness.
"Darn, people will come soon! I have to wear the uniform, fast..." She could hear a voice, though it didn't come from something that smelled human. The thing smelled almost like a cat but not quite. It was definitely strange and stronger than a cat but compared to her it was weak.

"Nggggh!!! This lid is so heavy. If it has come to this... gonna have to use my last resort!" She could tell it was in front of her box now and she didn't want to wait to exit any longer. She drew back her fist as far as she could in the cramped space and punched the lid, sending it flying across the room. The lid was imbedded into the stone wall across from it, cracks spread like spider legs around the now detached lid. The creature she smelled stood to the side, its fur standing on end.

"Huh? GYAAAAーーー!!!! You, why are you awake already!?" It exclaimed as she stepped out of the box, her eyes roamed the room not finding anything familiar. The creature had grey fur with a white underbelly and looked like a cat. However it stood on two legs and had fire sprouting from it's tail and ears. Choosing to ignore the weak creature and not caring that it could talk, she started to leave the room.

"Oi, don't ignore me! I am the great Grimm-sama, you know!"  The creature shouted, indignant at the lack of care of it's presence.

"You, the human over there! Give me those clothes! Or else... I'll roast you whole!" The creature continued, a threatening grin spreading across it's face as it thinks that it has the high ground. The woman turned around, fixing it with a stare and letting her bloodlust flow freely. If it didn't back down now, she would kill it. She was doing it a favor by ignoring it. The creature froze in fear and the woman took this as her opportunity to leave.

She walked down the hallway at a leisurely pace, she was in no rush and wanted to examine her surroundings. Maybe there would be something familiar that would give her a hint to where she was. The style of the building was completely different to what she knew. The place was made of stone, the walls, the floor, and the ceiling were all stone. There wasn't wood nor tatami mats in sight. Large windows let in light from the sun, thankfully it was mid afternoon so the sun was above the roof. The sun only leaked in a little, leaving enough shade to comfortably walk in. The windows were also fitted with glass, which was extremely rare in Japan but was everywhere in this hall. The paintings on the walls were completely different in the style than she was used to in the Taisho Era, while they did look realistic it was a jarring contrast. She hated this hall, nothing was familiar, everything was frustratingly unknown. Picking at the sleeves of the robe wrapped around her, that she had somehow gained while unconscious, she sighed. The fabric felt weird but it helped block sunlight so she kept it just in case.

    She spotted a large set of double doors to her right a few feet ahead. Maybe this might contain some answers? Pulling open the doors only furthered her confusion. The books on the shelf seemed to all be in a western style. The high vaulted ceiling were nauseating to look at, they were higher than the ceiling in the hallway, the ceiling in the hallway was far higher than what was the standard in Japanese houses. The large window in the center of the wall let in far too much light. Hissing in dissatisfaction as she entered the room she stayed close to the wall to avoid the light. There were floating books which was odd, maybe it was a blood demon art or the effects of one? However, she couldn't sense another demon so that couldn't be the case.

    "Did you think you could run away from me!? Now, if you don't want to be roasted whole, give me those clothesー" the creature had burst through the doors not even a second after they closed behind her. She sighed, dragging a hand down her face. She had to admit, it had tenacity, there was potential there but it was nowhere near that of her previous opponents yet. Suddenly a whip wrapped around the creature, the man wielding it was just as strange as the situation.
"Fugya!? It hurts! What's this string!?" It struggled.

    "It's not a string. It's the whip of love!" She did a double take at the man speaking. His clothes were so strange, while her master sometimes wore a button up, dress pants, and vest; he had never worn these extra accessories. The man wore black gloves topped with gold rings in the shape of claws. He had a feathered black coat and a top hat, a cluster of mirrors and keys decorated his hip while an additional one was fastened to the blue ribbon on his top hat. The crow mask on his face reminded her of the loud annoying crows that the demon slayers always had with them.

    "Aah, I finally found you. You're this year's new student, right?" The man turned towards her but did not offer her any time to respond. "That's not good. To arbitrarily get out of the gate! Plus, to have a familiar that you have not tamed yet is against the school rules."

    "That thing is no-"

    "Let me go~!" The creature growled. "I'm not this kinda guy's familiar!"

    "Yes, yes, every rebellious familiar says that. Let's be quiet for a while, shall we?" The masked man waved the creature off and instead tightened the wip around the creature's mouth. Sighing dramatically, the man turned back to the cloaked woman. "Really. It's unheard of for new student to arbitrarily opening the door and coming out by themselves. Sigh... how impatient are you? Come, come, the opening ceremony has started long ago. Let's go to the Mirror Chamber."

    Her brow twitched in annoyance though she did not state it. By complying she could get more information.
"The box was uncomfortable, so I dealt with it myself." She simply stated, golden hues watching the man as he jovially walked beside her. "What do you mean by 'new student'?"

Dear reader,
Second chapter done! Each chapter will be split into parts of 1,000 to 1,300 words each (I might go over that, I might not). Question for you:
How do you think Koyuki is going to be included in the story?
Note: she is still female so this Akaza is canonically interested in people and has no gender preference so feel free to comment characters that you want as love interests! Though it might be pretty one sided unless they can prove to Akaza that they strong or can somehow melt her frozen heart.
Author out!

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