The chat

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It's still nighttime as we see Izuku laying in a master bed with Ai, stocking, Kafka and Camilla laying next to him all under the covers after a night of passion and love

Izuku: (man this is the third time this week I've been over here)

Mel: (what can I say they just really like you man)

Izuku: (hey Mel)

Mel: (Sup dude look at you going up in the ranks like a little soldier)

Izuku: (thanks)

Mel: (but listen Izuku we got a little situation)

Izuku: (What happened)

Mel: (The witch hunters are starting to get a bit restless their looking for who destroyed their base)

Izuku: (what do I have to do)

Mel: (ok just stay low for now me and the others are figuring something out I'll come to you when I need you so just stay under the radar and you'll be fine)

Izuku: (ok)

Mel: (good night you little lust angel)

Mel then disappeared as Izuku started to fall asleep as we see Mel in the realm of slaanesh seeing slaanesh torturing Marina's soul

Slaanesh: come on now little hunter tell your all your dirty little secrets

Mel: ma'am I warned Izuku about the witch hunters

Slaanesh: good I don't want him in another situation like last time when they caught him off guard in the streets

Mel: we won't let that happen I can assure you

Slaanesh: good

Mel: by the way how's issei I haven't seen him in a while

Slaanesh: hmm...i'm Sure he's fine

Issei is not fine in fact he is indeed traumatized as we see him at his home in his room crying after the death of his friend

Issei: (that bastard damn him and damn you slaane-)

Slaanesh: (you talking shit)

Issei: AH

Issei fell out of bed and hit the groin as he turns around to see the eye of slaanesh

Issei: h-h-h-hey slaanesh how you been you looking good

Slaanesh: I know anyway enough water works you got work to do

Issei: can't I grieve a bit longer

Slaanesh: No now then here's what you have to do

Then an objective screen pops up in issei's face as he reads it and is surprised

Issei: find and kill the night lord

Slaanesh: yes it's a revenge mission so stop crying and get to searching

Issei: but it's the middle of the night where could he be

Slaanesh: I'll show you

Slaanesh opens a portal as issei sees Makoto torturing his other friend motohama in his own bedroom while his mouth is gagged with a stiff and slimy sock


Makoto: huh *looks over* OH SHIT

Makoto pulls out his Bolter rifle and shoots at issei who falls down barely dodging by the bullets as Makoto jumps out the window in motohama's room and flees

Slaanesh: he's getting away

Issei: not for Long

Issei jumps through the portal into motohama's room and pulls the sock out of his mouth then jumps out the window after Makoto but Makoto is already long gone

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