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It's currently nighttime as we see issei in the corner of his dorm room shaking uncontrollably with a flashlight in his hand threatening to fall out of his shaking hands

He's been in the corner of the room for 2 hours now he hasn't closed his eyes at all terrified of the intruder creeping around inside the dorm building specifically hunting issei

Issei: (slaanesh.....Mel....abigail.....ANYONE) a-anyone

Issei hears something make a creaking noise as he quickly points his flashlight at the area and sees nothing as he sighs

Issei: (what am I gonna do I'm to scared to go out of my room and I can't use my sonic blaster without waking up the entire school) this sucks

*Tap tap tap*

Issei got spooked and shakily looked over at the window to see the night lord who shows issei a fresh human scalp


The night lord then dips his finger into the blood and wiggles his finger around and starts writing a message on the window for issei to read after a few seconds the night lord tapped on the window and then disappeared into the darkness of the night leaving issei there who got up and looked at the message that says

" you don't need to worry about dying because I'm not gonna kill you that's to easy.....I'm going to torment you for the next four nights and slowly make you wish you were dead as I watch you descend into madness then when the time comes I'm going to strangle the life out if your degenerate body you filthy pleasure worshipper"


Issei fell over and silently cried himself to sleep as the night lord smirked underneath his helmet and giggled then ran off into the forest to plan out his next move

???: (time to traumatize a degenerate)

It's now a new day and we see issei at his lunch table looking around the cafeteria paranoid and afraid that he might see the night lord again

Issei: (it's day time I should be fine he can't get me theirs to many witnesses....yeah...yeah everyone will notice I'm sa-)

Matsuda: Hey br-

Issei punches matsuda in the face sending him flying into the wall shocking everyone as issei panicked and ran over and got him out of the wall seeing his bruised face

Issei: oh shit bro I'm sorry I didn't mean it

Matsuda: It'

Issei: but you can't be sneaking up on me like that you scared the fuck out of me

Matsuda: already.....forgiven

Issei: great let me take you to the nurse office

Issei picks up Matsuda and runs off to one the nurses office quickly once he got there he put Matsuda in the hospital bed and left as the nurse looks at Matsuda's face seeing the damage

Nurse: a black eye and some missing teeth huh ok I know what to use

Matsuda: W-what are you gonna do

Nurse: Relax I'm not gonna hurt

Matsuda: heh sorry kinda scared of going to the doctors

Nurse: understandable

The nurse walks over to the refrigerator that's on the side of the room and opens it seeing theirs no more ice packs

Nurse: Hmm we ran out of ice packs, that's fine ill just go get some more I'll be right back

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