chapter 6

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Over breakfast the next morning Warren starts telling Sarah about his job as death and her job as his wife. "We are in charge of every death in the world, we have people that help us but for mass deaths like the earthquake a couple days ago.  I like to be near the ground staff making sure they do their job like they're supposed to".

"You mean kill them?"

"No, only you or I can do that but they make sure the dying timetable is kept to".

"We're eating breakfast right now I can't see how people are dying right now because you're here in front of me not taking their lives".

"It's call multi-tasking in as much as you go through a mental checklist of things you want to do while eating breakfast I'm going through a mental list of people as they die ticking off a list.

"Do you know why you've always had a large appetite?" She shakes her head no, "because the task of death burns up a lot of energy".

" I became your wife hours ago so what you just said makes no sense, I've only been Mrs death for a few hours".

"You were always going to be my wife and as such was born with magic that you have always used but never recognised. When you started working for the company our bond grew but it wasn't until I stopped you getting hit that night and you kissed me did you unwittingly accept the mate bond between us so to speak. Your eyes and brain could no longer pretend that it wasn't seeing strange things you took life without realising that's what you were doing, you were drawn to my company for a reason"

"I think me wanting to be an accountant was the reason", he shakes his head "You were drawn to me and as you got older your powers grew. My firm is an accountancy firm but two different types, the first twelve floors are a legit accountancy practice the rest of it deals with the office of death we plan it all out, we know everyone living death date".

"Death and Taxes", says Sarah 

"Yes I'm a legitimate businessman, the staff need to be paid both mortals and supernatural". She spills her orange juice and puts her glass down. "You're supernatural clearly are you  immortal?"

"You and I are both immortal and supernatural, I have been waiting since the beginning of time for you. I finally have someone to love and cherish and share the burden of death with".

"I'm never going to die, that means I'll watch my parents die and Beth"

"They're supernatural as well, someone had to watch over you and not panic when you unknowingly did magic and clean it up without you knowing. They were not allowed to tell you they can't break my decree, we're rulers over all death it's king and queen that's why people bow and curtsy to you as a sign of respect".

"So you knew from my birth I was fated to you?"

"I knew before you were implanted you were meant for me and who your parents were. I took a hands off approach with you as I knew you would come searching for me and we would meet. I wanted you to have a mortal life, enjoy going out with friends doing mundane things before the crown weighed heavily on your head. If I wanted to I could have found you instantly anytime I wanted". 

They tuck into their pancake and eggs, "Thank you for giving me time to enjoy my life".

"You're welcome babe, one more thing then I want to take you to the colosseum."

After breakfast he takes her to the library and into that room again.  At first it was empty then seconds later the chairs were occupied by people she recognised from her workplace.

"This is away team A, they go wherever we go in the world, they monitor the deaths as they happen. When you see a green light the death has occurred, a flashing amber it is about to occur and a red means someone is stubbornly trying to hold on, those deaths we go to and do in person. Each of these men are responsible for a different continent and they have men under them, there is a long chain of command which you will learn". After she's introduced to everyone they leave the house and are driven through the streets of Rome.

"I'm killing people right now", she sobs.

He puts a arm around her, "You're looking at it wrongly, death HAS to happen. Yes people are killed through no fault of their own because of domestic violence, knife attacks, accidents, natural disasters or even terrorism but some people need and welcome death like an old friend. They may have lived a long and happy life and want to see their love ones again, or a death may free them from a terminal illness or unbelievable pain. There are many instances where death is seen as a good thing. We're there at the last breath a person takes if you choose to, you can see their whole life. That's not a good thing to do it can mess you up mentally.

When you need to be at a death you'll feel a tug in your chest if you close your eyes you will transport yourself there. I will go to the first couple instances with you. For now we should be okay and have nothing that needs our urgent attention till we come back from our honeymoon".

"It's a lot to take in, we just got married let's enjoy our honeymoon especially now I know what my job really is". They held hands as they look around Italy. Sarah loved feeling Warren's wedding ring and loved seeing it as he eats his gelato. She felt smug whenever she saw a good looking woman looking at him, because she knew he was hers and he would never want another woman in any type of way. She found out they were both virgins the night before and she felt special because he waited for her. She remembers the white energy that appeared and disappeared the moment she and Warren were one, she understands it was both their magic sealing their vows to each other and letting their subjects know they were now united and they now had a queen.

The next morning she woke up to breakfast in bed, they made love after. Then Warren went and check on the A-team taking Sarah with him so she could learn what she needs to do first thing in the mornings about checking over those who died in the night. As they were walking back in the living room a thought occurred to Sarah,"You said the away team always go where we are does that mean on our honeymoon?"

"Yes even on our honeymoon death won't stop happening".

"Any ideas where we should go?"

she thinks it over, "Dubai would be nice or Bali".

"I like the Dubai idea I have a house there we can stay at, the press will be hounding you for a while when we get back. I maybe death but I'm also a playboy and tabloid fodder, I'll have my press people well our press people send out a statement saying we're married".

"We still have a few days here till we leave right?"

"Yes the earthquake situation is still ongoing and unfortunately about fifty-five more people caught up in the earthquake are scheduled to died before we leave. Come let me give you some time with some of the heads of the continents you can ask them any questions you wish.

Meghan is introduce to Diego head of Europe. He was a Puerto Rican gentleman in his twenties. "What would my queen like to know?"

Sarah thought about the questions she wanted answering so she found out who was his deputy, how many people worked for him. How he liked his organisation that he was in charge of ran.

She found out each of the seven heads of the different continents have their own way of doing things. There were five men and two woman.

Later that day after getting the layout of the organisation she asked Warren why the people he chose as heads of the continents weren't from those countries.

"There is less chance of an emotional situation happening. If you're in charge of Europe and you're from the country that just had an earthquake it will be hard to emotionally detach yourself from the situation and do your job".

"I take it this as happened in the past"

"Yes centuries ago".

"Wait how old are you?"

"From the moment the woman ate the apple in the garden of Eden I've been alive".

"Holy crap"

"So your parents are not really your parents then?"

"Yes and no".

"Your grandfather's picture was on the cover of a magazine he looks like you".

" I met my grandfather years ago when he was an orphan boy".


"The rest of that story is for another day".

"But in public you refer to him as your grandfather".

"Legally for now he is and my parents are my parents".

"You wanted a family and they gave you one".

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