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Erina didn't know she would ever change her feelings for someone so quickly. But her mind proved her wrong.

Especially for someone who her feelings were so strong for. Who knew one interaction would change everything. And that too, the first proper one.

But she never imagined her used-to-be-favorite driver to be that insufferable. Celebrity crush? More like public enemy.

Okay, she may have done some wrong as well, she accepted that. She should have said something in the room when he didn't notice anyone in there. But she assumed it was common knowledge to look at the room you enter.

And Charles was in a bad mood as well. He just lost the lead of the race because of strategy errors. And Erina didn't, so it was clear who the bigger person should've been.

And she shouldn't have lied. All she needed to do was return the license and money, and get a close look at him. She succeeded, but at what cost? A cost of a license chopped into half. She shouldn't have done that of course, but the look on Charles' face was priceless.

Did he really think she wouldn't do it? Even she didn't believe in herself, but the moment her brother's name came out his mouth, she was set.

'Erina, just what were you thinking?' her brother interrupted her thoughts. They were in his room now, yet it reminded her of the chaotic room she was just in.

She shrugged her shoulders for the sake of responding. She really didn't want to do this right now.

Her brother had yelled at her for 5 minutes straight, but she stopped listening after 2.

'Was that the real reason you came to this race? You didn't actually want to watch me did you?'

Gosh, she didn't think about that. 'Don't be silly, of course I came here to watch you' she assured.

'For god sake, you're wearing a Ferrari shirt'


She shouldn't lie anymore, she thought. She was terrible at it.

'And what if he knew you snuck in here?'

'He knows that' she said barely audible.

'I meant the race. You don't even have a pass. No clue how you managed till here'

'I'm sorry' that was the best she could respond.

'Don't say that to me. Say that to Charles'

'... Pretty sure he's gone home already'

'Then you can apologize next race'

'What?! There's no way I'm going to the next race'

'Oh yes you are. Unless you want mom and dad to hear about this'

Erina groaned in frustration. Just as she thought things couldn't get worser, she needed to see Charles again.

'You should've thought about what you were doing. Why couldn't you just ask me to return it?' Daniel asked.

'Because Daniel, you always do everything for me. For once I wanted control'

'Well, look how that turned out.'

Her phone rang, and she gladly picked it up.

'Oh no, it's Natalie' she said.

'She's still here?'

'I guess so. She doesn't sound too well either'

'Ask her where she is' Daniel whispered.

After a few moments of silence, Natalie responded 'In the washrooms'

If You're Stupid, Be Stupid With MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang