He strode into the private bar, followed by two men, his hand effortlessly retrieving a gun from the concealed pocket at his back. With calm yet confident steps, he made his way to a secluded room, where a man seemed to enjoy with few women around, his expression shifting from satisifaction to unease at the sight of Jax's arrival.

"Enjoying yourself, huh?" Jax's voice cut through the tension, his sly smile belying the danger lurking beneath. He took a seat at the table opposite the man, his expression dark and unreadable.

"N-no, sir, I am very sorry," the man stammered. Jax merely smirked, leaning in casually with one elbow propped on his knee, the other hand idly toying with the gun.

"Too late," he replied coolly, his tone final. With a swift motion, he pulled the trigger, the gunshot echoing in the room as the man slumped lifelessly to the floor.

Leaving the room without a second glance, Jax nodded to the two men who followed him, silently instructing them to dispose of the body. He made his way out of the bar and into his waiting car, his next destination clear in his mind – a café where he would meet his close business partner, Alex Harper.


I drove my way after a passing through a lot of crowd I finally found a parking spot near the café. Stepping out of the car, my gaze was immediately drawn to a figure standing outside, dressed in all black, emanating an aura of mystery and intrigue.

"Wow, is he for real? He looks like he just stepped out of a movie or something," I thought with a hint of excitement coursing through her. "He's got that dark, brooding vibe. Did my mom actually pick him? But hey, I'm not complaining. I'm totally into this."

With a quick push, Lana entered the café, only to be met with a gentle bump from another patron making their way out. "Sorry," the man mumbled apologetically, and Lana offered a polite nod, her mind still buzzing with thoughts of the mysterious stranger outside.

Heading toward the table where she expected to find her date, Lana's heart sank as she realized it wasn't him sitting there. "Of course not, why would my mom set me up with someone that attractive?" she thought, her disappointment evident in the fading of her smile.

But her mood quickly shifted as she noticed another man standing nearby. Clad in simple, light-colored clothing, he greeted her with a warm smile and a friendly wave. Lana couldn't help but return the gesture, feeling a sense of comfort wash over her.

"Now this is more like it," Lana thought, a small smile playing at her lips as she made her way to the table and took her seat, grateful for the familiar and welcoming presence before her.

As we chatted over coffee, I couldn't shake the feeling that he was just like all the others. Don't get me wrong, he was great – successful, charming, seemingly perfect in every way. But there was something missing, that spark that sets your heart racing. I suppose I was searching for the kind of man you only find in books or movies – fictional, but endlessly dreamy.

Thankfully, it seemed he felt the same way. He had someone else on his mind, and I couldn't help but feel relieved. Whoever she was, she was one lucky woman. I wished them both all the best.

Pushing past the café door, I stepped out into the cool evening air and made my way to my car. It was time to leave behind the world of perfect fantasies and return to reality.


"Hey man! Long time no see," Alex greeted Jax, his only friend.

"What happened? Why did you call me?" Jax inquired, his tone serious. Alex let out a heavy sigh.

"I want you back, my friend. You've changed a lot since Emily left," Alex said, his voice tinged with sadness.

"I've moved on from her, Alex," Jax replied firmly.

"Anyway, I need a favor. I want you to kidnap a girl named Ember Jean. She'll be at the karaoke bar, wearing a pink dress," Alex said, getting straight to the point.

"Isn't she the daughter of the CEO of CJ Corporation?" Jax questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that guy has been a pain. Just scare her a bit," Alex explained casually.

"That's it?" Jax asked, surprised at the simplicity of the task.

"Yeah, that's all. I'll get going then," Alex said, heading back to his car.

As Jax stared into the glass mirror, his eyes fell upon a girl playing with a puppy nearby. She had been sitting in the café just moments ago. Her hair cascaded over her face, obscuring her features, but he remembered her smile vividly.

For some reason, she reminded him of the girl from his past – kind, cheerful, and pleasant. As the wind tousled her hair, he felt a strange attraction towards her. Shaking his head to dispel the thoughts of his past, he turned away, steeling himself for the task ahead.


I spent the entire day with Chloe, one of my closest friends, enjoying each other's company as we shopped and shared stories of their lives. We eventually found themselves at a karaoke bar, excited to have some fun in room number 401.

As we pushed open the door, I were surprised to find other girls already inside. My attention was drawn to one of them who accidentally bumped into another, causing a stain on her dress. With a sympathetic smile, the girl hurried off to the washroom to clean up the mess.

"Sorry, I think we came into the wrong room," I began to say, but before I could finish, all the lights suddenly went out, enveloping the room in darkness.

"Ugh, come on! Is there a power cut?" Chloe exclaimed beside me, her frustration evident in her voice. "Someone open the door!"

I felt a sense of unease creeping over me as I searched for any signs of light. Suddenly, my senses were overwhelmed as someone covered my nose and mouth with a napkin. Panic surged through me as I struggled against the unseen assailant, but before I could react, darkness consumed me and I lost consciousness.

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