Chapter 6

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+ Enjoy having this chapter lil goblins! +

"PHOEBE WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS!?" Callie yelled, she knew what had happened just before she walked in. She saw it through the crack in the door.

"It's not what it looks like mom." Phoebe said standing up and looked at Melody who was just standing there awkwardly.

"MELODY IS DEAD! How are you even here!?" Callie yelled the first part at Phoebe and directed the last part to Melody in an stern tone. "I don't know! I just woke up on day and I was alive!" Melody said raising her hands in a surrendering position. "That isn't possible, we all watched you pass over to the next side." Callie said in a confused tone. "It isn't impossible apparently, since-" Phoebe tried to talk before Callie cut her off "Phoebe. I will deal with you later, sit down." Callie said pointing to the bed as she released a frustrated sigh.

"Do you have any where to stay Melody?" Callie asked in a gentler tone then before, and it confused both girls. "No, I only got back around 3 in the morning yesterday" Melody said in a quiet voice. "Ok come with me, you can stay in the spair room." Lucky for the girls the spair room was right next to Phoebes. Phoebe went to follow them but Callie gave her that look of 'don't you date move' and Phoebe sat back down right away.


"Alright here are some blankets and a pillow my dear." Callie said placing the things down on the bed in the spair room. "Thank you Ms Spengler. And sorry about earlier." Melody spoke feeling guilty that she had to see her daughter kissing some girl who she met as a ghost that supposedly passed on. "Call me Callie, and about earlier, I'm not mad, not a lot atleast. Just worried, Phoebe barely lets me hug her, so seeing someone in bed kissing her was, scary.." Callie said slowly, Melody looked away blushing as she brought up the situation.

Callie sat down on the bed and signalled for Melody to do the same. "I'm not against you girls being together, I just want to make sue you are both being safe" Callie spoke and Melody just nodded. After that she went to go back to bed "show her how to be a teenager please" was the last thing Callie said, she wanted Phoebe to live a some what normal life, she wanted her to be able to be a teenager, but little did she know what she was in for with those two.

Callied closed the door to the room Melody was staying in, now to talk with Phoebe, she opened the door without knocking, Phoebe was just laying on her bed looking at the ceiling with a wide grin on her face, "Phoebe." Callie said catching her daughters attention. Phoebe looked over to her her smile fading "I'm not going to tell you that you can't be together. Just be safe, and separate rooms." Callie said the last part sternly. Phoebe just nodded and Callie went back to her own bed to sleep everything off.


"Phoebe your going to get into a time of shit if your mom sees you in here." Melody said as she watching Phoebe open the door and step in, this time remembering to close it all the way. "Its fine, she wants me to be a teenager, so that's what I'm doing" Phoebe smirked at Melody in a playfull way, "Loop hole I see" Melody laughed pulling her into a hug.

They stayed like that for about 30 minutes before Phoebe looked up to Melody, her eyes not leaving her lips. "Eyes up her." Melody said as she saw Phoebe staring at her lips, in all honesty she had been to. "Hm, I know, don't worry" Phoebe said in a cheeky tone making eye contact for a moment before going back to looking at her lips. "Whatcha think about Pheebs?" Melody asked in the same time as Phoebe. "You." Phoebe didn't even hesitate to answer, Melody rolled her eyes and leaned down to kiss Phoebe, that should shut her up.

As Phoebe felt Melody's lips on hers she melted, shutting her eyes and kissing her back, Melody's hands laid on her waist which gave Phoebe butterflies, slowly Phoebe's hands tangled into Melody's hair. They pulled apart to breathe both flustered, and wanting this moment to never end.

Phoebe smiled leaning in again this time they weren't interrupted, she caught Melody's lips in her own slowly climbing into her lap as their kiss got more heated, Melody broke the kissing as she needed to take a breather.

"Mel's, can I ask you something?" Phoebe asked in a whisper as she panted, trying to catch her breath, she felt her heart beating fast then ever in the moment, "Of course Pheebs" Melody smiled she felt butterflies at the use of a nickname. "Do you want to date?" Phoebe asked and Melody smiled and pecked her on the lips "Thought you would never ask" Melody kissed her again, slow and passionate trying to pour all the love she had for Phoebe into that kiss.

Phoebe broke the kiss and giggled mumbling something along the lines 'My girlfriend is pretty' Melody let her eyes fall all over her girlfriends body, they had both grown a fair amount since they defeated Garraka. Phoebe kissed her again out of no where which made Melody gasp and pull her closer if it was even possible, Phoebe was still in her clothes from earlier, she had put her flannel back on when they were walking back, but just as Melody went to take it off again Phoebe broke the kiss "You didn't do anything wrong I promise, but if mom sees that I'm not in bed I'm going to be grounded, I'll see you in the morning!" Phoebe whispered pressing a kiss to Melody's cheek before climbing off her and going back to her room.


+ That's all for this chapter! 1004 words for this one, again vote and comment to show you support, and if you have requests for anything just give me a message! +

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