Chapter 3

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+ hey there! Az here with chapter 3! +


Phoebe made her way down to the kitchen to see what they had brought for dinner, as she took a seat and looked at Trevor as he ate a slice of pizza like a pig she decided a walk would be better.

"I'm not hungry, I'm going to go for a walk." Phoebe spoke in a flat tone, she didn't wait to hear what her mother had said, she just got up after speaking and walked out the front door.

She walked around aimlessly for about an hour before she somehow she was back at the park that her and Melody had meet just a few months ago.

'what the actual fuck?' she thought as she realised where she was. This was the last place Phoebe wanted to be, she started to hate the places that she use to share with Melody, all of them just bring the hallucinations back stronge. Whenever she had hallucinations she felt her heartbreaking all over again, she hated it, she hated that Melody left.

She had truly fallen for the ghost, but of course fate had to tear them a part.

Phoebe walked over to the table where they use to play chess at midnight under the street lights. She looked down to the seat she would always see the ghost sit in, and again the blurred face was back "Boo" 'Melody' said, her face still blurred like earlier in the day. Phoebe just sat down and stared as tears filled her eyes, to anyone else she was just looking at nothing, but for her she was looking at the girl she literally ripped her atoms apart for. She would do it again, she would do it a million times over, even just to hug Melody once.


It's now been over a year it's now October and Phoebe is either working, in her room or at the park where she and Melody met. Gary tried to get her to come on a call a few times over the year but she never agreed to go, she would just stay in her room.

Phoebe was sat in her room writing in a note book with a pair of head phones on, it was about 10am, and she has a closing shift tonight at the diner, all she had to do is clean and lock up, not that hard.

"Pheebs! Come down here we need you for a minute!" Callie calls from the kitchen. Phoebe closed her notebook and placed her headphones on her desk fixing the flannel she was wearing along with denim shorts and a singlet as she went down the stairs to hear what her family needed.

"Hey, what do you need?" Phoebe looks around to see everyone in their ghostbusters uniform. "I said no. I'm done with it." Phoebe's tone was like stone as she said that, her gaze lunging daggers at Callie. "Please Phoebe your 16 now, it'll be fun!" Callie said in a hopeful voice but Phoebe just waved them off and went back up stairs and got ready for work.

Phoebe would normally be home around 10:30pm after a closing shift that ends at 10pm, but Phoebe felt something off about today...


As Phoebe was walking to the diner like normal, the blurred face showed up again, Phoebe would see Melody at least 2 twice a day, but it wasn't Melody, and every time the hallucination came to an end she could feel her soul being crushed. But recently the hallucinations have gotten worse, where she would have full conversations with this figment of her imagination.

As Phoebe hugged her flannel tight around her to try and ignore the burning cold wind that nipped at her. Then Melody was there again, flames and all, it was part of her routine now, she new that everytime she saw the hallucination she would feel horrible after but just a bit better during it, Melody's face was still blurred though. As Phoebe looked at Melody again she smiled briefly, just wishing that she was really there with her.

+ Hello again!!! That was 684 words for this chapter! Again please show your support if your enjoying the book by voting and commenting! Till the next chapter! +

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