[10] Do they know?

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Chapter mentions/displays eating issues and eating disorders

You know what, I'm not even starving after skipping dinner yesterday..What if I don't eat breakfast this morning? I can just stick to the diet and take out meals..? That won't harm me..right? Well it may eventually harm me- but it'll only be for a short time! I'll make sure of it!

I again had woken up early to go head to the gym, bringing the fruit of the week just in case I would need it. It doesn't hurt to try and not eat breakfast, BUT however, just in case I might faint, I'll bring a fruit, so I can stick to the diet..

After what felt like hours and hours at the gym (which were like 2 hours), I had finally left and went back to the dorms. Mainly to shower and meet up with the boys before we went to practice. 

"Xing, your body lines aren't correct still!" I heard Minho tell me once we finished dancing to Thunderous once. 
Hyunjin had quickly come to my rescue and had helped me position my body properly to do the dance.

"You got this eomma!" I heard Jeongin and Felix say.
"That looks better now." I barely heard Minho mumble under his breath.

What felt like hours, which was super unusual for me to feel while dancing, practice was finally on break so that we could grab lunch.

"Xing, are you going to grab lunch with us from the cafeteria?" Changbin asked me.
"Eh..I'll work on polishing the dance for now. I'll come down and meet up with you all if I feel hungry!" I'll just eat dinner with them..maybe. Well I kinda have to so that they don't worry about me-

I did indeed continue perfecting the dance, going over it about 2 dozen times. The cafeteria lines must be long today. Or they're just talking about you and how untalented and useless you are. Fair enough.

----- 3rd Person: OT8 SKZ at the cafeteria

Once all the boys had gotten their food in the line, they all began to sit down at a table together. 

"I heard from manager-nim that we have to start preparing for Kingdom soon.." Chan started a conversation as everyone else had been sitting awkwardly in silence.
"Cool." Minho said, excited to have to dance.
"Do we know anyone there?" Jeongin asked.
"I think Wooyoung said ATEEZ was going to be there!" Changbin told him.

After a while of sitting in silence again, except actually eating this time, Felix spoke up.

"Is it unusual that Xing seems to be skipping meals?" Felix asked no one in particular.
"Hmm..what do you mean? Didn't she eat whatever her diet required yesterday?" Chan had genuinely questioned, eyebrows furrowing in concern.
"But I don't remember her eating dinner yesterday, nor was there any trash this morning in the newly taken out trash bag that Minnie-hyung replaced yesterday!" Jeongin chimed in.

"Didn't Lily say something about this when on call with us yesterday?" Minho added.
"I don't think so..?" Chan said second-guessing his own answer.

"Hyung! Maybe she's on her period!" Changbin said, a little bit too loud, earning him a smack to the back of his head via Felix's hand along with a bunch of eyes from other idols on the table they sat at.
"Hyung, you don't say that about a girl when there's an quote-unquote issue!" Felix hissed.
"Felix is right-" Chan was about to continue before he got cut off.

"Okay well, Xing is not on her period. Thank you very much for that information." Hyunjin said, trying for some reason to imitate a sims character gesture.
"Hyunjin, wrong place and time." Jisung warned.
"I will air fry you at 180 degrees for 20 minutes, along with a tissue in your mouth this time!" Minho threatened.
"Told you so." Jisung said simply, going back to his food to eat.

Meanwhile, Chan seemed to be thinking long and hard about Xing not eating, wondering if she was starving herself or they were just wrong and misjudging her actions. He knew only time could tell what was happening but he chose to worry. 

Although, it seemed that Chan hadn't been the only member worrying about what they like to call their "younger sibling" and "wife", Minho was also worried. He may not have shown it, but he swore to himself that he was going to find out her favorite food, cook it, and get her to break the diet she was on and eat it.

Xing's quote-unquote children on the other hand were trying their best not to freak out. I mean who wouldn't freak out when their favorite "noona" may have issues with how they view themself and eating? What scared them the most is how she always acted like she was fine. Her 5 kids (Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin), wondered if there was more to her backstory than just moving to Korea from China to becoming an idol. Wondering if she was hiding more, like addictions or even family and mental issues. 

At the end of the day, the 8 had decided it was best to wait a bit and try ask her before coming to a complete conclusion. Resuming their lunches, about ten minutes and some casual talk later, the eight concluded their lunchtime and went to the elevator to go back to the practice room.

"Hyungs, how long were we gone for?" Jeongin asks once the other person in the elevator got off on whatever floor they needed to be on. 
"Uhh..maybe 40-ish minutes?" Minho answered, unsure of the answer himself.
"Yeah, it's been 40-ish minutes..Why?" Hyunjin confirmed.

"What do you think Xing has been doing in that time?"
"Probably practicing? I dunno"
"Innie, what are you trying to hint at??"
"What if she is- you know what never mind."

As they were getting closer to their practice room, they began becoming a little nervous. Because, what if something had happened to Xing? She would've messaged or called them..right?..Or at least hopefully.

To Jeongin's and the others relief, Xing was just practicing the dance..for an extra 40 minutes apparently. 

When they walked in, they all unknowingly let out sighs of relief.

----- 1st Person: Xing's POV

"Hey! What happened at the cafeteria?" Xing asked them, skeptical as to why they were sighing.
"Changbin may or may not have been getting all the attention of the whole cafeteria by yelling at us-"
"Shut up Jisung!" Jisung received a smack to the back of his head, via Changbin.


That's definitely not the whole truth. WAIT. A. DAMN. MINUTE. Do they know?? Do they know that something is wrong with me?

 Do they know?? Do they know that something is wrong with me?

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Author's Note

WC: 1072

Omg yesterday was my bday and I was teased sm..smh. IT DID NOT HELP THAT MY CRUSH WAS JUST LIKE ACTING WEIRD TODAY TOO LIKE WHY. Anyways, he somehow gained access to my edits even though I blocked his acc and he only has one acc..he said they weren't terrible BUT THEY ARE TERRIBLE. EGKDWFSGUERVUCW (can you tell i have a bad headache while writing this, also i'm writing this the day of my bday instead of doing my essay)

Anyways, I also had a bad headache and a sore throat all day (bc of my brother i think..maybe. idk.) so it was fun having to thank everyone (no it was not). 

I don't know what to write for chapter 11 rn.. :')

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