[01] Selected

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With, I can't stop me by TWICE  blasting in the practice room I was practicing for my monthly evaluation, while my friend Lily on the other hand wasn't worrying one bit sitting on the side watching me, which she technically didn't need to anyways, she was the best vocalist in the batch of trainees here. 

Knock knock

"Huh? Are we expecting anyone right now?" I asked Lily.
"Maybe it's a staff?" Lily asked me.
"Maybe? I have no clue, I'll go check though"

"Is Chao-Xing here- oh hello", The staff said.
"Hello" I said while bowing to the staff.
"Jinyoung-PD asked me to bring you to another practice room, I hope you don't mind."
"No, not at all!"
"Do I go too?" Lily asks.
"Oh no, it's just Chao-Xing that needs to come with me." Oh crap, I'm in trouble? I'm so fucked what did I do??

After a bit we were on the same floor that the idols train on, which I found a bit confusing. I mean if he wanted to talk to me because I'm in trouble he would've just taken me to his office, right?  

"Here we are, right in this room Chao-Xing"
"Thank you" I said before bowing to the staff and knocking on the door before being allowed in.

"Hello" I said while bowing once I spotted Jinyoung-PD.
"Hello, please join us and have a seat while we wait for some guests," he told me. I looked around the room and recognized a few of the trainees here, they weren't part of my trainee batch but we meet with them for challenges and battles sometimes.

After a while of waiting we were met with knocks on the door and Jinyoung-PD welcomed them in, in no time.

"Ah, here you guys are!"
"Yes, hello" they said while bowing. Wait a damn minute, they look a bit too familiar..OH THAT'S STRAY KIDS? I'M IN THE SAME ROOM AS STRAY KIDS?? WAIT WHAT. YOU'RE FUCKING JOKING WITH ME, THAT'S NOT COOL. I'M BEING LIED TO.

"1, 2, Step out" Bang Chan, the leader started.
It was then met with, "Hello, we are Stray Kids".

"So today, you'll be performing your monthly evaluation performances that you've been practicing for this month's evaluation in front of Stray Kids" JYP soon said. Bitch what.? You're lying to me right now, right?

"Okay Chao-Xing, you're performing first" Wait why the hell is it my turn first??

I took a deep breath as the first few notes of the song began to play.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh"

As soon as I finished I was met with a large amount of applause, making me smile a bit. I caught the Stray Kids members smiling at my smile too which made me smile even more.

"ChAo-Xing, wait is that how I pronounce your name??" Bang Chan started with.
"Ah, it's alright it's close enough"
"Are you sure?" I nodded in response.

"ChAo-Xing, your vocals are super stable and your dancing is so clean I'm jealous" EH?? JEALOUS? BANG CHAN, THE BANG CHAN IS JEALOUS OF ME? THAT'S A LIE! He's probably just trying to be nice, right??
"I'm not just saying that at all, we all agree you're basically an all-rounder."  Damn bro read my mind? 
"Ah- thank you so much" I said bowing before returning back to my spot on the hard, wood floor that was unusually comfy.

Almost an hour later we finished going through all the performances and Jinyoung-PD and Stray Kids were discussing something, we weren't sure what but I was anxious as hell, my hands were practically vibrating with how much they were shaking. I tried to regulate my breathing only for my breathing to become too fast. I soon began to try and fidget with anything, which ended up being the bottom of my oversized shirt. I was getting so distracted that I didn't realize everyone was already dismissed and that I was the only trainee left in the room.

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