[05] Moving in

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The days leading up to the day I was moving into the Stray Kids dorm was pure chaos, Lily was practically forced by time to help me move out of the dorms when both of us didn't want me to move out. On top of clearing out my things from the trainee dorms, I was practicing and preparing for the Stray Kids comeback with the boys. Overall, the past few days were very, very, very time consuming, and tiring. Not only was the diet not helping but the amount of exercising and sleep I've been getting were definitely contributing to this. 

However, when I did end up arriving at the Stray Kids dorms, they seemed to be in a rush as well. I caught a glimpse of Seungmin trying to organize the places where the other boy's hang out and I laughed. 

"Xing! Don't look! The dorm is currently chaos and a huge mess! Seungmin insisted on organizing all this shi- I mean-"
"Felix, shhh", Changbin said, smacking him lightly in the back of his head.

"As you can tell, we've been super excited for you to move in", Chan said laughing while scratching the back of his head awkwardly.
"I see.."
"XingXing!!", Han called while running to me.
"Hi Hannie", I replied while smiling and ruffling his hair. I may or may not have been put into the position of mom in the group
"Chao-Xing~", Hyunjin called me with a pout.
"Hmm?", with my response his pout intesifies.
"Jin, you're too tall for me to ruffle your hair-" Oh and he sat criss-cross applesauce right on the floor.
"Or not-" I ruffled his hair too.

"Noona!!", Jeongin came running to me excitedly.
"Let me show you the room Han and I are sharing with you!", I.N said cheerfully, grabbing a few of my bags in the process. Bro isn't baby bread no more, his muscles are showing oh gosh. 

After a little tour of the dorms from them they went to do their own things for a few hours before we'd be going to practice together. 

I spent my time organizing what I could of my own things and putting my clothes in a small pile towards my side of the room. While organizing through my belongings I came across the small, slim, white pouch and cringed a bit remembering what was inside, quickly shoving it with my other things I stood up and went to the living room. It was bizarre that only about a week after I met the members that I was moving in with them. Life is too fast, I swear.

"Oh, hey Xing" Chan said, sounding a bit startled that I was out of the room.
"Hey, may I sit here?", I said referring to the floor near the couch he was sitting on.
"Xing, you live here too-", Chan said before getting cut off by Seungmin.
"Sit on the couch not the floor", he sighed shaking his head.

I think I kept zoning out because I felt a very small hand on my shoulder trying to get my attention.

"Xing? You good?", Felix asked skeptically.
"Oh, yeah. I'm good", I said while blinking trying to fully wake up.
"We still have an hour before we have to head to practice, you wanna go grab lunch?" 

Oh how I really wanted to say yes but couldn't due to this stupid diet. I swear- if I wasn't this fat, they'd probably like me more. I mean both Lee Know and Seungmin don't seem to like me very much, it's probably because I'm fat, right? I mean even Han was scared of me when we first met, maybe I was too fat and scared him? Why did they choose my anyways, I'm so untalented-

"Xing, you zoned out again..Are you sure you're okay?"
"Huh?" I was still a little dazed.
"You zoned out again..", he said with a seemingly sad sigh. 

Crap, I made his mood dip. Wait what was he saying before that though,,

"What were you saying before I zoned out?"
"Oh, I was asking if you'd want to go grab lunch with us before practice"
"Oh. Sorry, I'll pass. I think I'm gonna try go unpack a bit more."
"Oh, Alright. We'll be back before we have to leave for practice."
"Yeah, that's fine."

I grabbed my phone, smiling at the message I saw before replying.


Hey Xing! How is moving into that new dorm with THE Stray Kids?

It's going alright!

I paused once I realized I was smiling at a singular text that my best friend of all people sent me. Fuck. You aren't supposed to catch feelings. She's your best friend of all people, training to be an idol just like you. Don't. Catch. Feelings.

"Xing, we're gonna head out right now! Let us know if you want anything!", Changbin called out to me.

As I heard the door close, I immediately went to go look for the pouch I threw somewhere earlier.

"Fuck, where did I put it??", I said out loud in Cantonese.

My corner of the room seemed to be a mess even though I just cleaned it. Although, it's probably because there's no storage boxes or anything that I ordered here yet. Piles of folded clothes, a luggage set, bags, necessities, snacks- Fuck, why did I bring snacks? I'll just give them to the members, they'll probably eat it and not think about why I'd be giving it to them anyways, right?

"Oh, there it is", The pouch was behind a few of my bags. 

Should I not do this? Do I want to wear long sleeves at practice? No. But do you deserve it? Yes. Not only are you falling for someone, your best friend, your ex-roommate, but you're going to be an idol and you're going to be a lesbian? You're joking, you're just lying to yourself. None of this can be true? I mean if you can't do it yourself, just call your parents..I'm sure you'd love to see them..Not. Go on, go do it. Don't be such a scaredy-cat, go for it. You're being too much of a goody-two shoes. 

Xing, just shut out that voice. You don't have to- Yes you do. No, then you'll deem me as pathetic! Either way, you're pathetic. Plus, you're such a slut. A singular girl living with 8 boys? You'll fall into suicide eventually, especially if you don't just do it and listen to us. Stop lying to me...

Just give into it, it'll make you feel so much better...

Just give into it, it'll make you feel so much better

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Author's Note:

WC: 1078 

Do you enjoy my cliffhanger?? I'm sure you do..My friend (Ahem if you comment here I'm gonna expose that it was you /j) who reads the drafts beforehand hates me for leaving them on cliffhangers lmoa. 

I'm writing this note on March 11th, while taking a break from writing chapter 8- there's quite a big decision I have to make there lol! 

Also, what do you think ChaoXing is going to do, and what are your thoughts on her? I'm trying to make it so each oc in this series has a different personality but I never knew how hard it would be- (I'd love to let you know that we have like 7 other books I wanna add to this series, 1 or 2 already started and the rest kind of just have ocs created...) 

I hope you guys are enjoying this book! Feel free to add suggestions for the plot or anything because I have the plot until she debuts kinda of settled?..Anything after is for future me to choose lmoa. (why the fuck can i not type lmao without being like "it's lmoa" or just form a sentence without lol or lmoa..?? Also is this not definitely giving ChaoXing's agressive ass thoughts 💀)

SSICK : Stray Kids Female Added MemberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora