12 [Home] (Male Version)

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"Do you think," Reiner started as the two of you walked up towards your reserved rooms, "that this will stay an annual thing?"

You sighed, adjusting the collar of your (dress / dress shirt). The Welcoming of Fall was beginning to wrap up when the two of you had decided to call it a night. You knew you were reaching your limit when it was time for the dancing to start. Younger looking bachelors and bachelorettes had found their way to the dance floor and moved stiffly amongst one another. Men had found their women, women had found their men; courting, you were sure of it. Although you had been unaware that would be taking place, you stepped off to the side and allowed those participating to have their fun. Reiner had even teased at taking your hand and pulling you to the floor. The glare you had offered him halted his actions. However, it did not stop him from persuading you to the floor later in the evening.

"I have no doubt that it will," you responded as you followed him up a flight of stairs. "A chance for Historia to gather us all here? I'm sure she'll be able to host a dozen of these parties a year just to see us as often as possible."

You had felt mild guilt knowing that you genuinely liked staying away from the island. Very rarely was the queen allowed to leave Paradis because of her royal obligations. Her husband also refrained from leaving, agreeing to do so only when she did. It was odd when you felt bad for her. Despite her marriage situation, she truly had all that she could ever ask for. She always seemed so very grateful to have the things she did, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that she was lonely. A majority of her friends either moved away or left the military behind. Although you had learned to not feel guilt for pursuing your own goals, you felt your heart squeeze when you saw that Historia could not do the same.

From beside you on the stairs, you heard Reiner let out a short grunt of disgust. Looking over towards him, you notice that he had removed his suit jacket, exposing the white dress shirt beneath it. His black tie had become loose around the neck as he looked down at himself.

"I felt like this get-up was going to make me melt in there," he chuckles.

Admittedly, the ballroom was boiling. You tried not to feel grossed out in your own clothes, but it was hard not to when you could feel the sweat accumulating on your body. Even in your fancy clothes, towards the end of the night, you felt like you might as well have been wearing your cheapest garments with how gross you had been feeling. Mixed with the little amount of food you had eaten that afternoon and lack of water in your system, your body was begging to at least see you to your bed.

Swallowing, you nod, attempting to let him know that you felt the same way. You allowed a smile to come to your face as you finally made it up the stairs and into a hallway. From there, looking at the dull green and pink wallpaper and rosy tile flooring made you feel as if you were royalty. A few portraits hung on the walls, the names of the military leaders on small plaques beneath the frames. At the end of the dead-end hallway was a large square mirror, the frame engraved with vines and roses. As the two of you approach it, you cannot help but watch your reflections.

Slowly, Reiner snakes an arm around your waist. You watch him in the mirror, finding it cute the way his cheeks raised as a smile came to his face. His hands rest themselves lightly on either side of your hips as he positions himself to be mostly behind you, though a part of his body is still visible.

"I don't know if I really got to say it, yet," he starts, pausing to press a kiss to the back of your head, "but you look beautiful."

You could feel that feeling coming back. Your eyes fell closed as you rested your head back against his shoulder. His large hands on your waist made you never want to leave this embrace. In this position, he was able to rest his chin against the side of your head, kissing it once again. You could hear his heartbeat this way, the rhythmic thumping putting you at ease as you let out a soft and slow hum of comfort.

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