5 [Invitation]

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When you had finally pulled yourself from your bed, the sun had begun to shine right through your window. The bright rays landed directly over your eyes, and you were barely able to stay comfortable with them closed. Normally, you would wake up around 7 AM. Today, you were able to stay in bed until just after 10 AM. Shockingly, you had not felt the urge to jump out of your sheets at the time. There was a lack of urgency even as you pushed the blankets from your body and ignored them as they bundled towards the bottom of your bed. Usually, you wanted to make it a habit of making your bed, but as you stood and looked over it, you waved a dismissive hand. You lingered in your bedroom while getting dressed, taking your time to get yourself ready for the day.

As you made your way down the steps, your feet lazily trailed down each stair as you wiped a hand over your face. Looking down at the step you were on, you noticed that it felt a little less sturdy as usual. You bounced your weight on it carefully before letting out a small sigh. You did not want to have to fix it today. Mentally, you put in a note to pick up a new board to replace it with. A quick run to the store today would be good for you, you figured. Perhaps you may have had one in a storage closet.

Bringing yourself into the kitchen, your eyes wandered around to the dining table. The table had two chairs sitting on opposite sides of it. In the center was an empty napkin holder. When you looked at your counter, you noticed a nearly empty roll of paper towel laying sideways next to your sink. You felt your chest ache for a moment. A familiar feeling began to creep into your stomach and climb up through your throat. Guilt. You had not taken very much care of your own home, recently. Things had been neglected around your own home. You knew that your fridge was becoming empty, your cabinets were losing food by the day, and you lacked the ambition to go out and run errands. Of course, sleeping in did not help. You feel lazy. Your head began to feel heavy as you leaned against the counter, pressing your palms against your eyes to make yourself feel more grounded. Your fingers run over your hair before you hold them against the back of your neck. You did not know where to start.

Though, before you could even put your mind to work, a sound pulled you from your daze. Blinking a few times, you looked around the room. You were so lost in thought that you had not even caught what had made the noise. When it happened again, you tilted your head. A knock on your door was what had brought you back from your worried thoughts.

Making your way over to it, the lack of window near the door prevented you from seeing who it could have been. Upon opening it, your eyes widen a little bit at the person before you.

Reiner stood on the opposite side of the doorway. In one hand, he held a small paper bag. The smell of food hit your nose as the door swung open. In his other hand, he held a newspaper.

"Good morning, [F/N]," he nods to you politely. "I hope you don't mind me stopping over." Once again, you blinked a few times. You expected to see someone like Jean or Armin. Reiner, of all people, was the last person you would have thought of. Perhaps it was your bias. You still found yourself adjusting to having him around and enjoying his company.

Swallowing hard, you nodded, a nervous smile coming to your face. "Not at all. Come in, please."

You moved out of the way, ushering him in the door before closing it behind him. The smell that had been on the porch followed Reiner in. It was a warm, comforting smell. It filled the room as he placed the paper bag on the kitchen table along with the newspaper. Quickly, he removed his shoes and set them beside yours while unbuttoning his sweater, but not removing it. You could not help but look down at them for a second. Swallowing hard, you look over at the blonde as he walks back over to the table.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," he said with a nervous smile, his eyes having a hard time meeting yours. "I brought you something for lunch as a thank you for the pie. Well, early lunch. Hungry?" You smile and nod at him and gesture to a chair at the table. He obliges, taking a seat. You follow soon after.

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