6 [Aren't You?]

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In the hours after Reiner had left your house, you had a difficult time thinking about anything other than tomorrow. It rang through your head like church bells. Each time you seemed to have pushed it from your mind, it continued to slowly creep back in. Soon enough, it was at the forefront of your thinking. You could barely bring yourself to conjure up a thought about anything other than the events that could take place tomorrow night.

It was not like you were not trying to distract yourself, however. At one point, you found yourself sweeping around the kitchen to kill time. You swept every hardwood floor in your house, and that barely took you thirty minutes. Sweeping led to wiping down any dusty surfaces. Then, you had the urge to rearrange your bookshelf. It went from alphabetical order by author's last name, to arranging them by color. Starting with black and ending with white, you stepped back and admired your work. Upon inspection, you hated it, and chose to once again go in alphabetical order.

Eventually, you took out a title from the shelves that you had been meaning to start for a long time. It was only about 500 pages, and it had been recommended to you by a close friend. You started it at around 4 PM. As you went about your afternoon, you brought the book with you almost everywhere. After having completed a good portion of the work, you brought it into the bathroom with you as you ran yourself a bath. There, you lit a few candles, set down a glass of ice water, and really allowed yourself to really enjoy your freedom for the first time in a long time.

Laying down in your bath, your bare body found much needed comfort in the warm water. You were due for a good soaking. Book in hand, you stayed like that for a while. You did not have to worry about your hair getting wet, as you did not want to wash it then and there. If you felt you needed to wash it, you expected to take a shower before tomorrow's event to take care of it. As of right now, all you were worried about was getting yourself comfortable and enjoying a well written story.

Your heart felt full as you began to flip through page after page. A small smile grew on your face as you completed the chapter you had been on. As you adjusted in the bath and set your book to the side, you took a look down at your legs. You noticed that the water had begun to get foggy as you raised your feet out of the water. It was clear that you had been in there for a much longer period of time than you originally thought. Taking a peek at your book, you had just passed the halfway mark. Your candles had a layer of melted wax on the top, and the ice in your water had melted. It was actually satisfying to see yourself so lost in relaxation for once.

As you soap up a washcloth and begin to use it on yourself, the idea of this becoming a regular thing makes you feel excited. This was something you wanted to get used to. You needed this to become a regular thing. Once your body was clean, you drained the bath, dried yourself off, and took care of any nighttime routine that had to be done before you got yourself ready for bed. In one of your bathroom drawers, there was scented lotion that you had received as a birthday gift from one of your friends. It was not something you used very often. Today, you wanted to make it a part of your routine. You wanted to give yourself some time out of the day to make yourself feel good and happier.

Once you were done, you found yourself blowing out the candles and making your way out to your bedroom. Quickly, you dressed yourself before making your way over to the window. The sun had just hit the horizon. You opened it just a crack, and you felt as the cool air began to trickle in. You smiled again as you felt yourself melt into your bed. Your sheets and blankets curled around you as you reached for your book.

Starting by laying on your back, you felt yourself getting lost in the story once again. You imagined yourself as the main character as things began to unfold. Through the lower parts in the story, through the climax, through sadness, and through romance, things fell into place as you imagined all the events that were taking place. You roll over onto your side, then onto your stomach. The book drew you in as the room got darker. You had to lean over to your bedside lamp so you could continue.

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