Chapter Three

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        Ignoring the knocks sounding from my door and the calls of my name, heading into my bathroom. Putting my towel in the hamper and the rest of my things on the counter. Stripping from my sweaty clothes while starting the shower. Quickly getting in washing up and rinsing off before getting out.
         Wrapping a towel around me while drying my hair. Drying off my body, keeping the towel wrapped around me as I walked out into my room. Going over to my dresser pulling out my cropped long sleeve white shirt and the matching shorts.
           Slipping into my white bunny slippers before leaving my room. Quickly going into our small kitchen grabbing a cup of ice from the freezer, pouring in one of the cold coffee pouches, putting in the straw, before heading back to my room. Once again locking my door while going into the bathroom getting my phone from the counter.
            Going out slipping into my white slides before going over to my balcony. Going out climbing up the steps to the rooftop. Sighing I sat at the top of the steps looking out over the city at all the lights while sipping my coffee.
            "Why does that man make me feel this way," I sighed aloud to myself. Sitting my coffee next to me before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Snapping my eyes open as my phone rang.
         "Moshimoshi?" I answered taking a sip of my coffee. "I found out who sold the drugs. But they're going to be hard to touch," Murayama spoke on the other end. "Who did it," I seethed. "Well Kuryu is the main culprit. But it was some of Doubts men that sold him the drugs. Also a member of Mighty Warriors was with them," He explained.
         "Which member?" I questioned quickly. "Bernie from what all my sources say. He's the DJ at their club and handles all the technology stuff they do. He's the weakest fighter among the group," He spoke. "I'll handle it, thank you for letting me know," I stated. "Should I tell Rocky what you're about to do?" He questioned before I could end the call.
           "If you tell him I'll break your knees and put you in the hospital," I seethed. "Okay I won't tell him," He stated. "Thanks again," I spoke quickly ending the call. Making my way down the steps and back into my room. Putting my coffee on the nightstand white heading over to my closet.
        "How many times must I change clothes," I sighed. Looking at my outfits before pulling out my only not white dress. Stripping from my pajamas tugging on my glittery pink chiffon dress that tied around my neck, slipping into my matching high heels before heading into the bathroom.
         Quickly curling my hair some before putting on my light glittery pink eyeshadow, some mascara, lipgloss, and some perfume. Putting in my dangling pink diamond earrings along with my pink diamond bracelet. Walking out of the bathroom grabbing my small silver clutch putting my phone and some cash in it, before leaving.
            Walking out into the main club area drawing everyone's attention. "Where are you going dressed like that?" Rocky questioned only getting a look from me in return. Sighing I walked through the club getting stopped by Enari just before I left. "Where are you going?" He questioned while gently grabbing my bare arm.
          "Out for a bit," I sighed. "Out where?" He pressed. Sighing I said nothing just dropped my head avoiding his gaze as much as I could. Sighing again I looked up at him before turning back towards Rocky. "Murayama had someone call didn't he," I huffed.
"There's no way in hell you're storming Funk Jungle alone or dressed like that. Furuya was the one to call and tell me what you were up too. I know what they did and they'll pay for it. However we will get them as a group not alone. You aren't going after them alone," Rocky spoke while walking down the stairs towards me.
"You'd let anyone else do it. Why can't I?" I huffed eyeing him. "Do you see how you're dressed?" He questioned pointing to my outfit. "What's the problem?" I huffed glaring at him. "The moment he lays eyes on you he'd be trying to take you to bed. How can you get your revenge if you're under him," He spat.
"You really think I'm some cheap whore," I scoffed feeling the tears coming to my eyes. "Well you're dressing like one," He retorted causing the others to give an audible gasp. Without thinking a loud smack echoed through the room as my hand slapped the side of his face.
"Fuck you Rocky you don't know everything! I'm doing what I know how to do dammit! Not only that today I almost lost the only blood family I have left! So maybe you could be a little more considerate instead of being a righteous dick!" I snapped at him as a few tears left my eyes.
Sighing I pushed past Enari only for Bito to gently grab my arm. "Where are you going?" He questioned. "To be a cheap whore, at least there I'll be looked out differently than I am here," I huffed pulling away from him. Storming outside walking down the street some until I let out a sigh.
Throwing my head back I started walking towards Sannoh instead of Funk Jungle. After a bit of a walk I finally made my way through the door of the diner. "Sorry we're- Kasumi?" Naomi stated her eyes landing on me. "Sorry for showing up unexpectedly Naomi," I spoke giving her a small smile.
"No it's not an issue, just the guys are here," She spoke pointing over to them. Walking in further my eyes met with them causing me to slightly chuckle at some of their reactions. Cobra was the first to get up coming over placing his jacket around my shoulders.
"Coming here like that will make them have a heart attack not to mention it's dangerous," He spoke before going back to his seat. "Thanks," I spoke going to grab a seat at the bar. "Wait isn't she a White Rascal?" The newest member questioned.
"According to Rocky I'm a cheap whore," I chuckled looking over at Naomi as things became quiet. Sighing I pulled out some cash sliding it towards her. "Can I get the strongest drink you have?" I questioned softly. Sighing she gave in taking the money and pouring me my drink.
Sliding it over while giving me a look. "Rocky cares for women why would he say that to you?" Yamato wondered. "Beats me, but he said it in front of everyone," I sighed. "Where were you going dressed like that?" Naomi questioned. "Funk Jungle to confront the bastard that gave Minoru Redrum," I stated taking a sip of my drink.
"Minoru was given Redrum? Is he okay?" She questioned quickly drawing the others attention as well. "Barely but he's alive. He just hasn't woken up yet. It was scary seeing him in the state I found him in. On the ground passed out foaming at the mouth barely breathing. I almost lost him today all because these bastards are spreading their dirty drugs around mostly to kids," I sighed taking another drink.
"What did Murayama do?" Cobra questioned. "He said sorry for not paying better attention. Then he went and found out who sold him the drugs. Kuryu we know is the main pusher of the drugs. Doubt being who they use on the streets to deal it. But Bernie from Mighty Warriors was there too. He handed the drugs over to Minoru from what I gathered. I was going to confront him before, I was stopped," I sighed.
"Rocky stopped you from leaving?" Naomi questioned. "Yeah cause of how I'm dressed and how I can't go after them alone. Which I argued that point cause he'd let anyone else go after them alone. He followed up with the moment he lays eyes on you he'd be trying to take you to bed. How can you get your revenge if you're under him." I explained getting a rather angry look from Naomi.
"That bastard really made it out as if you're a cheap whore!" She scoffed. "I told him after that he really thinks I'm just some cheap whore. His reply was simply well you're dressing like one. Which in turn got him slapped by me. I said what needed to be said and now I'm here drinking," I spoke slamming back the rest of my drink.
"Are you going back tonight?" She questioned refilling my glass. "Not a chance in hell. I'll stay at the hotel down the street for the night. Maybe stay a couple nights. I can't be around Rocky right now, and I need to focus on Minoru as well," I stated.
"That hotel is too dangerous, bad things happen there all the time," She spoke giving me a serious look. Shrugging I downed my drink before giving a small smile. "It's just what cheap whores have to deal with," I stated passing her more money.
Getting up from my seat slowly making my way to the door. "Sorry to barge in like I did and interrupting. I'll take my leave now. Thanks for the drink, I'm going to go continue being a cheap whore," I sighed going out the door. Taking a deep breath before starting to walk down the street only to be stopped a moment later.
Turning around seeing Cobra standing there gently holding my arm causing me to raise a brow at him. "Come with me. You can crash at my place tonight. I can't let anything happen to you while you're here, not only because Naomi would kill me but so would Rocky, and that'd cause war in S.W.O.R.D to break out," He stated leading me over to his bike.
Looking over at me giving me a sigh as he zipped up his jacket that still hung on me. Picking me up placing me in front of him as he climbed on. Trapping me between him and the bike before he took off.
After a short ride we stopped out front of a small gas station that had an apartment sitting above the small office. Once we were off the bike he placed me on my feet gently pulling me with him. Walking up the stairs and into his apartment. "You take the bed I'll take the couch. You can put my clothes on to sleep in for the night," He stated while plopping down on the couch.
"Thanks," I stated awkwardly walking into his room. Kicking off my heels before taking off the jacket and dress, tugging an oversized tee shirt over me. Taking off my jewelry putting it in my clutch before sitting that on the nightstand. Slowly climbing into bed relaxing into the comfortable bed as sleep over took me.

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