Chapter Four

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        Waking up the next morning with my head hurting and my body aching. Getting up grabbing a pair of sweats pulling them on before stumbling out of the room. Following the smell of coffee until I was standing in the kitchen before Cobra. Turning around he gave me a look before smiling. "You look terrible," He chuckled passing me a cup of coffee.
     "Thanks," I chuckled sipping on it going to sit on the couch. "I'll make us breakfast then we can talk," He stated causing me to look over at him. "You told Rocky I was here didn't you," I sighed. "I had to, you're a Rascal and he was going to get worried. I had to tell him you were safe at least," He stayed.
        Sighing I placed my cup down on the table before getting up. Going back into the bed room pulling off his clothes and tugging my dress back on. Slipping back into my heels while grabbing my clutch heading into the bathroom. Looking myself over in the mirror as I fixed my hair before going back out.
        "Thanks for the coffee and letting me crash here, but I'll go now," I spoke quickly heading out the door. Running downstairs being to not trip before running away from Cobra's place. "Kasumi!" He called after me. Sighing I kept running before ducking into a clothing store.
      Going to the back grabbing a pair of jeans, boots, and a hoodie. Heading into the dressing room quickly changing. Heading back out with my hood up going to the front passing the shop owner some money while taking a bag. Quickly putting my clutch, heels, and dress in the bag before leaving.
      Checking both ways down the street not seeing any of Hoodlum Squad. Taking a breath before booking it. I kept running and running until I couldn't anymore. Leaning up against a building taking a deep breath while looking around.
       "Just my luck stopping in one of the bordering towns," I sighed taking another breath. Slowly I started walking hoping I'd get back to somewhere more familiar. Reaching into my bag pulling out my clutch quickly getting my phone out, dropping the clutch back in the bag.
          Turning it on seeing it with low battery causing a groan to escape me. Sighing I clicked on Enari's number as I kept going down the street. "Kasumi! Where are you?!" He snapped. "One of the border towns. I don't know I was running and now I'm-," I started stopping as something caught my eye ahead of me.
        "Kasumi?" Enari questioned. "Fuck me," I huffed realizing who was coming towards me. "Kasumi what's going on?" He questioned more concerned. "Trouble," I huffed while backing away. Seeing the men holding a girl causing me to groan again. "God dammit," I huffed stuffing my phone in my pocket. Hearing Enari's increasingly panicked voice still coming from it as I ran towards the girl.
       "Oi fuck face!" I shouted drawing the men's attention. "Catch," I huffed bringing my leg up, slamming my foot into one's gut. The other letting the girl go while coming to attack me. "Hasn't anyone told you to stop targeting women?" I spoke kicking his feet out from under them.
       "Stupid slut!" The taller man growled. Dancing around on my feet I kept landing hits while avoiding their arms. "Gahhh!" I cried dropping to the ground as I took a hard hit to the back. Looking up seeing Hirai squatting in front of me now. "Rocky let his bitch out of her cage finally," He mused grabbing my face.
        Growling I swatted his hand away while quickly getting to my feet. Stepping back glaring at the three men. "I'm no one's bitch," I huffed wiping the blood on my lip. My eyes narrowing as I watched the three intently. "You know Kasumi, Ranmaru would love having you as a toy," Hirai chuckled.
       "Too bad I'm not meant for him," I scoffed readying myself as the two behind him moved forward. "How's Minoru by the way? Or did the drugs do their job?" He spoke. "You bastard," I seethed lunging forward. Quickly striking Hirai as the other two hit me.
      Stumbling back the three circled around me like I was a caged animal. Growling my eyes glued to Hirai as I attacked him again. Quickly kicking him back while landing a punch on the taller of the three. Groaning as I took a hit to my ribs. Glaring over at the smaller man quickly hit him.
       Letting out a war cry I let all my anger come to the surface as I fought them. Delivering quick solid attacks while also taking some. After a few more minutes they retreated suffering a decent amount of wounds. Sighing I leaned against the building behind me taking a few deep breaths.
       "Thank you for saving me," A voice spoke from beside me. Looking over seeing the girl from earlier standing there staring at me. "It's no problem. Are you okay?" I questioned looking her over. "I'm fine but you dropped this," She spoke handing me back my bag.
       "Ah thank you," I stated taking the bag from her. Eyeing her for a few more moments before sighing. "Where's your house I'll walk you home," I stated while pulling out my phone seeing it dead. "Just around the corner," She spoke giving a small smile.
       Nodding I walked beside her as we made our way to her house. Looking around seeing things becoming a bit clearer. "This is Little Asia isn't it?" I stated glancing over at the girl. "Yeah I is," She sighed dropping her head. Sighing I gently grabbed her arm stopping her from walking.
       "Someone's hurting you aren't they?" I spoke eyeing her. "N-no," She stuttered. "I'm a White Rascal you can tell me I'll protect you," I assured. "It's nothing really," She spoke pulling her arm from my hand. Sighing I nodded before continuing on our way.
        Coming to a stop outside of an apartment complex seeing two men cleaning their motorcycles, before a smile broke out on my face. "You live in the same complex as the Amamiya Kyodai," I chuckled cocking a brow at the girl.
        "They live across the hall," She spoke as we walked towards the entrance. "Aoi!" A man shouted causing my head to snap forward. Seeing a taller angry looking man glaring at the girl next to me. On instinct I pulled her behind me while glaring at the man.
        "Who are you?" I questioned. "What's it to you!" He snapped. "She's not going with you unless I know who you are," I huffed. Glancing back seeing Aoi clutching onto the back of my shirt. "I own her she has to come to me," He seethed.
         "Own her?" I scoffed. Causing the man to glare at me as he stalked forward. "Run!" I shouted pushing the girl away as the man through a solid punch into my jaw. "Stupid whore!" He seethed grabbing onto me as I shook my head out of the daze I was in.
       "Burn in hell," I huffed headbutting him. Stumbling back being caught by a pair of arms. Glancing over seeing Masaki holding me while Hiroto went after the man. "You just gave him the reason he was looking for to beat that man," Masaki chuckled.
      "For the record this isn't the way I wanted my first time coming over to go," I sighed leaning into him. "It's fine just you took a big hit," He spoke while inspecting my face. "Just take me inside please I feel terrible," I sighed. Nodding he brought me around the two men fighting along with the girl I saved.
      Leading both of us into their apartment, helping me sit on the couch before disappearing. "How do you know them?" The girl questioned softly. "We've fought together a couple times and I guess became friends," I spoke as Masaki come back with a first-aid kit. "You became friends with Hiroto. I take care of you because of Hiroto. I don't think men and women can be friends," Masaki corrected.
       Chuckling I leaned forward as he slowly started cleaning my wounds. After a few minutes I was bandaged and ready to go. Hiroto coming in after a moment with a busted lip and cut up knuckles. "What was that?" He questioned while eyeing me. "He's been hurting her and I just saved her from Doubt," I explained nodding over to Aoi.
      "Sorry to cause so much trouble," Aoi spoke while dropping her head. "Nonsense, I like helping people. Now I'll take you across the way then to get some clothes. You can come back to Club Haven with me, we have a spare room," I stated while standing.
       Letting out a groan as I straightened my back causing Hiroto to come over to me. Grabbing onto my shirt lifting the back up letting out an audible gasp. "What the fuck happened to you?!" He rasped turning me around. "Hirai hit me over the back with something. Don't worry I'm fine," I stated moving away from him.
        "The hell you are!" He snapped pulling me back over. Stumbling a bit with the sudden movement falling into him letting out a groan. "I'm calling Enari," Masaki spoke leaving the room. "Why did I ever agree to giving you his number," I huffed staying leaned against Hiroto.
         "Enari is on his way with Rocky and Bito," Masaki stated causing me to groan even more. "This world hates me," I sighed hiding my face in Hiroto's shoulder. Gently he hugged me while sitting down pulling me with him. "Just rest till they get here," He spoke earning a nod from me.

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