Chapter Two

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         Waking up the next morning with my head pounding and a hushed conversation being had on the other side of the room. "Rocky," I whispered still staring at the ceiling. "I'm here," He spoke gently taking my hand in his. Turning my head to the side giving him a small smile before the other side of my bed dipped down.
         Looking next to me seeing Enari sitting there with a relieved look plastered on his face. "What happened?" I questioned softly. "You don't remember?" Rocky questioned. "I remember fighting two guys cause they were holding a girl. They had red rum before it was turned into pills, they had vials. Then I remember something pricking my neck, after that I don't remember," I spoke looking between the two.
        "They drugged you and when we got there, they were getting ready to rape you," Rocky spoke softly while tightening his hold on my hand. "Why did you go off like that?" Enari questioned. "I felt off about that street. Like my gut told me something was wrong so I broke off from the group. I know it was stupid to do but I couldn't ignore the feeling I had," I stated while trying to sit up.
         Quickly Enari helped me sit up as Rocky stared at me with a mixed look. "Kasumi, I'm happy you saved that woman. I'm happy you got her out of the situation she was in. However I'm not happy you put yourself in such danger to do so. What would've happened if we didn't notice you were gone? What would've happened if we didn't get there in time? You can't go off on your own like that. You're a White Rascal but you're still a woman, which means for men like them you're the perfect target. The perfect person for them to turn into a victim," Rocky spoke giving me a stern look.
           "That's part of the job we do though. Everyone else puts themselves in danger to protect the women and do the job. Why is it different with me? If I'm always playing it safe I can't do the job I'm supposed to do," I huffed pulling my hand from his. "Kasumi," He started. "Don't give me that Rocky. I know I'm a woman you never let me forget it. But as much as I'm a woman I'm still apart of White Rascals which means I still have a job to do," I huffed quickly crawling out of my bed.
             Grabbing my clothes before heading into the bathroom slamming the door shut. Tossing my clothes onto the counter before starting the shower. Sighing I stripped from my clothes getting in the shower, smiling as the warm water washed over me. Slowly washing my hair and body before rinsing off and getting out.
             Wrapping a towel around me as I pulled out my blow dryer, quickly drying my hair. Drying off the rest of my body before slipping into my outfit for the day, a white cropped top that tied up on the sides, a cropped white leather jacket, & a white pleated skirt. My diamond stud earring, small sliver diamond necklace around my neck, my white Apple Watch wrapped around my wrist.
        Lightly curling my long ash gray hair before putting on white silver eyeshadow, mascara, and my lipgloss. Spraying some perfume on me before looking at myself in the mirror. "If any of those idiots kids breaks my new nails they're getting beat," I whispered aloud to myself, while looking down at my new white stiletto nails.
       Coming out of the bathroom seeing only Enari sitting on my bed. "Why so dressed up?" He questioned while eyeing me. "This isn't dressed up. But if you must know I'm going out," I stated grabbing my phone from the nightstand. "Does Rocky know?" He questioned following me as I left my room.
       "I'm going to see Minoru. Rocky said before I don't have to tell him when I'm going to see Minoru," I stated jogging down the stairs. "I'm coming with you," He spoke grabbing his keys. "No that'll start a turf war," I huffed grabbing my keys and leaving.
         Going out getting on my bike taking off just as Enari and Bito came running out of the club. Shaking my head I sped ahead hoping they wouldn't follow me.
          Skidding to a stop in front of the Oya dorms smiling up at them. Turning my bike off while getting off pocketing my keys as I made my way inside. "Hey boys," I called waving to some of Minoru's friends. "Kasumi!" They exclaimed waving to me.
           "Is Minoru inside?" I questioned pointing to his door. "He's busy," One of his friends blurted out. My eyes scanning over the boys that shifted uneasily. "Tell me what he's doing or I'm breaking the door down," I huffed. The boys stood there giving each other looks but remained silent causing me to huff.
            Stepping back before bringing my leg up, slamming my foot forward kicking the door open. Walking inside seeing Minoru laying on the floor with foam coming out of his mouth. "Minoru!" I shouted shaking him. Pulling out my phone quickly calling for an ambulance as his friends filed into the room.
           "Someone get me Murayama now!" I snapped. One of his friends quickly ran off while the others stood there unsure of what to do. "Get me water," I snapped while getting behind Minoru. Pulling out my phone tossing it over to the blue haired boy standing there wide eyed. "Call the first number it should say Enari. Tell him what's going on," I spoke causing the boy to nod while walking outside.
            His other two friends bringing me the water while helping me sit Minoru up. Having his body rest against mine as I carefully gave him the water. Sighing as he started coughing. "One of you go wait for the ambulance," I stated watching one of his friends run off.
         Looking over at his other friend giving him a stern look. "You tell me what he took," I huffed. "Redrum, someone sold it to him," He whispered dropping his head. Before I could say anything Murayama came running into the dorm. "What happened?!" He shrieked coming over to me.
         "Tell him," I snapped at Minoru's friend. "Someone sold him redrum and he took it. We told him not too but he wanted to know what everyone was talking about," The boy whispered. "You can go," Murayama spoke dropping his head. "Enari is on his way," The other boy spoke handing me back my phone.
         "Thank you. You can go too," I spoke taking back my phone, stuffing it back in my pocket. Sighing I patted Minoru's back trying to get some kind of reaction. The moment I heard the sirens Murayama was running out the door. Coming back a few minutes later with the paramedics.
          "I found him like this. I'm his Aunt and legal guardian. His friends told me he took redrum," I spoke as they got him on the stretcher. "How old is he and his name," The male paramedic spoke. "15, Hori Minoru," I stated as they took him away.
            Following behind them getting out to the ambulance just as Enari pulled up with Bito. "I'll ride to the hospital and answer anymore questions," I stated eyeing the paramedics. Getting nods in return as they quickly took off. Running a hand through my hair before looking over at Murayama.
            "You better find who sold it to him before I do. Cause so help me if I find them first I'm taking a prison sentence," I spat. "I'll search his dorm and talk to all his friends and others at school. I'll ask the full-timers if they know anything. I'm sorry this happened I didn't pay close enough attention," He spoke quickly bowing to me.
             "Just find who sold it," I huffed getting on my bike. Pulling out my keys before starting my bike, speeding off. Chasing after the ambulance with Enari and Bito on either side of me. Coming to a halt outside the hospital, quickly following the paramedics in as they wheeled Minoru down the hall.
              Getting stopped by a nurse as they took him behind doors I couldn't go passed. "I'm his Aunt!" I snapped trying to push through. "Miss calm down please," The nurse pleaded. "Minoru!" I shouted still trying to get passed the nurse. Feeling arms wrap around me pulling me back into them, holding me tightly.
             "He'll be okay, just try to calm down a bit. We're in the hospital," Bito whispered in my ear walking us backwards, while Enari apologized to the nurse. Once I was calm enough Bito let me go guiding me into a seat, while he stood in front of me.
            Dropping my head in to my hands as tears found my eyes. "Minoru please, you half to be okay. I can't lose you too," I whispered aloud. Feeling a hand placed on my back rubbing small gently circles along my back. "He'll be okay," Enari assured keeping his hand on my back.
              Nodding we sat there in almost complete silence apart from me crying. The longer we had to wait the more stressed I became. "Family of Hori Minoru," A nurse called. Quickly I stood up rushing over to her.
               "Is he okay?" I questioned softly. "He's alive, he's resting in his room now. I can take you back to see him," She spoke giving me a smile. Nodding I followed her back along with Enari and Bito. Once we got to his room more tears left my eyes as I saw him laying there still unconscious. An IV in his arm giving him fluids while he had an oxygen mask over his face.
         Quickly going over taking his hand in mine as I took a sweet next to his bed. "When you're out of here your ass is grass," I whispered through the tears. Looking over at the door as the doctor walked in giving a stern look. "You're his guardian?" He questioned eyeing me.
          "Yeah, but he lives in his schools dorms. He goes to Oya Kou," I stated causing the doctor to take a step back. "No wonder he ended up this way. He goes to a school like that and has no parental guidance," The older man sighed. "His parents died when he was young. I'm all he has, I've been his guardian since he was two. I'm the only person that's raised him," I huffed giving the doctor a look.
            Sighing he gave Minoru a look over before leaving the room. Scoffing I looked back over at Minoru before getting up. Walking out the door with the other two trailing behind me. Going over to the nurses desk pulling out the cash I kept on me. "I want Hiro Minoru switched to a private room, I have the money to pay for it," I stated holding up the money.
              Nodding she quickly put in the request before I went down the hall to pay for his treatment. "For Hori Minoru he's 15, this should pay for his treatments and private room," I spoke passing the money through the slot. "And you are?" The receptionist questioned. "His legal guardian," I huffed getting a simple nod in return.
             "It's paid thank you," She spoke signaling me to leave. Sighing I walked out the door going back to my bike. Starting it up before taking off. Speeding through the streets until I came to a screeching halt back at the alleyway I was hurt in last night. "Why am I here," I whispered while getting off my bike.
          Sighing I walked down the alley seeing the broken vials along with my baton. "That's why I came," I huffed picking up my baton. Looking around one last time before going to my bike. Getting on and heading back to the club. Pulling up seeing Bito and Enari standing out front by their bikes.
           "Got my baton back," I stated as I parked. Quickly getting off and heading inside with them trailing behind me. Seeing Rocky sitting at the bar talking to Kizzy and Kaito. "How's Minoru?" He questioned as I walked by. "In the hospital resting. He's alive but the person that gave him the drugs won't be when I find them," I huffed storming up the stairs.
               Going into my room tossing my baton on the bed along with my phone, before grabbing out my gym clothes. Quickly changing into my white sports bra, light gray leggings, white sports shoes, and my pink and white hand wraps.
          Quickly heading out of my room with my white bottle, phone, gray towel, and white headphones. Going into the gym we had in the back. Putting my bottle and towel on the bench while putting my headphone on, starting my music. Sitting my phone with my things before starting my stretches and warmups.
           Once done I started training on the punching back letting all my anger out. I stayed in there working out for about two hours without stopping or being interrupted. Taking heavy breaths I fell to the ground lying on my back with my eyes closed. My towel being dropped onto me causing my eyes to snap open.
            Seeing Rocky standing there staring down at me while holding my bottle. Sighing I sat up using the towel to dry my face before hanging it over my neck. Taking off my headphones while taking my bottle. "Thanks," I stated before taking a big drink.
        "Sorry about Minoru and for upsetting you earlier," He spoke still staring down at me. "Don't be sorry it's fine. Nothing new anyways," I sighed while slowly getting up. "What do you mean nothing new?" He questioned while eyeing me.
       "You've treated me the same way ever since Enari brought me around the first time. You don't see me as a White Rascal, you see me as a woman nothing else. So until the way you see me changes you'll continue to upset me," I sighed taking another drink of water.
         "I look at you as a White Rascal," He defended. "You can't see me as a White Rascal and a woman. Cause when you see me as a woman you see me as someone you have to protect, not as a White Rascal," I stated while eyeing him.
        "But you are a woman," He deadpanned. "I know I am, but I'm a White Rascal before a woman. I go around protecting all the women in this area as much as everyone else does. But I'm the only one you keep on a leash like I'm a wounded animal you have to protect and care for. I don't need that treatment anymore. I'm not weak, I take care of myself and do my job. Sometimes the job puts me in dangerous situations but it puts everyone that's a White Rascal in a dangerous situation," I huffed.
       "Kasumi, you're different," He sighed taking a step towards me. "How exactly besides the fact I'm a woman," I sighed. "You're important to me. If you get hurt the person that hurt you will pay. I can't lose you either. If I lost you god I'd burn everything to ash just to try to get you back," He stated gently grabbing onto my arms.
        "Why though? I'm just like any other woman in your eyes aren't I?" I huffed. "No," He sighed. "Then what am I to you?! To this gang?! What the fuck am I?!" I shouted glaring up at him. "I-I can't say. It's not the right time," He sighed. Scoffing I stood there for a moment eyeing him. "Fuck you Rocky," I snapped pulling my arms from him.
            Quickly collecting my things and running out of the room. Storming passed the others as they called my name, to which I ignored. Storming into my room slamming and locking the door.

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