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A\N this story was originally being written by foxykillet32 but due to personal reasons they can't continue so they've given permission for me to write this story.

Name: Jackson Cooper
Nickname: Jack
Age: 24

Body type: Toned with muscle but feminine body shape.

Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes:Wolves,foxes,dragons,good furry's, food, tinkering with tech, guns

Dislikes:rapists, bad furry's, running out of ammo, scorched

Special Abilities:

Due to his mother's attempts of healing his radiation poisoning his body began absorbing the radiation in his body giving him unexpected abilities.

Radiation Immunity: when exposed to radiation his body neutralizes it.

Healing factor: Due to the mutations happening in his body has increased his healing ability. He can heal from minor or medium injuries in only a few minutes but can only slow down bleeding from large injuries.

Starting items.
Vault 76 Jumpsuit
Pip-Boy model 2000
Standard Backpack
Purified water
Several cans of food.
10mm pistol



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The Redeemer.  (Male Human OC x Fallout Furry harem)Where stories live. Discover now