chapter 19

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(One Last Time)

"He had a panick attack, that's what that was"

Silence filled the room, Renjun's words rested on their hearts like a heavy weight.

"We have to figure out what's going on with him, he's been restless for the past 4 days, I've never seen him like that" mumbled Jeno.

"The apartment that was caught in a fire on the news, he did that right? That's why his hand was burned, they found a corpse of a man after investigating, why did he target that man?" asked Jaemin.

"I don't want to jump into conclusions, but do you think that has to do with his family? Something triggered him perhaps"

"I don't know Chenle, but I don't think it's the case, I feel like it's something else" mumbled Haechan.

"Are you gonna talk Jisung? I know you know something" said Jeno, the younest almost jumped in his place, feeling all eyes on him, he let out a soft sigh.

"It's not my place to say anything, just do what he asks you to, don't question it, I myself found out by mistake, it's none of my business, but I've been observing him and... Mark needs our help, we should find those fuckers, we have to find that fucking base" said Jisung, mumbling the last words through gritted teeth.

The guys were about to protest, but Haechan intervened immediately, stopping them from pushing Jisung any further.

"Alright, I trust you, let's run back the cctv around town, I suggest to focus on the ones near our bases, casinos and clubs, I feel like there could be some spies lurking around us" said Haechan, the rest of Neo-D got into work immediately after.

Entering the living room, Mark felt exhausted, his body felt heavy, not to mention the massive headache he was suffering from. He immediately was met with a chorus of concerned faces.

"Mark you finally woke up" said Chenle as he walked towards him, handing him a unopened water bottle, Mark took it with no hesitation.

"What are yall doing?" he asked, a hand massaging his temple.

"Renjun just got a hold of all the cctvs around the city"

Mark's eyes snapped at the information, he instantly walked towards Renjun, who was typing on his laptop, Mark stood behind him, leaning in to stare at the screen.

"This footage? When does it start running?" asked Mark, Jeno tilted his head.

"About 10 days ago, why?"

"I need to watch from way before that" said Mark urgently, Renjun looked at him, before going back to type agressively.

"From where exactly?" asked Renjun

"21 days ago, around midnight"

That's all Renjun needed, and to no one's shock, the recording was immediately uploaded into the device, Mark widened his eyes, he snatched the laptop from the table, going to sit on one of the sofas.

"Are you suspecting something? Tell me I can help" said Renjun.

Mark looked like he was about to decline, but he suddenly stopped, he remained quiet for a couple of seconds before he scooted a little to let Renjun sit next to him, the small act made all the guys slightly widen their eyes  in surprise, Mark was the kind of guy to manage stuff alone, it was their first time seeing him accept help directly with no objections.

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