5 - Dinner Take Two and Unexpected Guests

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"Whish won oph fou gus med dis?!?! Is so gudddd" i say with my mouth full

After earning 7 confused looks, i swallow and say again "which one of you made this?!?! Its soooo goodddddd"

"That would be me...no thanks to these ungrateful slobs who only eat and don't help me in the kitchen!" and....jin started his angry rapping... "and as if that wasn't enough, they knew for a fact that i was gonna cook for you and all decided to ditch on me last minute but me being me im still letting them eat cuz they can't cook shit...be grateful..."

I laughed so hard that tears were streaming down my face. Its been quite a while since i laughed like this... i sigh softly and smile at the boys

Im pretty sure everyone picked up on me zoning out so yoongi pokes me from the side and jokes

"Princess...i know we're all handsome but you don't need to stare you know..." he smirks

"Oh please... you need a mirror, kitty..." I smirk back

"Kitty?" jungkook says softly, trying to stop himself from laughing

"Call me that and you're dead," Yoongi says with a glare at jungkook

"But you let herrr" jungkook whines

"She's different...she's not gonna stop even if i kill her...and she had too many nicknames back then too...im used to it from her mouth...not yours so just shut up and stay alive" yoongi deadpans and i laugh hard

"i missed this so muchhhh" i giggle and smile


We all finish eating and sat there for an hour just chatting about how life has been and what we all missed. After that, we all decided to turn in for the day...but i forget jetlag is a thing. I stayed in my bed for about 2 hours just tossing and turning before i headed into the living room, settled on the couch, all huddled up in a blanket and started binging movies. It was maybe around 3:00 in the morning before i actually fell asleep. Yea a bunch of movies do that to me. Im just glad the damn jetlag didn't keep me up longer. I was woken up a few hours later by...licking?

 I jolted awake and sit up to find a cute little pomerenian sitting on my lap, wagging its tail. And obviously...I did the first logical thing that came to mind.

I screamed. What? Im scared of dogs. Well...in the beginning. After that i warm up to them but this? I did not expect this in the slightest. I immediately pushed the pup off my lap and ran to the kitchen screaming. Everyone must've thought I was getting murdered or something by the way they all barged into the kitchen at once. Of course they didn't find me until they checked the large cabinet under the sink. Yeah...I know. I'm deathly scared of dogs. Get over it.

They all started bombarding me with questions like "where is he?! I'll kill him!"or "which idiot broke in?!" As if this happens on a daily basis but all I could do is point at the poor dog that was looking at me with its head tilted.

They all gave each other a look that screamed 'is she serious' and chuckled. Taehyung, after laughing his lungs out, comes over to me, pulls me out of the cabinet and kneels by my side.

"Luna...this is Yeontan...he's my pup"

What was I supposed to do about that? I just mumbled softly "it attacked me while I was sleeping...you know how scared I am of those...things"

"Luna...HE...is a little puppy...he's not gonna hurt you...I'm pretty sure you scared him like you scared the living daylights out of me and the rest of the guys by your insane screaming"

"Sorry," I mumble. Oh, no way...not in anyway shape or form was I sorry for that.

"You're not...i can see it on your face lunes..." tae says chuckling.

What can i say? He's not wrong...but then he goes and grabs the pup and brings it closer to me. By instinct, I went back into the cabinet.

Love and Lies -- P.JMWhere stories live. Discover now