Chapter 27 - The Sleepover Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Wow, very different." I replied. "I'll introduce you to the older kids."

Nick and I lead Tara, Darcy and the boys to the kitchen island where all the kids are. They spin around in the bar stools and once they see us Declan and Lucia stand up.

"So this is Declan and Lucia, they are Alec's biologically older siblings and are the best big brother and sister. We trust them and the boys will be fine with them, promise." Nick introduces them, the teenagers shake the hands of Tara and Darcy.

"Lovely to meet you guys." Declan says

"We have to get going soon so let's go over night routines." Nick says while checking his watch, they nod.

Tara starts. "The boys should go to bed at 9:15 but if possible get them down a little earlier, the car ride made them very tired. They don't have any allergies or anything, they eat everything and anything. Just the normal stuff, teeth brushing, remembering to use the bathroom before bed."

"Sounds good. We can do that." Lucia says

"For our kids." I begin. "Millie's bedtime is at 8pm and Alec's at 9:15 as well. Millie needs to wear her pull up to bed and usually has a bottle of milk to sleep. Alec needs to take his medication for his leg before he goes to bed, he knows where it is. For everyone's dinner tonight there is chicken nuggets, chips and steamed broccoli. I know you guys know how to make it so just don't burn down the house. You have our phone numbers if anything happens," I finish

"And we will pay you guys tomorrow morning, thanks again for doing this." Nick adds

"What about sleeping arrangements?" Lucia asks

"Oh yes, all the boys are in Alec's room, there are two mattresses on his floor for them with sleeping bags and pillows. Millie is in her room. We weren't sure what you guys would want but there is a guest room on the top floor and the couch." Nick says

"I'll take the couch and Lucia can have the guest room." Declan says

"Oh good, you promise you can handle this?" I ask, to be sure

"You have nothing to worry about, have fun." Declan says and I sigh in relief, they aren't nervous so I shouldn't be.

"Thank you guys for doing this, you seem like great kids." Darcy tells them and they both smile.

"It's a pleasure."

"Right well let's get going before you change your mind." Tara says with a laugh. "Come say goodbye kids!"

The kids come and I hug Alec goodbye, telling him to be good and listen. I do the same for Millie and surprisingly she doesn't cry or get upset when I tell her we are leaving.

The same can't be said for Hugo. His brother is much more open and confident in new situations so Mason has no problem hugging his mums goodbye without any issue. From what I know, Hugo is more quiet and reserved. He is holding onto Tara's arm trying to stop her from going.

"You'll be fine sweetie, we will be back tomorrow." I hear Tara say

"No stay please, mummy." Hugo presses

"Mama and I have got to go, Hugo." Tara tries again. "You'll have so much fun here okay?"

"Promise?" He mumbles

"Promise. I love you lots. Goodbye now honey."

"Okay, love you too, goodbye." Hugo eventually says. "Bye-Bye Mama." He says to Darcy

With all the kids ready, all the adults quickly leave. We hop into the Jeep, as it's our only car without car seats. Nick driving, me in the passenger and Tara and Darcy at the back.

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